136 research outputs found

    Penggantian jagung dengan sebagian tepung pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca formatypica) dalam ransum terhadap kualitas telur ayam ras petelur MB 402

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas telur dengan menggunaankan tepung pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca formatypica) dalam ransum ayam ras petelur. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ayam ras petelur fase layer yaitu umur 94 minggu dari jenis MB 402 sebanyak 100 ekor dengan perlakuan yang digunakan adalah R0 : ransum basal tanpa tepung pisang kepok, R1 : ransum basal 56% + 39% jagung + 5% tepung pisang kepok, R2 : ransum basal 56% + 34% jagung + 10% tepung pisang kepok, R3 : ransum basal 56% + 39% jagung + 15% tepung pisang kepok, R4 : ransum basal 56% + 24 jagung + 20% tepung pisang kepok. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan dengan masing-masing perlakuan diisi dengan 4 ekor ayam sehingga terdapat 100 ekor ayam dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Variabel yang diamati adalah berat kuning telur, warna kuning telur, dan indeks kuning telur. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P > 0.05) terhadap berat kuning telur dan indeks kuning telur, namun memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P < 0,01) terhadap warna kuning telur. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan tepung pisang kepok sebagai pengganti sebagian jagung pada level 0-20% memberikan pengaruh yang sama pada berat kuning telur dan indeks kuning telur, tetapi semakin meningkat level penggunaan tepung pisang kepok memberikan pengaruh yang nyata dimana warna kuning telur menurun. Kata Kunci: Ayam petelur, kualitas telur, tepung pisang kepo

    Nutrients and Cholesterol of Eggs Affected by Dried Tomato Meal in Laying Hens Diet

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    One hundred MB 402 laying hens (36 weeks of age) were used for the study. The birds were divided into five experimental diets and each was divided into four replicate groups of five birds per replicate. The control diet (based diet) was formulated to contain 51% corn, 14% rice bran, 7% fish meal, 6% CaCO3, and 22% commercial diet. Tomato meal was included in four experimental diets at levels of 2, 4, 6, 8% to substitute based diet. The treatments were: R0 = 100% based diet (BD) + 0% tomato meal (TM); R1 = 98% BD + 2% TM; R2 = 96% BD + 4% TM; R3 = 94% BD + 6% TM; and R4 = 92% BD + 8% TM. Chemical composition of tomato meal were: 16.73% crude protein, 1.53% fat, 30.94% crude fiber, 0.98% Ca, 1.20% P, and 2416 Kcal/kg ME. Feed and water were provided for ad libitum. The study was conducted over a period of 8 weeks, and data were collected on nutrients of eggs: crude protein, fat, carbohydrate, and cholesterol of eggs. Proximate analysis eggs was determined by the methods of AOAC (1990), and cholesterol was determined by Libermann and Burchad method. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The treatment means were compared using Duncan’s multiple range test. The results showedthat no differences in hen egg nutrients and cholesterol between treatments R1, R2, R3, and R4 compared to treatment R0 (control). It can be concluded that tomato meal can be used as an alternative feedstuff in laying hen diets to substitute based diet, at inclusion levels up to 8% without negative effects on egg quality

    Cord prolapse, associated factors and fetal outcome: a report of 47 cases from the Yaounde Central Hospital, Cameroon.

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    Cord prolapse is a condition in which the umbilical cord comes ahead of the presenting part. Fetal demise occurs as a consequence of the compression of the cord by the presenting part. We conducted this study to determine profile of pregnancy and its outcome at the Central Hospital Yaounde, Cameroon. This was an observational, descriptive and retrospective study of deliveries complicated by cord prolapse between January 2003 and December 2006 at the Central Maternity of the Central Hospital Yaounde. Data was retrieved from patient’s files, operation room registers and admission registers. During this period, there were a total of 6924 deliveries amongst which 47 were complicated by umbilical cord prolapse (2.8 per 1000 deliveries). Among the women with cord prolapse, 62.2% were delivered by emergency caesarean section. Fetal demise was reported in 32 % of the women upon admission. An abnormal pelvis was seen in 25.5% of the women. Artificial rupture of membranes was carried out in 40.4%. This study shows that cord prolapse is associated with severe fetal consequences in our unit. A good knowledge of the risk factors, prompt diagnosis and rapid intervention by medical staff are required.KEY WORDS: Cord prolapsed - Perinatal morbidity and mortality - Caesarean section - Vaginal delivery


