541 research outputs found

    Motivating knowledge agents : can incentive pay overcome social distance?

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    This paper studies the interaction of incentive pay and social distance in the dissemination of information. We analyse theoretically as well as empirically the e ect of incentive pay when agents have pro-social objectives, but also preferences over dealing with one social group relative to another. In a randomised eld experiment undertaken across 151 villages in South India, local agents were hired to spread information about a public health insurance programme. Relative to at pay, incentive pay improves knowledge transmission to households that are socially distant from the agent, but not to households similar to the agent

    Study on Improving the Network Life Time Maximazation for Wireless Sensor Network using Cross Layer Approach

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    In recent the espousal of Wireless Sensor Networks has been broadly augmented in numerous divisions. Battery operated Sensor nodes in the wireless network accomplish main task of capturing and responding to the surroundings. The lifetime of the network depends on the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. This paper contributes the survey on how the energy consumption should be managed for maximizing the life time of network and how to improve the efficiency of Network by using Cross layer architecture. The traditional MAC Layer, Network Layer & Transport for WLAN having their own downsides just by modifying those we can achieve the network life time maximization goal. This paper represents analytical study for Energy efficiency by modifying Scheduling algorithm, by modifying traditional AODV routing algorithm for efficient packet transmission and by effectively using TCP for End to End Delivery of Data


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    The National Health Insurance Scheme (Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, RSBY) aims to improve poor people's access to quality health care in India. This paper looks at the implementation of the scheme in Karnataka, drawing on a large survey of eligible households and interviews with empanelled hospitals in the state. Six months after initiation, an impressive 85% of eligible households in the sample were aware of the scheme, and 68% had been enrolled. However, the scheme was hardly operational and utilisation was virtually zero. A large proportion of beneficiaries were yet to receive their cards, and many did not know how and where to obtain treatment under the scheme. Moreover, hospitals were not ready to treat RSBY patients. Surveyed hospitals complained of a lack of training and delays in the reimbursement of their expenses. Many were refusing to treat patients under the scheme until the issues were resolved, and others were asking cardholders to pay cash. As is typical for the implementation of a government scheme, many of the problems discussed can be related to a misalignment of incentives.

    Range safety signal propagation through the SRM exhaust plume of the space shuttle

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    Theoretical predictions of plume interference for the space shuttle range safety system by solid rocket booster exhaust plumes are reported. The signal propagation was calculated using a split operator technique based upon the Fresnel-Kirchoff integral, using fast Fourier transforms to evaluate the convolution and treating the plume as a series of absorbing and phase-changing screens. Talanov's lens transformation was applied to reduce aliasing problems caused by ray divergence

    Effect of nano- and micron-sized K0.5Na0.5NbO3 fillers on the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PVDF composites

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    Polymer nanocrystal composites were fabricated by embedding polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) with K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) nanocrystallites of different volume fraction using the hot-pressing technique. For comparison, PVDF-KNN microcrystal composites of the same compositions were also fabricated which facilitated the studies of the crystallite size (wide range) effect on the dielectric and piezoelectric properties. The structural, morphological, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of these nano and micro crystal composites were investigated. The incorporation of KNN fillers in PVDF at both nanometer and micron scales above 10 vol% resulted in the formation of polar beta-form of PVDF. The room temperature dielectric constant as high as 3273 at 100 Hz was obtained for the PVDF comprising 40 vol% KNN nanocrystallites due to dipole-dipole interactions (as the presence of beta-PVDF is prominent), whereas it was only 236 for the PVDF containing the same amount (40 vol%) of micron-sized crystallites of KNN at the same frequency. Various theoretical models were employed to predict the dielectric constants of the PVDF-KNN nano and micro crystal composites. The PVDF comprising 70 vol% micron-sized crystallites of KNN exhibited a d (33) value of 35 pC/N, while the nanocrystal composites of PVDF-KNN did not exhibit any piezoelectric response perhaps due to the unrelieved internal stress within each grain, besides the fact that they have less domain walls

    Implementing health insurance for the poor: the rollout of RSBY in Karnataka

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    The National Health Insurance Scheme (Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, RSBY) aims to improve poor people’s access to quality health care in India. This paper looks at the implementation of the scheme in Karnataka, drawing on a large survey of eligible households and interviews with empanelled hospitals in the state. Six months after initiation, an impressive 85% of eligible households in the sample were aware of the scheme, and 68% had been enrolled. However, the scheme was hardly operational and utilisation was virtually zero. A large proportion of beneficiaries were yet to receive their cards, and many did not know how and where to obtain treatment under the scheme. Moreover, hospitals were not ready to treat RSBY patients. Surveyed hospitals complained of a lack of training and delays in the reimbursement of their expenses. Many were refusing to treat patients under the scheme until the issues were resolved, and others were asking cardholders to pay cash. As is typical for the implementation of a government scheme, many of the problems discussed can be related to a misalignment of incentives

    Identification of lunar volcanic tubes, a potential site for human settlement using 3D Chandrayaan-1 TMC data

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    Prospective, randomized double blind comparative study of safety and efficacy of carvedilol versus atenolol in patients of mild to moderate hypertension

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    Background: Carvedilol is a new cardiovascular compound with the combined pharmacologic properties of nonselective ß-blockade and vasodilation. The Aim of the study was to compare the safety and antihypertensive efficacy of 25mg Carvedilol once daily with 50mg atenolol once daily in patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension.Methods: This was a single center study conducted in Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada. 80 eligible patients with mild to moderate hypertension were randomized to receive 25mg Carvedilol once daily (40 patients) or 50mg atenolol (40 patients) in a double-blind 12-week treatment phase. At each visit 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment, sitting Blood Pressure (BP) and heart rate were measured. The effect on BP reduction within the group is compared by paired “t”test and the effect on reduction of BP between two study groups compared by unpaired “t”test.Results: After 12 weeks of treatment, the mean reduction of SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure) with carvedilol is 22.33±8.31mmHg with no Significant difference (p >0.05) compared to atenolol group mean reduction in SBP of 21.37±10mm Hg. The mean reduction in DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure) after completion of the study in carvedilol group is 6.75±4.82mm Hg with no Significant difference (p >0.05) compared to atenolol group mean reduction in DBP of 8.55±5.25mm Hg. No significant difference seen in the efficacy parameters of both the drugs. The incidence of adverse effects such as bradycardia, headache, nausea, vomiting, hypotension and rash is less with carvedilol.Conclusions: In patients with mild to moderate hypertension, there was no statistically significant difference between efficacy of carvedilol or atenolol with regard to the degree of reduction in BP or the percentage of patients achieving a response to therapy but carvedilol showed a better safety profile when compared to atenolol