3,343 research outputs found

    Dipolar ground state of planar spins on triangular lattices

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    An infinite triangular lattice of classical dipolar spins is usually considered to have a ferromagnetic ground state. We examine the validity of this statement for finite lattices and in the limit of large lattices. We find that the ground state of rectangular arrays is strongly dependent on size and aspect ratio. Three results emerge that are significant for understanding the ground state properties: i) formation of domain walls is energetically favored for aspect ratios below a critical valu e; ii) the vortex state is always energetically favored in the thermodynamic limit of an infinite number of spins, but nevertheless such a configuration may not be observed even in very large lattices if the aspect ratio is large; iii) finite range approximations to actual dipole sums may not provide the correct ground sta te configuration because the ferromagnetic state is linearly unstable and the domain wall energy is negative for any finite range cutoff.Comment: Several short parts have been rewritten. Accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum criticality of dipolar spin chains

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    We show that a chain of Heisenberg spins interacting with long-range dipolar forces in a magnetic field h perpendicular to the chain exhibits a quantum critical point belonging to the two-dimensional Ising universality class. Within linear spin-wave theory the magnon dispersion for small momenta k is [Delta^2 + v_k^2 k^2]^{1/2}, where Delta^2 \propto |h - h_c| and v_k^2 \propto |ln k|. For fields close to h_c linear spin-wave theory breaks down and we investigate the system using density-matrix and functional renormalization group methods. The Ginzburg regime where non-Gaussian fluctuations are important is found to be rather narrow on the ordered side of the transition, and very broad on the disordered side.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Spin Diffusion in Double-Exchange Manganites

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    The theoretical study of spin diffusion in double-exchange magnets by means of dynamical mean-field theory is presented. We demonstrate that the spin-diffusion coefficient becomes independent of the Hund's coupling JH in the range of parameters JH*S >> W >> T, W being the bandwidth, relevant to colossal magnetoresistive manganites in the metallic part of their phase diagram. Our study reveals a close correspondence as well as some counterintuitive differences between the results on Bethe and hypercubic lattices. Our results are in accord with neutron scattering data and with previous theoretical work for high temperatures.Comment: 4.0 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX 4, replaced with the published versio

    Nonequilibrium orbital magnetization of strongly localized electrons

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    The magnetic response of strongly localized electrons to a time-dependent vector potential is considered. The orbital magnetic moment of the system, away from steady-state conditions, is obtained. The expression involves the tunneling and phonon-assisted hopping currents between localized states. The frequency and temperature dependence of the orbital magnetization is analyzed as function of the admittances connecting localized levels. It is shown that quantum interference of the localized wave functions contributes to the moment a term which follows adiabatically the time-dependent perturbation.Comment: RevTeX 3.

    Modified spin-wave theory with ordering vector optimization I: frustrated bosons on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice

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    We investigate a system of frustrated hardcore bosons, modeled by an XY antiferromagnet on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice, using Takahashi's modified spin-wave (MSW) theory. In particular we implement ordering vector optimization on the ordered reference state of MSW theory, which leads to significant improvement of the theory and accounts for quantum corrections to the classically ordered state. The MSW results at zero temperature compare favorably to exact diagonalization (ED) and projected entangled-pair state (PEPS) calculations. The resulting zero-temperature phase diagram includes a 1D quasi-ordered phase, a 2D Neel ordered phase, and a 2D spiraling ordered phase. We have strong indications that the various ordered or quasi-ordered phases are separated by spin-liquid phases with short-range correlations, in analogy to what has been predicted for the Heisenberg model on the same lattice. Within MSW theory we also explore the finite-temperature phase diagram. We find that the zero-temperature long-range-ordered phases turn into quasi-ordered phases (up to a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature), while zero-temperature quasi-ordered phases become short-range correlated at finite temperature. These results show that modified spin-wave theory is very well suited for describing ordered and quasi-ordered phases of frustrated XY spins (or, equivalently, of frustrated lattice bosons) both at zero and finite temperatures. While MSW theory, just as other theoretical methods, cannot describe spin-liquid phases, its breakdown provides a fast method for singling out Hamiltonians which may feature these intriguing quantum phases. We thus suggest a tool for guiding our search for interesting systems whose properties are necessarily studied with a physical quantum simulator.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figure

