128 research outputs found

    Recovering bioenergy in Sub-Saharan Africa: gender dimensions, lessons and challenges

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    There is a strong link between gender and energy in view of food preparation and the acquisition of fuel, especially in rural areas. This is demonstrated in a range of case studies from East and West Africa, where biochar, human waste and other waste resources have been used to produce briquettes or biogas as additional high-quality fuel sources. The synthesis of the cases concludes that resource recovery and reuse for energy offers an alternative to conventional centralized grid projects which, while attractive to investors and large-scale enterprises, do not necessarily provide job opportunities for marginalized communities. Reusing locally available waste materials for energy production and as soil ameliorant (in the case of biochar) in small enterprises allows women and youth who lack business capital to begin modest, locally viable businesses. The case studies offer concrete examples of small-scale solutions to energy poverty that can make a significant difference to the lives of women and their communities

    The Dalradian rocks of Scotland: an introduction

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    The Dalradian Supergroup and its basement rocks, together with younger plutons, underpin most of the Grampian Highlands and the islands of the Inner Hebrides between the Highland Boundary and Great Glen faults. The Dalradian is a mid-Neoproterozoic to early-Ordovician sequence of largely clastic metasedimentary rocks, with some volcanic units, which were deformed and metamorphosed to varying degrees during the Early Palaeozoic Caledonian Orogeny. Sedimentation of the lower parts of the Dalradian Supergroup, possibly commencing about 730 million years ago, took place initially in fault-bounded rift basins, within the supercontinent of Rodinia and adjacent to sectors of continental crust that were later to become the foundations of North America, Greenland and Scandinavia. Later sedimentation reflected increased instability, culminating between 600 and 570 million years ago in continental rupture, volcanicity and the development of the Iapetus Ocean. This left the crustal foundations of Scotland, together with those of North America and Greenland, on a laterally extensive passive margin to the new continent of Laurentia, where turbiditic sedimentation continued for about 85 million years. Later plate movements led to closure of the Iapetus Ocean and the multi-event Caledonian Orogeny. Most of the deformation and metamorphism of the Dalradian strata peaked at about 470 million years ago, during the mid-Ordovician Grampian Event, which has been attributed to the collision of an oceanic arc with Laurentia. The later, mid-Silurian Scandian Event, attributed to the collision of the continent of Baltica with Laurentia and the final closure of the Iapetus Ocean, apparently had little effect on the Dalradian rocks but marked the start of late-orogenic uplift and extensive magmatism in the Grampian Highlands that continued until Early Devonian times. The Dalradian rocks thus record a wide range of sedimentary environments (alluvial, tidal, deltaic, shallow marine, turbiditic, debris flow) and a complex structural and metamorphic history. In areas of low strain, original sedimentary and volcanic structures are well preserved, even at relatively high metamorphic grades. There is convincing evidence for glacial episodes of worldwide importance and economic deposits of stratiform barium minerals are unique. The Grampian Highlands include two of the World's type-areas for metamorphic zonation, Barrovian and Buchan, with spectacular examples of the key metamorphic minerals, and various stages of migmatite development. Polyphase folding is widespread on all scales and gives rise to a range of associated cleavages and lineations. Regional dislocations, both ductile and brittle, are associated with a range of shear fabrics, breccias, clay gouges and veining

    Implications on Livelihoods and the Environment of Uptake of Gasifier Cook Stoves among Kenya’s Rural Households

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    A majority of people in developing countries use biomass energy for cooking and heating due to its affordability, accessibility and convenience. However, unsustainable biomass use leads to forest degradation and climate change. Therefore, this study was carried out in Kwale County, Kenya, on the use of a biochar-producing gasifier cook stove and implications of its uptake on livelihoods and the environment. Fifty households were trained and issued with a gasifier for free. After 2–3 months of gasifier use, a survey was conducted to investigate the implications of its uptake. The direct impacts included reduced fuel consumption by 38%, reduced time spent in firewood collection, reduced expenditure on cooking fuel, diversification of cooking fuels, improved kitchen conditions and reduced time spent on cooking. The potential benefits included income generation, increased food production, reduced impacts on environment and climate change and reduced health problems. Improved biomass cook stoves can alleviate problems with current cooking methods, which include inefficient fuel use, health issues caused by smoke, and environmental problems. These benefits could contribute to development through alleviating poverty and hunger, promoting gender equality, enhancing good health and sustainable ecosystems and mitigating climate change. The study recommends the promotion of cleaner cooking stoves, particularly gasifiers, among households in rural areas while paying attention to user needs and preferences

    Monitoring genetically modified rhizobia in field soils using the polymerase chain reaction

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    Monitoring genetically modified (GM) bacterial inoculants after field release using conventional culture methods can be difficult. An alternative is the detection of marker genes in DNA extracted directly from soil, using specific oligonucleotide primers with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR was used to monitor survival of two GM Rhizobium leguminosarum by. viciae inoculants after release in the field at Rothamsted. One strain, RSM2004, is marked by insertion of transposon Tn5; the second strain, CT0370, released at the same site, is modified by chromosomal integration of a single copy of the gene from E. coli conferring GUS activity. Both GM strains provide a realistic case study for the development of PCR-based detection techniques. Specific primers were developed to amplify regions of the Tn5 and GUS genetic markers using PCR and conditions optimized for each primer set to routinely detect a signal from 10 fg of purified template DNA, the equivalent of one cell per reaction. Procedures to improve the sensitivity of detection are described, to detect fewer than 50 cells g(-1) soil in soil-extracted DNA

