233 research outputs found

    The catalogue of OB associations in IC 1613

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    We present a catalogue of OB associations in IC 1613. Using an automatic and objective method (Battinelli's 1991 technique) 60 objects were found. The size distribution reveals a significant peak at about 60 parsecs if a distance modulus of 24.27 mag is assumed. Spatial distributions of the detected associations and H II regions are strongly correlated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, A&A accepte

    Identifying the ejected population from disintegrating multiple systems

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    Kinematic studies of the Hipparcos catalogue have revealed associations that are best explained as disintegrating multiple systems, presumably resulting from a dynamical encounter between single/multiple systems in the field (Li et al. 2009). In this work we explore the possibility that known ultra-cool dwarfs may be components of disintegrating multiple systems, and consider the implications for the properties of these objects. We will present here the methods/techniques that can be used to search for and identify disintegrating benchmark systems in three database/catalogues: Dwarf Archive, the Hipparcos Main Catalogue, and the Gliese-Jahrei{\ss} Catalogue. Placing distance constraints on objects with parallax or colour-magnitude information from spectrophotometry allowed us to identify common distance associations. Proper motion measurements allowed us to separate common proper motion multiples from our sample of disintegrating candidates. Moreover, proper motion and positional information allowed us to select candidate systems based on relative component positions that were tracked back and projected forward through time. Using this method we identified one candidate disintegrating quadruple association, and two candidate disintegrating binaries, all of them containing one ultra-cool dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, proceeding of The 19th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Su

    Long-term Stellar Variability in the Galactic Centre Region

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    © 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.We report the detection of variable stars within a 11.5' x 11.5' region near the Galactic centre (GC) that includes the Arches and Quintuplet clusters, as revealed by the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey. There are 353 sources that show Ks-band variability, of which the large majority (81%) correspond to red giant stars, mostly in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. We analyze a population of 52 red giants with long-term trends that cannot be classified into the typical pulsating star categories. Distances and extinctions are calculated for 9 Mira variables, and we discuss the impact of the chosen extinction law on the derived distances. We also report the presence of 48 new identified young stellar object (YSO) candidates in the region.Peer reviewe

    Obscured clusters. II. GLIMPSE-C02 - A new metal rich globular cluster in the Milky Way

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    The estimated total number of Milky Way globulars is 160+-20. The question of whether there are any more undiscovered globular clusters in the Milky Way is particularly relevant with advances in near and mid-IR instrumentation. This investigation is a part of a long-term project to search the inner Milky Way for hidden star clusters and to study them in detail. GLIMPSE-C02 (G02) is one of these objects, situated near the Galactic plane (l=14.129deg, b=-0.644deg). Our analysis is based on SOFI/NTT JHKs imaging and low resolution (R~1400) spectroscopy of three bright cluster red giants in the K atmospheric window. We derived the metal abundance by analysis of these spectra and from the slope of the RGB. The cluster is deeply embedded in dust and undergoes a mean reddening of Av~24.8+-3 mag. The distance to the object is D=4.6+-0.7kpc. The metal abundance of G02 is [Fe/H](H96)=-0.33+-0.14 and [Fe/H](CG)=-0.16+-0.12 using different scales. The best fit to the radial surface brightness profile with a single-mass King's model yields a core radius rc=0.70 arcmin (0.9pc), tidal radius rt=15 arcmin (20pc), and central oncentration c=1.33. We demonstrate that G02 is new Milky Way globular cluster, among the most metal rich globular clusters in the Galaxy. The object is physically located at the inner edge of the thin disk and the transition region with the bulge, and also falls in the zone of the "missing" globulars toward the central region of the Milky Way.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Obscured clusters.IV. The most massive stars in [DBS2003]179

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    Aims. We report new results for the massive evolved and main sequence members of the young galactic cluster DBS2003 179. We determine the physical parameters and investigate the high-mass stellar content of the cluster, as well as of its close vicinity. Methods. Our analysis is based on ISAAC/VLT moderate-resolution (R\approx4000) infrared spectroscopy of the brightest cluster members. We derive stellar parameters for sixteen of the stellar members, using full non-LTE modeling of the obtained spectra. Results. The cluster contains three late WN or WR/LBV stars (Obj 4, Obj 15, and Obj 20:MDM32) and at least 5 OIf and 5 OV stars. According to the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for DBS2003 179, the WR stars show masses above 85Msun, the OIf stars are between 40 and 80Msun, and the main sequence O stars are >20Msun. There are indications of binarity for Obj 4 and Obj 11, and Obj 3 shows a variable spectrum. The cluster is surrounded by a continuous protostar formation region most probably triggered by DBS2003 179. Conclusions. We confirm that DBS2003 179 is young massive cluster (2.5 10^4Msun) very close to the Galactic center at the distance of 7.9+-0.8 kpc.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, accepted in A&
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