    Spin diffusion and relaxation in three-dimensional isotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    A theory is proposed for kinetic effects in isotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets at temperatures above the Neel point. A metod based on the analysis of a set of Feynman diagrams for the kinetic coefficients is developed for studying the critical dynamics. The scaling behavior of the generalized coefficient of spin diffusion and relaxation constant in the paramagnetic phase is studied in terms of the approximation of coupling modes. It is shown that the kinetic coefficients in an antiferromagnetic system are singular in the fluctuation region. The corresponding critical indices for diffusion and relaxation processes are calculated. The scaling dimensionality of the kinetic coefficients agrees with the predictions of dynamic scaling theory and a renormalization group analysis. The proposed theory can be used to study the momentum and frequency dependence of the kinetic parameters, and to determine the form of the scaling functions. The role of nonlocal correlations and spin-liquid effects in magnetic systems is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 3 EPS figures include

    Damping of spin waves and singularity of the longitudinal modes in the dipolar critical regime of the Heisenberg-ferromagnet EuS

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    By inelastic scattering of polarized neutrons near the (200)-Bragg reflection, the susceptibilities and linewidths of the spin waves and the longitudinal spin fluctuations were determined separately. By aligning the momentum transfers q perpendicular to both \delta S_sw and the spontaneous magnetization M_s, we explored the statics and dynamics of these modes with transverse polarizations with respect to q. In the dipolar critical regime, where the inverse correlation length kappa_z(T) and q are smaller than the dipolar wavenumber q_d, we observe:(i) the static susceptibility of \delta S_sw^T(q) displays the Goldstone divergence while for \delta S_z^T(q) the Ornstein-Zernicke shape fits the data with a possible indication of a thermal(mass-)renormalization at the smallest q-values, i.e. we find indications for the predicted 1/q divergence of the longitudinal susceptibility; (ii) the spin wave dispersion as predicted by the Holstein-Primakoff theory revealing q_d=0.23(1)\AA^{-1}in good agreement with previous work in the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic regime of EuS; (iii) within experimental error, the (Lorentzian) linewidths of both modes turn out to be identical with respect to the q^2-variation, the temperature independence and the absolute magnitude. Due to the linear dispersion of the spin waves they remain underdamped for q<q_d. These central results differ significantly from the well known exchange dominated critical dynamics, but are quantitatively explained in terms of dynamical scaling and existing data for T>=T_C. The available mode-mode coupling theory, which takes the dipolar interactions fully into account, describes the gross features of the linewidths but not all details of the T- and q-dependencies. PACS: 68.35.Rh, 75.40.GbComment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Single Hole Green's Functions in Insulating Copper Oxides at Nonzero Temperature

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    We consider the single hole dynamics in a modified tJt-J model at finite temperature. The modified model includes a next nearest (tt') and next-next nearest (tt'') hopping. The model has been considered before in the zero temperature limit to explain angle resolved photo-emission measurements. We extend this consideration to the case of finite temperature where long-range anti-ferromagnetic order is destroyed, using the self-consistent Born approximation. The Dyson equation which relates the single hole Green's functions for a fixed pseudo-spin and for fixed spin is derived. The Green's function with fixed pseudo-spin is infrared stable but the Green's function with fixed spin is close to an infrared divergency. We demonstrate how to renormalize this Green's function in order to assure numerical convergence. At non-zero temperature the quasi-particle peaks are found to shift down in energy and to be broadened.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 5 Postscript figure

    In-plane dipole coupling anisotropy of a square ferromagnetic Heisenberg monolayer

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    In this study we calculate the dipole-coupling-induced quartic in-plane anisotropy of a square ferromagnetic Heisenberg monolayer. This anisotropy increases with an increasing temperature, reaching its maximum value close to the Curie temperature of the system. At T=0 the system is isotropic, besides a small remaining anisotropy due to the zero-point motion of quantum mechanical spins. The reason for the dipole-coupling-induced anisotropy is the disturbance of the square spin lattice due to thermal fluctuations ('order-by-disorder' effect). For usual ferromagnets its strength is small as compared to other anisotropic contributions, and decreases by application of an external magnetic field. The results are obtained from a Heisenberg Hamiltonian by application of a mean field approach for a spin cluster, as well as from a many-body Green's function theory within the Tyablikov-decoupling (RPA).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in RP

    Anisotropic susceptibility of ferromagnetic ultrathin Co films on vicinal Cu

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    We measure the magnetic susceptibility of ultrathin Co films with an in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy grown on a vicinal Cu substrate. Above the Curie temperature the influence of the magnetic anisotropy can be investigated by means of the parallel and transverse susceptibilities along the easy and hard axes. By comparison with a theoretical analysis of the susceptibilities we determine the isotropic exchange interaction and the magnetic anisotropy. These calculations are performed in the framework of a Heisenberg model by means of a many-body Green's function method, since collective magnetic excitations are very important in two-dimensional magnets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure