16,009 research outputs found

    Periodic and Localized Solutions of the Long Wave-Short Wave Resonance Interaction Equation

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    In this paper, we investigate the (2+1) dimensional long wave-short wave resonance interaction (LSRI) equation and show that it possess the Painlev\'e property. We then solve the LSRI equation using Painlev\'e truncation approach through which we are able to construct solution in terms of three arbitrary functions. Utilizing the arbitrary functions present in the solution, we have generated a wide class of elliptic function periodic wave solutions and exponentially localized solutions such as dromions, multidromions, instantons, multi-instantons and bounded solitary wave solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    The COBRAS/SAMBA CMB Project

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    COBRAS/SAMBA is a second generation satelitte dedicated to mapping at high resolution and sensitivity the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). This mission is in the assessment study phase (A) at ESA, with a decision expected mid 1996, for a launch around 2003.Comment: PostScript, 4 pages, 4 figures in text, to appear in the Proceedings of the 1995 Moriond Meeting on ``Clustering in the Universe'

    Environmental impacts of grazed pastures

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    Large nitrogen (N) surplus and return of excreta-N in localised patches at high N rates in intensively grazed pasture systems markedly increases the risk of N losses to waterways and the atmosphere. Here are described the main routes of N input to grazed pastures, losses via N leaching, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Furthermore farm N budgets and N use efficiency in relation to management strategies that can be applied to reduce N losses are discussed. Nitrate leaching increases exponentially with increased inputs and is closely related to urine patches, which also influence the leaching of dissolved organic N. High N2O emission rates in grazed pastures are related to fertiliser-N or N in excreta combined with compaction by animal treading. Grazing may considerably reduce CH3 emissions compared to indoor housing of cows. Pastures are occasionally cultivated due to sward deterioration followed by a rapid and extended period of N mineralization, contributing to an increased potential for losses. Good management of the pasture (e.g. reduced fertiliser input and reduced length of grazing) and of the mixed crop rotation during both the grassland and the arable phase (e.g. delayed ploughing time and a catch crop strategy) can considerably reduce the negative environmental impact of grazing. It is important to consider the whole farm system when evaluating environmental impact. In particular for green house gasses since the pasture may serve as a source of N2O and indirectly of CH3, but also as a sink of CO2 influenced by management practices on the farm

    The preparation, characterization, and pharmacokinetic studies of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with paclitaxel/dimethyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.

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    A novel biocompatible and biodegradable drug-delivery nanoparticle (NP) has been developed to minimize the severe side effects of the poorly water-soluble anticancer drug paclitaxel (PTX) for clinical use. PTX was loaded into the hydrophobic cavity of a hydrophilic cyclodextrin derivative, heptakis (2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin (DM-β-CD), using an aqueous solution-stirring method followed by lyophilization. The resulting PTX/DM-β-CD inclusion complex dramatically enhanced the solubility of PTX in water and was directly incorporated into chitosan (CS) to form NPs (with a size of 323.9–407.8 nm in diameter) using an ionic gelation method. The formed NPs had a zeta potential of +15.9–23.3 mV and showed high colloidal stability. With the same weight ratio of PTX to CS of 0.7, the loading efficiency of the PTX/DM-β-CD inclusion complex-loaded CS NPs was 30.3-fold higher than that of the PTX-loaded CS NPs. Moreover, it is notable that PTX was released from the DM-β-CD/CS NPs in a sustained-release manner. The pharmacokinetic studies revealed that, compared with reference formulation (Taxol(®)), the PTX/DM-β-CD inclusion complex-loaded CS NPs exhibited a significant increase in AUC(0→24h) (the area under the plasma drug concentration–time curve over the period of 24 hours) and mean residence time by 2.7-fold and 1.4-fold, respectively. Therefore, the novel drug/DM-β-CD inclusion complex-loaded CS NPs have promising applications for the significantly improved delivery and controlled release of the poorly water-soluble drug PTX or its derivatives, thus possibly leading to enhanced therapeutic efficacy and less severe side effects

    Exploring the Relationship Between Hardiness and Performance in Collegiate Baseball Players

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of the individual personality characteristic of hardiness on trait anxiety and objective performance within NCAA Division I collegiate baseball players. An updated version of the PVS III-R was used to measure hardiness after a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. Of the total 389 players that participated, 171 met inclusion criteria requirements and were split into two groups – hitters (N=94) and pitchers (N=80) – to identify differences in skills and how sub-constructs of hardiness affected performance through a descriptive correlational prospective design. The results show significant moderating effects of commitment for pitchers that accounted for the majority of variance in the relationship between perception of trait anxiety intensity and left on base percentage (LOB%) and wild pitches (WP). For hitters, significant moderating effects of control accounted for less variance in the relationship between perception of trait anxiety intensity on batting average on balls in play (BABIP) and double plays grounded into (GDP). The findings indicate there may be situational significance of hardiness’ moderating effect on the relationship between trait anxiety and objective performance that may not be present until runners are on base. Practitioners could use these findings to target mental skills that could build up a pitcher’s commitment or hitter’s sense of control to moderate their performance within certain situations within collegiate baseball settings. Future studies could aim to replicate this study under normal NCAA collegiate baseball seasons when possible to corroborate situational findings and the utilization of updated PVS III-R scale

    Approximate perturbed direct homotopy reduction method: infinite series reductions to two perturbed mKdV equations

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    An approximate perturbed direct homotopy reduction method is proposed and applied to two perturbed modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equations with fourth order dispersion and second order dissipation. The similarity reduction equations are derived to arbitrary orders. The method is valid not only for single soliton solution but also for the Painlev\'e II waves and periodic waves expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions for both fourth order dispersion and second order dissipation. The method is valid also for strong perturbations.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    New variable separation approach: application to nonlinear diffusion equations

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    The concept of the derivative-dependent functional separable solution, as a generalization to the functional separable solution, is proposed. As an application, it is used to discuss the generalized nonlinear diffusion equations based on the generalized conditional symmetry approach. As a consequence, a complete list of canonical forms for such equations which admit the derivative-dependent functional separable solutions is obtained and some exact solutions to the resulting equations are described.Comment: 19 pages, 2 fig

    Immunological Characterization and Neutralizing Ability of Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Botulinum Neurotoxin Type H.

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    BackgroundOnly Clostridium botulinum strain IBCA10-7060 produces the recently described novel botulinum neurotoxin type H (BoNT/H). BoNT/H (N-terminal two-thirds most homologous to BoNT/F and C-terminal one-third most homologous to BoNT/A) requires antitoxin to toxin ratios ≥1190:1 for neutralization by existing antitoxins. Hence, more potent and safer antitoxins against BoNT/H are needed.MethodsWe therefore evaluated our existing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to BoNT/A and BoNT/F for BoNT/H binding, created yeast-displayed mutants to select for higher-affinity-binding mAbs by using flow cytometry, and evaluated the mAbs' ability to neutralize BoNT/H in the standard mouse bioassay.ResultsAnti-BoNT/A HCC-binding mAbs RAZ1 and CR2 bound BoNT/H with high affinity. However, only 1 of 6 BoNT/F mAbs (4E17.2A) bound BoNT/H but with an affinity >800-fold lower (equilibrium dissociation binding constant [KD] = 7.56 × 10(-8)M) than its BoNT/F affinity (KD= 9.1 × 10(-11)M), indicating that the N-terminal two-thirds of BoNT/H is immunologically unique. The affinity of 4E17.2A for BoNT/H was increased >500-fold to KD= 1.48 × 10(-10)M (mAb 4E17.2D). A combination of mAbs RAZ1, CR2, and 4E17.2D completely protected mice challenged with 280 mouse median lethal doses of BoNT/H at a mAb dose as low as 5 µg of total antibody.ConclusionsThis 3-mAb combination potently neutralized BoNT/H and represents a potential human antitoxin that could be developed for the prevention and treatment of type H botulism

    African Americans and the Future of the U.S. Economy

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    For the first time in the country\u27s history, the level of skills and education of the African-American labor force is a critical determinant of the potential for growth of the economy itself. The integration of black labor into the economy now means that the development of one is dependent upon the development of the other. To investigate this relationship we first examine the recent performance of the economy and the consequences of that performance for the black standard of living, and then the role the African-American labor force can play in overcoming the economic deficiencies that have plagued the economy
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