44 research outputs found


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    Since the 1990s, Albania has aimed to introduce democratic values into its legislation. This process can come to fruition only by the recognition and protection of private property. As a result, a new Civil Code was enacted at the beginning of the 1990s through intensive collaboration between Albanian and foreign scholars. Book II of the Albanian Civil Code of 1994 highlights the importance of private property. This book fills the gap in the national and international scientific literature since there is no scientific contribution written in English that examines the development of the Albanian law of property showing the similarities and differences between the Albanian and the Italian civil codes. Another novelty rests on its identification of the rules of the Albanian Civil Codes of 1929 and of 1982 that regulate the various legal institutional parts of the property law. Furthermore, this research summarizes the EU impact on Albanian property law by examining the differences between the legal institutions established at the supranational level such as Dir. 2014/60/EU, Dir. 2008/122/EC, Dir. 1346/2000/EC, and Reg. 2015/848 with the current Albanian system. In the conclusions, this research demonstrates that the Albanian law of property of 1994 is similar, sometimes identical, to the rules established in the Italian Civil Code of 1942

    The role of Legal Proxies in End-of-Life Decisions in Albania: the need for an ad hoc Law

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    Western European public policy includes end-of-life situations. Ergo, an in-depth investigation here analyzes the Albanian legislature relating to end-of-life decisions by concentrating on the role of legal proxy in end-of-life decisions. This paper explores the Albanian legal system, national medical jurisprudence, with special attention paid to the Code of Medical Ethics. Also included are publications written by the two main advisory public bodies on health issues: the National Ethics Committee and the National Committee of Health. Following a discussion of the fundamental role of a legal proxy in end-of-life decisions, and taking into account the experience of some Western European countries, some policy suggestions become clear. In the conclusion, this paper emphasizes the need for ad hoc legislature to establish the role of legal proxy in end-of-life decisions as well as the utilization of the international framework as a source of guidance to address the shortcomings in the national system in the interim

    Convivenza e filiazione. I rapporti

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    L’opera fornisce un inquadramento complessivo delle caratteristiche e modalità in cui si dipanano i rapporti di filiazione nell’ambito delle unioni di fatto. L’Autore, in particolare, offre una valutazione dei principali contesti giuridici e sociologici di recente emersione che sottolineano la rilevanza e la delicatezza del tema: affido condiviso, famiglie ricomposte, potestà genitoriale, adozione, procreazione medicalmente assistita, cognome