3,085 research outputs found

    Konseptualisasi Ekonomi Islam: suatu Paradigma Normatif-dikotomis

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    Konseptualisasi Ekonomi Islam: Suatu Paradigma Normatif-Dikotomis. Secara perlahan tapi pasti. Sistem ekonomi islam merupakan bangun konstruk sistem bisnis dan keuangan yang urutannya tersistem dengan baik,ringkas dan mudah dicerna serta memperkaya pemahaman yang aplikatif. Lahirnya konsep merupakan pengetahuan milik umum dimana lahir teori ilmiah yang ditemukan secara individu, yang perlu dikaji, diulangi dan dimanfaatkan secara komunal. Suatu paradigma lahir dari sarana suatu komunikasi ilmiah dengan baik yang memungkinkan komunikasi ekplisit antar sesama secara intesif. Sehingga diperlukan kajian secara empirisme, intusime dan rasionalisme

    The Effect of Age and Duration of Fasting on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chicken

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    The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of age and duration of fasting on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken. One hundred and eight day old chick of broiler Cobb SR 707 were randomly assigned into floor pen (0.5 m x 1.0 m x 0.8 m), in which each pen was filled with four chicks. The experiment was performed in a factorial arrangement (3 x 3) according to completely randomised design with three replication for each treatment combination. The first factor was duration of fasting, i.e. 0 h (control), 2 h (12.00-14.00 p.m.), and 4 h (11.00 a.m to 15.00 p.m). The second factor was the age of chicks when fasting was introduced, i.e. 2, 3 and 4 weeks, respectively. The result of study indicated that fasting program up to 4 h daily begin at 2 weeks of age did not alter broiler performance. Similarly, carcass characteristics, especially carcass percentage, carcass cuts and abdominal fat were not affected by fasting program. Under the research condition, fasting program did not increase the farming efficiency of broiler chicken

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Android untuk Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Materi Sandi Kepramukaan

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    Aplikasi Sandi Pramuka Berbasis Android ini adalah bentuk teknologi media interaktif yang dirancang sebagai sarana pembelajaran Pramuka tentang Sandi-sandi dalam materi kepramukaan, mengingat sulitnya pemahaman terhadap Sandi-sandi ini. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju, modern, canggih, terkomputerisasi, digitalisasi dan terkoneksi dengan internet, Aplikasi Sandi Pramuka Berbasis Android ini merupakan langkah modern dan tepat dalam menunjang proses pembelajaran sandi-sandi kepramukaan agar mempermudah pemahamannya. Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan, dan menghemat waktu, tempat, dan sarana dalam proses pembelajaran sandi-sandi tersebut. Dalam membangun aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Borg and Gall yang telah dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan Dengan dasar media yang interaktif dan menarik diharapkan dapat menunjang tujuan aplikasi ini. Anggota gerakan pramuka akan disajikan Aplikasi Sandi Pramuka Berbasis Android yang dibuat menarik dan edukatif, sehingga kedepannya diharapkan tidak akan ada kesulitan yang berarti dalam penguasaan materi sandi-sandi pramuka tersebut

    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions

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    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions are defined and the longitudinal and transverse response functions for an electron (plus positron) gas are written in terms of them. The dispersion is separated into Landau-damping, pair-creation and dissipationless regimes. Explicit forms are given for the RQPDFs in the cases of a completely degenerate distribution and a nondegenerate thermal (J\"uttner) distribution. Particular emphasis is placed on the relation between dissipation and dispersion, with the dissipation treated in terms of the imaginary parts of RQPDFs. Comparing the dissipation calculated in this way with the existing treatments leads to the identification of errors in the literature, which we correct. We also comment on a controversy as to whether the dispersion curves in a superdense plasma pass through the region where pair creation is allowed.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Nuclear Isospin Diffusivity

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    The isospin diffusion and other irreversible phenomena are discussed for a two-component nuclear Fermi system. The set of Boltzmann transport equations, such as employed for reactions, are linearized, for weak deviations of a system from uniformity, in order to arrive at nonreversible fluxes linear in the nonuniformities. Besides the diffusion driven by a concentration gradient, also the diffusion driven by temperature and pressure gradients is considered. Diffusivity, conductivity, heat conduction and shear viscosity coefficients are formally expressed in terms of the responses of distribution functions to the nonuniformities. The linearized Boltzmann-equation set is solved, under the approximation of constant form-factors in the distribution-function responses, to find concrete expressions for the transport coefficients in terms of weighted collision integrals. The coefficients are calculated numerically for nuclear matter, using experimental nucleon-nucleon cross sections. The isospin diffusivity is inversely proportional to the neutron-proton cross section and is also sensitive to the symmetry energy. At low temperatures in symmetric matter, the diffusivity is directly proportional to the symmetry energy.Comment: 35 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, accepted by PRC, (v3) changes in response to the referee's comments, discussion for isospin diffusion process in heavy-ion reactions, fig. 5 shows results from a two different isospin depndent uclear equation of state, and a new reference adde