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    UTILIZATION EFFECT OF COCONUT OIL IN RATION ON BODY WEIGHT, PERCENTAGES OF CARCASS AND ABDOMINAL FAT IN SUPER NATIVE HENS. This study was conducted to evaluate utilization effect of coconut oil in ration on body weight, percentages of carcass and abdominal fat in super native hens. This study was involving hundred unsexed super native hens at ages of eight weeks with the average initial body weight of 862.24 g ± 44.13 g. The treatments were ration without coconut oil (CO) utilization (R0), ration of 99.5% basal added with 0.5% CO (R1), ration of 99% basal added with 1% CO (R2), ration of 98.5% basal added with 1.5% CO (R3), and ration of 98.0% basal added with 2.0% CO (R4). The completely randomized design was applied as design with five treatments consisted of five replications at each treatment. Each experimental unit was put four heads of super native hens. The significant treatments were tested by Duncan’s test. Variables measured were life body weight, slaughter body weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage as well as abdominal percentage. Results showed that utilization effect of coconut oil in ration had the same effects on percentages carcassand abdominal fat, but had significant effect on life body weight and carcass weight. Therefore, it was concluded that utilizatilization of coconut oil up to 2 percents in ratio increased life body weight and carcass weight. Keyword: carcass weight, coconut oil, super native chicken


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    PERFORMANCE OF BROILERS FED THE LAMTORO (LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA) LEAF MEAL IN THE DIETS. The utilization of lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) leaf meal (LLM) in broiler diets was investigated employing 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% levels substituted to the based diet (control). In this experiment, 100 birds were randomly allocated into five groups of treatments. Each treatment was repeated into four replications with five birds per each replication. The five dietary treatments were allotted to the birds in a completely randomized design. The birds were fed experimental finisher diets. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Effect of LLM inclusion up 20% on feed intake (g),  live weight gain (g) and feed conversion did not differ significantly  (P ˃ 0.05).  It may be inferred from these experiments that LLM  up to 20% can safely be substituted to broiler based diet.Keywords: Lamtoro leaf, broiler, performanc

    Previous Second Trimester Abortion: A risk factor for third trimester uterine rupture in three subsequent pregnancies. Report of three cases

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    The authors report on three cases of uterine rupture. The first two cases occurred spontaneously and the third occurred in labour. All the patients refused voluntary termination of pregnancy before surgery. The true story was only re-constituted after surgery. Literature on spontaneous rupture of the uterus is scanty but cases occurring after hysteroscopic metroplasty,resectroscopy for Asherman´s syndrome, hysteroscopic fundal perforation, and voluntary termination of pregnancy and in a primiparous woman are reported. Spontaneous uterine rupture though rare should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of a woman who presents with severe pain in the later half of pregnancy, with foetal loss, anaemia, with a stable orunstable hemodynamic status and a past history of unsafe termination of a second trimester pregnancy. Though rare, this possibility should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a prolonged third stage of labour. Thorough clinical history and physical examination of patients remains the cornerstone for accurate diagnosis of uterine rupture


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    EFFECT OF TOMATOES STARCH (Solanum lycopersicum l) ON INTERNAL EGG QUALITY OF LAYING CHICKEN. This research has been done to determine the effect of tomatoes starch on the internal egg quality of laying chicken. The material used in this study was a 100 laying hens aged 36 weeks with the following treatments P0: basal ration without tomatoes startch; P1: 98% of basal ration + 2% of tomatoes starch: P2; 96% of basal ration + 4% tomatoes starch; P3: 94% of basal ration + 6% of tomatoes starch; P4: 92% of basal ration + 8% of tomatoes starch. Research design used was the completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatment and 5 replications. Duncan's multiple range test was used for further test. Variables were observed during the study include egg yolk index, yolk color, and Haugh unit (HU). The results showed that the addition of tomatoes in the diet has no significant effect (P> 0.05) on egg yolk index and haugh units (HU), but highly significant effect (P <0,01) against the color of egg yolks. Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that the addition of tomatoes starch in ration as much as 8% will provide a good response to the effect of egg yolk index, Haug units (HU), and yellow egg of laying chicken. Keywords :Laying Chicken, Internal Egg Quality, Tomatoes Starch

    A survey of the knowledge, attitude and practice of the labour partogramme among health personnel in seven peripheral hospitals in Yaounde, Cameroon.