    Biomimetic Sniffing Improves the Detection Performance of a 3D Printed Nose of a Dog and a Commercial Trace Vapor Detector

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    Unlike current chemical trace detection technology, dogs actively sniff to acquire an odor sample. Flow visualization experiments with an anatomically-similar 3D printed dog’s nose revealed the external aerodynamics during canine sniffing, where ventral-laterally expired air jets entrain odorant-laden air toward the nose, thereby extending the “aerodynamic reach” for inspiration of otherwise inaccessible odors. Chemical sampling and detection experiments quantified two modes of operation with the artificial nose-active sniffing and continuous inspiration-and demonstrated an increase in odorant detection by a factor of up to 18 for active sniffing. A 16-fold improvement in detection was demonstrated with a commercially-available explosives detector by applying this bio-inspired design principle and making the device “sniff” like a dog. These lessons learned from the dog may benefit the next-generation of vapor samplers for explosives, narcotics, pathogens, or even cancer, and could inform future bio-inspired designs for optimized sampling of odor plumes.United States. Department of Homeland Security. Advanced Research Projects Agency (Interagency Agreement HSHQPM-13-X-00107)United States. Air Force (Contract FA8721-05-C-0002)United States. Air Force (Contract FA8702-15-D-0001

    The Distribution and Origins of Ancient Leprosy

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    Human leprosy is primarily caused by Mycobacterium leprae, but also by the related ‘M. lepromatosis’. Ancient leprosy can be recognised in archaeological materials by the paleopathology associated with multi-bacillary or lepromatous forms of the disease. Whole M. leprae genomes have been obtained from human skeletons, and diagnostic aDNA fragments have been recovered. The derived M. leprae phylogenies, based on single nucleotide polymorphisms, mirror past human migrations, as M. leprae is usually an obligate pathogen. The detection of M. leprae in historical leprosy cases is assisted by the hydrophobic M. leprae cell envelope, which is composed of unusual lipids that can be used as specific biomarkers. Lipid biomarkers are more stable than aDNA and can be detected directly without amplification. Indigenous human leprosy is extinct in Western Europe, but recently, both M. leprae and ‘M. lepromatosis’ were found in British red squirrels. Leprosy may also be found in nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) where it can cause a zoonotic human infection. Certain leprosy-like diseases, caused by uncultivable species in cats, for example, may be related to M. leprae. The closest extant relatives of leprosy bacilli are probably members of the M. haemophilum taxon, emerging pathogens with genomic and lipid biomarker similarities

    Transposon libraries identify novel Mycobacterium bovis BCG genes involved in the dynamic interactions required for BCG to persist during in vivo passage in cattle

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    Background BCG is the most widely used vaccine of all time and remains the only licensed vaccine for use against tuberculosis in humans. BCG also protects other species such as cattle against tuberculosis, but due to its incompatibility with current tuberculin testing regimens remains unlicensed. BCG’s efficacy relates to its ability to persist in the host for weeks, months or even years after vaccination. It is unclear to what degree this ability to resist the host’s immune system is maintained by a dynamic interaction between the vaccine strain and its host as is the case for pathogenic mycobacteria. Results To investigate this question, we constructed transposon mutant libraries in both BCG Pasteur and BCG Danish strains and inoculated them into bovine lymph nodes. Cattle are well suited to such an assay, as they are naturally susceptible to tuberculosis and are one of the few animal species for which a BCG vaccination program has been proposed. After three weeks, the BCG were recovered and the input and output libraries compared to identify mutants with in vivo fitness defects. Less than 10% of the mutated genes were identified as affecting in vivo fitness, they included genes encoding known mycobacterial virulence functions such as mycobactin synthesis, sugar transport, reductive sulphate assimilation, PDIM synthesis and cholesterol metabolism. Many other attenuating genes had not previously been recognised as having a virulence phenotype. To test these genes, we generated and characterised three knockout mutants that were predicted by transposon mutagenesis to be attenuating in vivo: pyruvate carboxylase, a hypothetical protein (BCG_1063), and a putative cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase. The knockout strains survived as well as wild type during in vitro culture and in bovine macrophages, yet demonstrated marked attenuation during passage in bovine lymph nodes confirming that they were indeed involved in persistence of BCG in the host. Conclusion These data show that BCG is far from passive during its interaction with the host, rather it continues to employ its remaining virulence factors, to interact with the host’s innate immune system to allow it to persist, a property that is important for its protective efficacy.</p

    Caledonian foreland basin sedimentation : A new depositional model for the Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian Lower Old Red Sandstone of the Midland Valley Basin, Scotland

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    Open Access via Wiley publishing agreement. We thank Stuart Archer, Brian Hampton and the anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful and constructive reviews of this manuscript, which has benefited greatly from their attention. We also thank the Associate Editors at Basin Research for their time, advice and suggestions during the submission process. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