    Galilean Limit of Equilibrium Relativistic Mass Distribution

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    The low-temperature form of the equilibrium relativistic mass distribution is subject to the Galilean limit by taking c→∞.c\rightarrow \infty . In this limit the relativistic Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution passes to the usual nonrelativistic form and the Dulong-Petit law is recovered.Comment: TAUP-2081-9

    Cognitive Structure Strengthening Students of Smk N 1 Arse Class XII with Learning Model Advance Organizer by Grant Structured Lks Based Apos Theory

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    The purpose of this research: (1) Improving Students' Cognitive Structures through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory, (2) Improving student activity through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory. This research was a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out at SMK Negeri 1 Arse South Tapanuli. The research subject was grade 12 students of academy year 2012/2013 consisting 31 students, namely 18 males and 13 females. Object on this research were the student activity and student learning outcomes through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory. The research consisted of two cycles, each cycle consisting of three meetings. Test of achievement conducted at the end of each cycle. Test of achievement consisting of 15 questions. The results of the research are: (1) There is an increased of student learning outcomes on class XII Agribusiness Crop/Horticulture SMK Negeri 1 Arse which showed an increase in cognitive structure indicated strengthening of: (a) Outcomes of achievement test in the first cycle, namely: the average = 63.66; percentage of completeness = 41.94%, (b) Outcomes of achievement test in the second cycle, namely: the average = 82.58; percentage of completeness 90.32%. The percentage of completeness 48.39%, and the index gain 0.51 or moderate improvement criteria. (2) There is an increased of student activity on class XII Agribusiness Crop/Horticulture SMK Negeri 1 Arse shown from: first cycle is only the average of 59.72 up to 74.47 in the second cycle

    Analisis Pengelolaan Limbah Tahu Di Kecamatan Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal

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    One of the issues that must be considered in the study population are enviromental problems. Increasing number of people will have implications for the more challenging enviromental problems. Of various problems concerning enviromental health in the society, along with the many cases of waste management are detrimental to society and the enviromental. Waste pollution cases occur in many large cities, one in Tegal regency.Tegal district is the center of industry, including industrial centers are located in the district know Adiwerna. Knowing the typical food Tegal regency. Many craftsmen know in the district Adiwerna impact also on the quality of waste management know, because managemant waste know who carried out in the district entrepreneurs Adiwerna very doubt about. So that existence of questionable enviromental agencies and ultimately the role and function of enviromental oversight is not optimal. The background of the problem arises of how the analysis of waste management tahu, and how supervision by government enviromental agencies, especially in deadling with waste management knows and enviromental oversight funciton in waste. Method management research is a qualitative research method is descriptive with data collection techniques include observation, interview and literature. Waste managementin the district know Adiwerna experiencing various problems so that the implementation of waste management tofu. In the district Adiwerna not optimal. There are several factors that cause is not optimal waste management in the district tofuAdiwerna. These factors include inadequate waste management oversight conduceted enviromental agencies, both preventive and represive control. So we need a new construction. Enhance the role and function of enviromental oversight in the management of Tegal regency waste know in the district adiwern

    Kemampuan Menulis Surat Pribadi Siswa Kelas VII Mts Al-ittihad Rumbai

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    This study titled Writing Ability Personal Letter VII MTs Al-Ittihad Rumbai.. This study aims to determine the level of writing ability personal letter of class VII MTs Al-Ittihad Rumbai. The method used is descriptive analysis method with qualitative approach. Data of this study is to test write personel letters. (1) The results of this study found the ability to write the place and date of the letter student class VII MTs-Al-Ittihad Rumbai. (2) The ability of a salutation. (3)The ability to write a personal letter student class VII MTs-Al-Ittihad Rumbai. (4) the ability to write greeting cover. (5) The ability to write signatur. Of the six aspects that I researched it chan be concluded that the student class VII MTs-Al-Ittihad Rumbai have the ability to moderate with a score of 70
