522 research outputs found

    The Adriatic response to the bora forcing: a numerical study

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    Thispap er dealswith the bora wind effect on the Adriatic Sea circulation ass imulated by a 3-D numerical code (the DieCAST model). The main result of this forcing is the formation of intense upwellings along the eastern coast in agreement with previous theoretical studies and observations. Different numerical experiments are discussed for various boundary and initial conditions to evaluate their influence on both circulation and upwelling patterns

    Flows on Graphs with Random Capacities

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    We investigate flows on graphs whose links have random capacities. For binary trees we derive the probability distribution for the maximal flow from the root to a leaf, and show that for infinite trees it vanishes beyond a certain threshold that depends on the distribution of capacities. We then examine the maximal total flux from the root to the leaves. Our methods generalize to simple graphs with loops, e.g., to hierarchical lattices and to complete graphs.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    On the dynamical conditions concomitant with the bottom anoxia in the Northern Adriatic Sea: A numerical case study for the 1977 event

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    The aim of the present investigation is to explain the dramatic phenomenon of anoxia/hypoxia waters observed in the Northern Adriatic Sea during August 1977 by using the data collected in the DINAS 2 oceanographic campaign and modelling them by means of a three-dimensional numerical model for the Whole basin. The model has been forced with ECMWF surface reanalysis data—wind stress, heat fluxes and river discharges. The main result lies in the high temporal and spatial correlation between the observed anoxia areas and the centres of anticyclonic circulation produced by the model. Further investigations seem to be necessary for a better matching between observed and simulated thermohaline fields

    Replicating the Disease framing problem during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic : A study of stress, worry, trust, and choice under risk

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    In the risky-choice framing effect, different wording of the same options leads to predictably different choices. In a large-scale survey conducted from March to May 2020 and including 88,181 participants from 47 countries, we investigated how stress, concerns, and trust moderated the effect in the Disease problem, a prominent framing problem highly evocative of the COVID-19 pandemic. As predicted by the appraisal-tendency framework, risk aversion and the framing effect in our study were larger than under typical circumstances. Furthermore, perceived stress and concerns over coronavirus were positively associated with the framing effect. Contrary to predictions, however, they were not related to risk aversion. Trust in the government’s efforts to handle the coronavirus was associated with neither risk aversion nor the framing effect. The proportion of risky choices and the framing effect varied substantially across nations. Additional exploratory analyses showed that the framing effect was unrelated to reported compliance with safety measures, suggesting, along with similar findings during the pandemic and beyond, that the effectiveness of framing manipulations in public messages might be limited. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, along with directions for further investigations

    Statistical Consequences of Devroye Inequality for Processes. Applications to a Class of Non-Uniformly Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems

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    In this paper, we apply Devroye inequality to study various statistical estimators and fluctuations of observables for processes. Most of these observables are suggested by dynamical systems. These applications concern the co-variance function, the integrated periodogram, the correlation dimension, the kernel density estimator, the speed of convergence of empirical measure, the shadowing property and the almost-sure central limit theorem. We proved in \cite{CCS} that Devroye inequality holds for a class of non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems introduced in \cite{young}. In the second appendix we prove that, if the decay of correlations holds with a common rate for all pairs of functions, then it holds uniformly in the function spaces. In the last appendix we prove that for the subclass of one-dimensional systems studied in \cite{young} the density of the absolutely continuous invariant measure belongs to a Besov space.Comment: 33 pages; companion of the paper math.DS/0412166; corrected version; to appear in Nonlinearit

    Multivariate Copula Analysis Toolbox (MvCAT): Describing Dependence and Underlying Uncertainty Using a Bayesian Framework

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    We present a newly developed Multivariate Copula Analysis Toolbox (MvCAT) which includes a wide range of copula families with different levels of complexity. MvCAT employs a Bayesian framework with a residual-based Gaussian likelihood function for inferring copula parameters and estimating the underlying uncertainties. The contribution of this paper is threefold: (a) providing a Bayesian framework to approximate the predictive uncertainties of fitted copulas, (b) introducing a hybrid-evolution Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach designed for numerical estimation of the posterior distribution of copula parameters, and (c) enabling the community to explore a wide range of copulas and evaluate them relative to the fitting uncertainties. We show that the commonly used local optimization methods for copula parameter estimation often get trapped in local minima. The proposed method, however, addresses this limitation and improves describing the dependence structure. MvCAT also enables evaluation of uncertainties relative to the length of record, which is fundamental to a wide range of applications such as multivariate frequency analysis

