78 research outputs found

    A comparison of audio-based deep learning methods for detecting anomalous road events

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    Road surveillance systems have an important role in monitoring roads and safeguarding their users. Many of these systems are based on video streams acquired from urban video surveillance infrastructures, from which it is possible to reconstruct the dynamics of accidents and detect other events. However, such systems may lack accuracy in adverse environmental settings: for instance, poor lighting, weather conditions, and occlusions can reduce the effectiveness of the automatic detection and consequently increase the rate of false or missed alarms. These issues can be mitigated by integrating such solutions with audio analysis modules, that can improve the ability to recognize distinctive events such as car crashes. For this purpose, in this work we propose a preliminary analysis of solutions based on Deep Learning techniques for the automatic identification of hazardous events through the analysis of audio spectrograms

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kitosan dalam Ransum terhadap Bobot Total dan Kadar Kolesterol Telur Itik Tegal

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    Kitosan merupakan produk limbah krustacea bersifat biodegradable, tidak beracun  dan mampu mengikat kolesterol, sehingga meningkatkan kualitas telur.  Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat pengaruh pemberian kitosan dalam ransum terhadap bobot dan kadar kolesterol telur itik.  Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan  4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan.  Masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 2 ekor itik sebagai satuan percobaan.  Perlakuan adalah R0 = 0% kitosan, R1 = 0,5% kitosan, R2 = 2% kitosan dan R3 = 2,5% kitosan. Peubah yang diukur adalah bobot telur total selama penelitian dan kolesterol telur itik.  Data diolah menggunakan program SAS Windows 16.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kitosan memberikan rataan persentase bobot telur yang berimbang antar perlakuan (P>0,05) dan kitosan 0,5% nyata menurunkan kadar kolesterol telur itik terendah (P 0.05) and chitosan 0.5% significantly lowered the lowest cholesterol level of duck eggs (P <0.05) that is 10.28 (mg / dg).Keywords: Chitosan, Ration, Weight, Cholesterol, Eggs

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kitosan dalam Ransum untuk Mendapatkan Telur Bebas Salmonella (SPF)

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    Telur itik merupakan salah satu jenis pangan hewani yang sangat rentan tercemar Salmonella. Penyebabnya adalah lingkungan pemeliharaan yang kurang higienis serta pori pada kerabang telur  sehingga memberi peluang terkontaminasi. Biosekuriti yang buruk pada pemeliharaan ekstensif menyebabkan cemaran Salmonella pada itik, oleh karena itu sangat perlu dilakukan biosekuriti pakan dengan penambahan kitosan  untuk menghindari  kontaminasi Salmonella terhadap telur yang dihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan telur itik bebas Salmonella dengan penambahan kitosan dalam ransum. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan dimana masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 2 ekor itik. Perlakuan adalah R0= 0% kitosan, R1 = 0,5% kitosan, R2 = 2% kitosan dan R3 = 2,5% kitosan. Dosis kitosan merupakan dosis terpilih dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya secara in vitro.  Parameter yang diukur adalah uji Salmonella awal terhadap feses itik penelitian, uji Salmonella ransum perlakuan, uji pullorum darah (RPAT) dan uji Salmonella telur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 50% feses itik yang diperiksa terkontaminasi Salmonella, ransum penelitian negatif Salmonella, darah itik pada perlakuan tanpa kitosan 40% terkontaminasi Salmonella pullorum dan yang diberi kitosan bebas pullorum serta telur yang dihasilkan 100% negatif Salmonella

    Karakteristik Kimia Set Yoghurt Dengan Bahan Baku Susu Tepung Dengan Penambahan Jus Bit (Beta Vulgaris L.) (Chemical Charecteristics of Set Yoghurt Based on Milk Powder With Beetroot Extract (Beta Vulgaris L.))

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perlakuan penggunaan bit yang terbaik pada pembuatan set yogurt, berdasarkan kadar perombakan laktosa, asam laktat, dan protein terlarut set yogurt. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan konsentrasi bit yaitu penggunaan 0, 2, 4, dan 6% dengan masing-masing lima ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bit (Beta vulgaris L.) pada pembuatan set yogurt berpengaruh menurunkan kadar perombakan laktosa dan kadar asam laktat, namun demikian tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein terlarut set yogurt. Penggunaan bit (Beta vulgaris L.) dengan konsentrasi 2% menghasilkan set yogurt yang terbaik, dengan kadar perombakan laktosa 29,46%, asam laktat 0,88%, dan protein terlarut 55,80%. Kata kunci: bit (Beta vulgaris L.), set yogurt, perombakan laktosa, asam laktat, protein terlarut

    Self-Assessed Health as a Key Determinant of Lifestyles: An Application to Tobacco Consumption in Argentina

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    The relationship between lifestyle choices and health has been widely studied in the epidemiological and economic literature. In the last years, empirical research was directed towards the use of recursive systems with structural equations for a health production function and reduced form equations for lifestyles. As a result, behaviors toward health are taken to be determined by exogenous socio-economic variables. In this article, we show that health is a key determinant of health habits. When people feel well, they adopt less healthy behaviors. We use maximum simulated likelihood for a multivariate 5 equation probit model. In that model, lifestyles (diet, exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking) are a function of exogenous socioeconomic variables and self-reported health. Self-reported health varies with socio-economic characteristics and depends on health indicators that are the consequence of lifestyles undertaken in the past (i.e., overweight, blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol levels). Data is that of adults in Argentina's 2005 Risk Factors National Survey. We find that health partial effects on lifestyle are much larger having accounted for health endogeneity. Accounting for unobservable variables that jointly determine all lifestyles does not change much the magnitude of our results. Our findings are robust to different specifications

    Determinants and Consequences of Health Behaviour: New Evidence from German Micro Data

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    The economic costs of chronic health conditions and severe illnesses like diabetes, coronary heart disease or cancer are immense. Several clinical trials give information about the importance of individual behaviour for the prevalence of these illnesses. Changes in health relevant behaviour may therefore lead to a decline of avoidable illnesses and related health care costs. In this context, we use German micro data to identify determinants of smoking, drinking and obesity. Our empirical approach allows for the simultaneity between adverse health behaviour and self-reported health as a measure of the individual health capital stock. We can show that health behaviour is related to the socioeconomic status of an individual. Furthermore, we find gender-specific differences in behaviour as well as differences in the determinants of drinking, smoking and heavy body weight in particular

    Smoking Kills: An Economic Theory of Addiction, Health Deficit Accumulation, and Longevity

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    In this paper I unify the economic theories of addiction and health deficit accumulation and develop a life cycle theory in which individuals take into account the fact that the consumption of addictive goods reduces their health and longevity. I distinguish two types of addiction: perfect and common. Individuals with perfect addiction perfectly control their addiction. Individuals with common addiction, though otherwise rational and forward looking, fail to fully understand how their addiction develops. I argue that the life cycle consumption pattern predicted for common addiction is more suitable for motivating empirically observable patterns of addictive goods consumption. I take the case of smoking as unhealthy behavior, calibrate the model with U.S. data, and apply it in order to investigate the life cycle patterns of smoking and quitting smoking and the socioeconomic gradients of unhealthy consumption and longevity