88 research outputs found

    Decoherence in trapped ions due to polarization of the residual background gas

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    We investigate the mechanism of damping and heating of trapped ions associated with the polarization of the residual background gas induced by the oscillating ions themselves. Reasoning by analogy with the physics of surface electrons in liquid helium, we demonstrate that the decay of Rabi oscillations observed in experiments on 9Be+ can be attributed to the polarization phenomena investigated here. The measured sensitivity of the damping of Rabi oscillations with respect to the vibrational quantum number of a trapped ion is also predicted in our polarization model.Comment: 26 pdf pages with 5 figures, http://www.df.ufscar.br/~quantum

    Soil conditions and evolution of aluminium resistance among cultivated and wild plant species on the Island of Madeira

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    Soil samples collected from different soil formations throughout the Island of Madeira were analysed for pH, aluminium (Al) and organic matter content. On average, the Madeira soils appeared to be acid with a mean pH of 5.01, containing 0.79 cmol/kg of ionic Al and 3.02% organic matter, which may create favourable conditions for the development of Al resistance among plant species inhabiting the island. Six plant species were evaluated for their resistance to Al using the erichrome cyanine R tests: three agricultural species including wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum turgidum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) and three wild species from the genus Sinapidendron. Profound differences in adaptation to local edaphic parameters (Al content, acidity, organic matter, altitude) between cultivated and wild species were observed. Comparison of the distribution patterns of the cultivated and wild species on the island may indicate that the anthropogenic activities played a pivotal role in the development of enhanced Al resistance among the cultivated species, while edaphic conditions seem to be a secondary factor.Acknowledgements are due to Dr. Gregory J. Taylor for hosting and providing guidance to TMM dos Santos, to Dr. Neil S. Harris for the GEOCHEM analysis, and to Dr. Anthony Anyia for his help with statistical analyses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Holographic Reconstruction and Renormalization in Asymptotically Ricci-flat Spacetimes

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    In this work we elaborate on an extension of the AdS/CFT framework to a subclass of gravitational theories with vanishing cosmological constant. By building on earlier ideas, we construct a correspondence between Ricci-flat spacetimes admitting asymptotically hyperbolic hypersurfaces and a family of conformal field theories on a codimension two manifold at null infinity. By truncating the gravity theory to the pure gravitational sector, we find the most general spacetime asymptotics, renormalize the gravitational action, reproduce the holographic stress tensors and Ward identities of the family of CFTs and show how the asymptotics is mapped to and reconstructed from conformal field theory data. In even dimensions, the holographic Weyl anomalies identify the bulk time coordinate with the spectrum of central charges with characteristic length the bulk Planck length. Consistency with locality in the bulk time direction requires a notion of locality in this spectrum.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor changes in section

    Holographic flows to IR Lifshitz spacetimes

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    Recently we studied `vanishing' horizon limits of `boosted' black D3-brane geometry \cite{hsnr}. The type IIB solutions obtained by taking these special double limits were found to describe nonrelativistic Lifshitz spacetimes at zero temperature. In the present work we study these limits for TsT black-hole solutions which include BB-field. The new Galilean solutions describe a holographic RG flow from Schr\"odinger (a=2a=2) spacetime in UV to a Lifshitz universe (a=3a=3) in the IR.Comment: 10 pages; v2: A bad typo in eq.8 corrected; v3: Discussion and reference on Kaigorodov spaces included, correction in sec-3, to be published in JHE

    Constructing Lifshitz solutions from AdS

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    Under general assumptions, we show that a gravitational theory in d+1 dimensions admitting an AdS solution can be reduced to a d-dimensional theory containing a Lifshitz solution with dynamical exponent z=2. Working in a d=4, N=2 supergravity setup, we prove that if the AdS background is N=2 supersymmetric, then the Lifshitz geometry preserves 1/4 of the supercharges, and we construct the corresponding Killing spinors. We illustrate these results in examples from supersymmetric consistent truncations of type IIB supergravity, enhancing the class of known 4-dimensional Lifshitz solutions of string theory. As a byproduct, we find a new AdS4 x S1 x T(1,1) solution of type IIB.Comment: 29 pages, no figures; v2 minor corrections, a reference adde

    Holography for chiral scale-invariant models

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    Deformation of any d-dimensional conformal field theory by a constant null source for a vector operator of dimension (d + z -1) is exactly marginal with respect to anisotropic scale invariance, of dynamical exponent z. The holographic duals to such deformations are AdS plane waves, with z=2 being the Schrodinger geometry. In this paper we explore holography for such chiral scale-invariant models. The special case of z=0 can be realized with gravity coupled to a scalar, and is of particular interest since it is related to a Lifshitz theory with dynamical exponent two upon dimensional reduction. We show however that the corresponding reduction of the dual field theory is along a null circle, and thus the Lifshitz theory arises upon discrete light cone quantization of an anisotropic scale invariant field theory.Comment: 62 pages; v2, published version, minor improvements and references adde

    Universality and exactness of Schrodinger geometries in string and M-theory

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    We propose an organizing principle for classifying and constructing Schrodinger-invariant solutions within string theory and M-theory, based on the idea that such solutions represent nonlinear completions of linearized vector and graviton Kaluza-Klein excitations of AdS compactifications. A crucial simplification, derived from the symmetry of AdS, is that the nonlinearities appear only quadratically. Accordingly, every AdS vacuum admits infinite families of Schrodinger deformations parameterized by the dynamical exponent z. We exhibit the ease of finding these solutions by presenting three new constructions: two from M5 branes, both wrapped and extended, and one from the D1-D5 (and S-dual F1-NS5) system. From the boundary perspective, perturbing a CFT by a null vector operator can lead to nonzero beta-functions for spin-2 operators; however, symmetry restricts them to be at most quadratic in couplings. This point of view also allows us to easily prove nonrenormalization theorems: for any Sch(z) solution of two-derivative supergravity constructed in the above manner, z is uncorrected to all orders in higher derivative corrections if the deforming KK mode lies in a short multiplet of an AdS supergroup. Furthermore, we find infinite classes of 1/4 BPS solutions with 4-,5- and 7-dimensional Schrodinger symmetry that are exact.Comment: 31 pages, plus appendices; v2, minor corrections, added refs, slight change in interpretation in section 2.3, new Schrodinger and Lifshitz solutions included; v3, clarifications in sections 2 and 3 regarding existence of solutions and multi-trace operator

    Phenolic and furanic compounds of Portuguese chestnut and French, American and Portuguese oak wood chips

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    Botanical species used on aging process must be wisely and judiciously chosen, and for this selection, a basic knowledge of the chemical composition of woods is warranted. Aiming to contribute to extend the knowledge of the chemical composition of several wood species useful for enological purposes, we have focused our studies on Portuguese chestnut and French, American and Portuguese oak chips. The profile of low molecular weight phenolic composition of these chips was achieved, using an optimized extraction method based on pressurized liquid extraction, followed by the quantification of phenolic acids, phenolic aldehydes and furanic derivatives by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD). The identification of those compounds was also confirmed by LC-DAD/ESI-MS. This study allowed the determination of the low molecular phenolic composition of Portuguese chestnut and French, American and Portuguese oak wood. According to our results, the influence of the botanical species seems to be more relevant than the geographic origin of the wood species