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    Late referrals of complicated labour cases and prolonged labour contribute a major part in maternal morbidity and mortality. The labour partogramme has been shown to be an effective instrument in the follow-up of labour cases. The referal maternities of Yaounde still receive delayed and poorly managed cases of labour from the peripheral hospitals. The rationale of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of the labour partogramme among the health personnel in the main centers where referrals come from. We interviewed the personnel of those hospitals who accepted to enroll in the study. Students and those who were not willing to participate in the study were excluded, and the study lasted for 3 months from January to March 2006. Our results showed that the personnel had a good knowledge of the labour partogramme, especially (100%) amongst the doctors. They also had a positive attitude towards the labour partogramme. However, the partogramme was not routinely used, with only 50% of the respondents who accepted using it regularly. Most of them blamed the low rate of use to the unavailability of the partogramme. Despite the very good knowledge of the labour partogramme and the positive attitude towards its use, the rate of use still remains very low. We do recommend that the training of the personnel should be more practical and the labour partogramme made available to both private and public hospitals. An audit system should also be put in place to ensure the effective use of the partogramme.KEY WORDS: Partogramme – Labour – Knowledge – Attitude - Practice


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    APPEARANCE OF SUPER NATIVE CHICKEN PRODUCTION TROUGH ADDITION OF GEDI LEAF JUICE (ABELMOCHUS MANIHOT L.  MEDIK) IN DRINKING WATER. This research was conducted with the aim to determine the appearance of super native chicken production trough the addition of gedi leaf  juice (Abelmochus Manihot L.  Medik)  in drinking water. 7 week of research using 100 super native chicken. Treatmen consists of PO =  drinking water without (JDG), P1= 10 mL (JDG), P2 = 20 mL (JDG), P3 = 30 mL (JDG). Feed were using 73 % of commercial feed, 10 % of corn , 17 % of rice bran. This research uses a completely randomized design method consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replication. The variabels measured were final weight, cut weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage. The result of data analysis showed that the addition of gedi leaf juice (Abelmochus Manihot L.  Medik)  in drinking water of super native chicken had a significantly different effect ( P &gt; 0.05) on the final weight, cutting weight, carcass weight and percentage of carcass. The result of the research on the addition of gedi leaf (Abelmochus Manihot L.  Medik)  juice in drinking water to 30 ml/liter of drinking water give a good response to final weight, cut weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage of super native chicken. Keyword : Appearance Production, Gedi Leaf Juice, Super Native Chicke

    Effect of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Protein on Carcass and Meat Quality of Kampong Chicken

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the carcass quality and meat quality of native chicken fed dried tomato meal in diet. The study was conducted by using 200 heads of native chickens 10 days. The birds were divided into five experimental diets and each was divided into four replicate groups of ten birds per replicate. The based diet was formulated to contain 42% corn, rice bran 9%, fish meal 10%, fish oil 5%, soybean meal 9% and commercial diets 25%. Tomato meal was included in five experimental diets at levels of 0, 3, 6, 9, 12% to substitute based diets. The treatments were PO = 100% based diet (BD) + 0% tomato meal (TM); P1 = 97% BD+ 3% TM; P2 = 94% BD + 6% TM;P3 = 91% BD + 9% TM; P4 = 88% BD + 12% TM. Chemical composition of tomato meal was: 20.73% crude protein, 1.53% fat, 30.94%crude fiber, 0.98% Ca, 1.20% P and 2,416 kcal/kg of Gross Energy (GE). Results showedthat feeding tomato meal at an inclusion rate of 12% increased slaughter weight, carcass, breast meat, wings, drumstick and thigh, and decreased abdominal fat and blood cholesterol. Moreover, there were no significant difference in giblet (liver, heart and gizzard) between treatments. Meat water and meat crude protein were significantly increased. Meat crude fat and meat cholesterol were significantly decreased. In conclusion, tomato meal can be used as an alternative feedstuff in kampong chicken diets at inclusion levels up to 12% without negative effects on carcass quality and meat quality
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