    Evolutionary multi-stage financial scenario tree generation

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    Multi-stage financial decision optimization under uncertainty depends on a careful numerical approximation of the underlying stochastic process, which describes the future returns of the selected assets or asset categories. Various approaches towards an optimal generation of discrete-time, discrete-state approximations (represented as scenario trees) have been suggested in the literature. In this paper, a new evolutionary algorithm to create scenario trees for multi-stage financial optimization models will be presented. Numerical results and implementation details conclude the paper

    The structures of Hausdorff metric in non-Archimedean spaces

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    For non-Archimedean spaces X X and Y, Y, let M♭(X),M(V→W) \mathcal{M}_{\flat } (X), \mathfrak{M}(V \rightarrow W) and D♭(X,Y) \mathfrak{D}_{\flat }(X, Y) be the ballean of X X (the family of the balls in X X ), the space of mappings from X X to Y, Y, and the space of mappings from the ballen of X X to Y, Y, respectively. By studying explicitly the Hausdorff metric structures related to these spaces, we construct several families of new metric structures (e.g., ρ^u,ÎČ^X,Yλ,ÎČ^X,Y∗λ \widehat{\rho } _{u}, \widehat{\beta }_{X, Y}^{\lambda }, \widehat{\beta }_{X, Y}^{\ast \lambda } ) on the corresponding spaces, and study their convergence, structural relation, law of variation in the variable λ, \lambda, including some normed algebra structure. To some extent, the class ÎČ^X,Yλ \widehat{\beta }_{X, Y}^{\lambda } is a counterpart of the usual Levy-Prohorov metric in the probability measure spaces, but it behaves very differently, and is interesting in itself. Moreover, when X X is compact and Y=K Y = K is a complete non-Archimedean field, we construct and study a Dudly type metric of the space of K− K-valued measures on X. X. Comment: 43 pages; this is the final version. Thanks to the anonymous referee's helpful comments, the original Theorem 2.10 is removed, Proposition 2.10 is stated now in a stronger form, the abstact is rewritten, the Monna-Springer is used in Section 5, and Theorem 5.2 is written in a more general for

    Budget projections and clinical impact of an immuno-oncology class of treatments: Experience in four EU markets

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    Background Immunotherapies have revolutionized oncology, but their rapid expansion may potentially put healthcare budgets under strain. We developed an approach to reduce demand uncertainty and inform decision makers and payers of the potential health outcomes and budget impact of the anti-PD-1/PD-L1 class of immuno-oncology (IO) treatments. Methods We used partitioned survival modelling and budget impact analysis to estimate overall survival, progression-free survival, life years gained (LYG), and number of adverse events (AEs), comparing “worlds with and without” anti-PD-1/PD-L1s over five years. The cancer types initially included melanoma, first and second line non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), bladder, head and neck, renal cell carcinoma, and triple negative breast cancer [1]. Inputs were based on publicly available data, literature, and expert advice. Results The model [2] estimated budget and health impact of the anti-PD-1/PD-L1s and projected that between 2018−2022 the class [3] would have a manageable economic impact per year, compared to the current standard of care (SOC). The first country adaptations showed that for that period Belgium would save around 11,100 additional life years and avoid 6,100 AEs. Slovenia - 1,470 LYGs and 870 AEs avoided; Austria - respectively 4,200, 3,000; Italy – 19,800, 6,800. For Austria, the class had a projected share of about 4.5 % of the cancer care budget and 0.4 % of the total 2020 healthcare budget. For Belgium, Slovenia, and Italy - respectively 15.1 % and 1.1 %, 12.6 %, 0.6 %, and 6.5 %, 0.5 %. Conclusion The Health Impact Projection (HIP) is a horizon scanning model designed to estimate the potential budget and health impact of the PD-(L)1 inhibitor class at a country level for the next five years. It provides valuable data to payers which they can use to support their reimbursement plans

    Brownian markets

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    Financial market dynamics is rigorously studied via the exact generalized Langevin equation. Assuming market Brownian self-similarity, the market return rate memory and autocorrelation functions are derived, which exhibit an oscillatory-decaying behavior with a long-time tail, similar to empirical observations. Individual stocks are also described via the generalized Langevin equation. They are classified by their relation to the market memory as heavy, neutral and light stocks, possessing different kinds of autocorrelation functions
