503 research outputs found

    Casimir force between sharp-shaped conductors

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    Casimir forces between conductors at the sub-micron scale cannot be ignored in the design and operation of micro-electromechanical (MEM) devices. However, these forces depend non-trivially on geometry, and existing formulae and approximations cannot deal with realistic micro-machinery components with sharp edges and tips. Here, we employ a novel approach to electromagnetic scattering, appropriate to perfect conductors with sharp edges and tips, specifically to wedges and cones. The interaction of these objects with a metal plate (and among themselves) is then computed systematically by a multiple-scattering series. For the wedge, we obtain analytical expressions for the interaction with a plate, as functions of opening angle and tilt, which should provide a particularly useful tool for the design of MEMs. Our result for the Casimir interactions between conducting cones and plates applies directly to the force on the tip of a scanning tunneling probe; the unexpectedly large temperature dependence of the force in these configurations should attract immediate experimental interest

    Geometry and material effects in Casimir physics - Scattering theory

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    We give a comprehensive presentation of methods for calculating the Casimir force to arbitrary accuracy, for any number of objects, arbitrary shapes, susceptibility functions, and separations. The technique is applicable to objects immersed in media other than vacuum, to nonzero temperatures, and to spatial arrangements in which one object is enclosed in another. Our method combines each object's classical electromagnetic scattering amplitude with universal translation matrices, which convert between the bases used to calculate scattering for each object, but are otherwise independent of the details of the individual objects. This approach, which combines methods of statistical physics and scattering theory, is well suited to analyze many diverse phenomena. We illustrate its power and versatility by a number of examples, which show how the interplay of geometry and material properties helps to understand and control Casimir forces. We also examine whether electrodynamic Casimir forces can lead to stable levitation. Neglecting permeabilities, we prove that any equilibrium position of objects subject to such forces is unstable if the permittivities of all objects are higher or lower than that of the enveloping medium; the former being the generic case for ordinary materials in vacuum.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figures, to appear in upcoming Lecture Notes in Physics volume in Casimir physic

    Casimir forces between arbitrary compact objects: Scalar and electromagnetic field

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    We develop an exact method for computing the Casimir energy between arbitrary compact objects, both with boundary conditions for a scalar field and dielectrics or perfect conductors for the electromagnetic field. The energy is obtained as an interaction between multipoles, generated by quantum source or current fluctuations. The objects' shape and composition enter only through their scattering matrices. The result is exact when all multipoles are included, and converges rapidly. A low frequency expansion yields the energy as a series in the ratio of the objects' size to their separation. As examples, we obtain this series for two spheres with Robin boundary conditions for a scalar field and dielectric spheres for the electromagnetic field. The full interaction at all separations is obtained for spheres with Robin boundary conditions and for perfectly conducting spheres.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, contribution to QFEXT07 proceeding

    Fluctuation induced quantum interactions between compact objects and a plane mirror

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    The interaction of compact objects with an infinitely extended mirror plane due to quantum fluctuations of a scalar or electromagnetic field that scatters off the objects is studied. The mirror plane is assumed to obey either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions or to be perfectly reflecting. Using the method of images, we generalize a recently developed approach for compact objects in unbounded space [1,2] to show that the Casimir interaction between the objects and the mirror plane can be accurately obtained over a wide range of separations in terms of charge and current fluctuations of the objects and their images. Our general result for the interaction depends only on the scattering matrices of the compact objects. It applies to scalar fields with arbitrary boundary conditions and to the electromagnetic field coupled to dielectric objects. For the experimentally important electromagnetic Casimir interaction between a perfectly conducting sphere and a plane mirror we present the first results that apply at all separations. We obtain both an asymptotic large distance expansion and the two lowest order correction terms to the proximity force approximation. The asymptotic Casimir-Polder potential for an atom and a mirror is generalized to describe the interaction between a dielectric sphere and a mirror, involving higher order multipole polarizabilities that are important at sub-asymptotic distances.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    On the accuracy of the PFA: analogies between Casimir and electrostatic forces

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    We present an overview of the validity of the Proximity Force Approximation (PFA) in the calculation of Casimir forces between perfect conductors for different geometries, with particular emphasis for the configuration of a cylinder in front of a plane. In all cases we compare the exact numerical results with those of PFA, and with asymptotic expansions that include the next to leading order corrections. We also discuss the similarities and differences between the results for Casimir and electrostatic forces.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the meeting "60 years of Casimir effect", Brasilia, 200

    Vacuum local and global electromagnetic self-energies for a point-like and an extended field source

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    We consider the electric and magnetic energy densities (or equivalently field fluctuations) in the space around a point-like field source in its ground state, after having subtracted the spatially uniform zero-point energy terms, and discuss the problem of their singular behavior at the source's position. We show that the assumption of a point-like source leads, for a simple Hamiltonian model of the interaction of the source with the electromagnetic radiation field, to a divergence of the renormalized electric and magnetic energy density at the position of the source. We analyze in detail the mathematical structure of such singularity in terms of a delta function and its derivatives. We also show that an appropriate consideration of these singular terms solves an apparent inconsistency between the total field energy and the space integral of its density. Thus the finite field energy stored in these singular terms gives an important contribution to the self-energy of the source. We then consider the case of an extended source, smeared out over a finite volume and described by an appropriate form factor. We show that in this case all divergences in local quantities such as the electric and the magnetic energy density, as well as any inconsistency between global and space-integrated local self-energies, disappear.Comment: 8 pages. The final publication is available at link.springer.co

    Casimir forces on a silicon micromechanical chip

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    Quantum fluctuations give rise to van der Waals and Casimir forces that dominate the interaction between electrically neutral objects at sub-micron separations. Under the trend of miniaturization, such quantum electrodynamical effects are expected to play an important role in micro- and nano-mechanical devices. Nevertheless, utilization of Casimir forces on the chip level remains a major challenge because all experiments so far require an external object to be manually positioned close to the mechanical element. Here, by integrating a force-sensing micromechanical beam and an electrostatic actuator on a single chip, we demonstrate the Casimir effect between two micromachined silicon components on the same substrate. A high degree of parallelism between the two near-planar interacting surfaces can be achieved because they are defined in a single lithographic step. Apart from providing a compact platform for Casimir force measurements, this scheme also opens the possibility of tailoring the Casimir force using lithographically defined components of non-conventional shapes

    Nonmonotonic effects of parallel sidewalls on Casimir forces between cylinders

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    We analyze the Casimir force between two parallel infinite metal cylinders, with nearby metal plates (sidewalls), using complementary methods for mutual confirmation. The attractive force between cylinders is shown to have a nonmonotonic dependence on the separation to the plates. This intrinsically multi-body phenomenon, which occurs with either one or two sidewalls (generalizing an earlier result for squares between two sidewalls), does not follow from any simple two-body force description. We can, however, explain the nonmonotonicity by considering the screening (enhancement) of the interactions by the fluctuating charges (currents) on the two cylinders, and their images on the nearby plate(s). Furthermore, we show that this effect also implies a nonmonotonic dependence of the cylinder-plate force on the cylinder-cylinder separation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure