569 research outputs found

    Nonlinear magnetic field dependence of the conductance in d-wave NIS tunnel junctions

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    The ab-plane NIS-tunnelling conductance in d-wave superconductors shows a zero-bias conductance peak which is predicted to split in a magnetic field. In a pure d-wave superconductor the splitting is linear for fields small on the scale of the thermodynamic critical field. The field dependence is shown to be nonlinear, even at low fields, in the vicinity of a surface phase transition into a local time-reversal symmetry breaking state. The field evolution of the conductance is sensitive to temperature, doping, and the symmetry of the sub-dominant pairing channel.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Andreev reflection in ballistic normal metal/graphene/superconductor junctions

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    We report the study of ballistic transport in normal metal/graphene/superconductor junctions in edge-contact geometry. While in the normal state, we have observed Fabry-P\'{e}rot resonances suggesting that charge carriers travel ballistically, the superconducting state shows that the Andreev reflection at the graphene/superconductor interface is affected by these interferences. Our experimental results in the superconducting state have been analyzed and explained with a modified Octavio-Tinkham-Blonder-Klapwijk model taking into account the magnetic pair-breaking effects and the two different interface transparencies, \textit{i.e.}\,between the normal metal and graphene, and between graphene and the superconductor. We show that the transparency of the normal metal/graphene interface strongly varies with doping at large scale, while it undergoes weaker changes at the graphene/superconductor interface. When a cavity is formed by the charge transfer occurring in the vicinity of the contacts, we see that the transmission probabilities follow the normal state conductance highlighting the interplay between the Andreev processes and the electronic interferometer

    Contacting single bundles of carbon nanotubes with alternating electric fields

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    Single bundles of carbon nanotubes have been selectively deposited from suspensions onto sub-micron electrodes with alternating electric fields. We explore the resulting contacts using several solvents and delineate the differences between Au and Ag as electrode materials. Alignment of the bundles between electrodes occurs at frequencies above 1 kHz. Control over the number of trapped bundles is achieved by choosing an electrode material which interacts strongly with the chemical functional groups of the carbon nanotubes, with superior contacts being formed with Ag electrodes.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Valley Subband Splitting in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Point Contacts

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    We report a study of one-dimensional subband splitting in a bilayer graphene quantum point contact in which quantized conductance in steps of 4e2^{2}/h is clearly defined down to the lowest subband. While our source-drain bias spectroscopy measurements reveal an unconventional confinement, we observe a full lifting of the valley degeneracy at high magnetic fields perpendicular to the bilayer graphene plane for the first two lowest subbands where confinement and Coulomb interactions are the strongest and a peculiar merging or mixing of K and K′ valleys from two nonadjacent subbands with indices (N, N + 2) , which are well described by our semiphenomenological model

    Photocurrent study of all-printed photodetectors on paper made of different transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets

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    We have inkjet-printed in-plane 'metal-semiconductor-metal' type photodetectors on paper, one of the cheapest flexible substrates, which is also recyclable and foldable, in contrast to traditional plastic substrates. The photodetectors are made by using graphene as electrodes and various transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) as photoactive component. In particular, we have tested MoS2, WS2, MoSe2 and MoTe2. Large differences in responsivity and sensitivity were observed for all of the TMDs measured, with MoS2 showing the highest sensitivity and MoTe2 producing the largest response. However, photodetectors made of MoTe2 show large decreases in responsivity after one week of exposure to air. The wavelength dependence of the responsivity in MoS2 based devices was further analyzed using a supercontinuum photocurrent spectroscopy setup, with the results suggesting a bolometric or photoelectric origin of the signal. We also report some simple approaches to enhance the device performance and tune the energy range at which the maximum in responsivity or sensitivity is observed

    Dielectrophoretic assembly of high-density arrays of individual graphene devices for rapid screening

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    We establish the use of dielectrophoresis for the directed parallel assembly of individual flakes and nanoribbons of few-layer graphene into electronic devices. This is a bottom-up approach where source and drain electrodes are prefabricated and the flakes are deposited from a solution using an alternating electric field applied between the electrodes. These devices are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and electron transport measurements. They are electrically active and their current carrying capacity and subsequent failure mechanism is revealed. Akin to carbon nanotubes, we show that the dielectrophoretic deposition is self-limiting to one flake per device and is scalable to ultralarge-scale integration densities, thereby enabling the rapid screening of a large number of devices

    Evidence for Surface Andreev Bound states in Cuprate Superconductors from Penetration Depth Measurements

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    Tunneling and theoretical studies have suggested that Andreev bound states form at certain surfaces of unconventional superconductors. Through studies of the temperature and field dependence of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth lambda_ab at low temperature, we have found strong evidence for the presence of these states in clean single crystal YBCO and BSCCO. Crystals cut to expose a [110] interface show a strong upturn in lambda_ab at around 7K, when the field is oriented so that the supercurrents flow around this surface. In YBCO this upturn is completely suppressed by a field of ~0.1 T.Comment: 4 pages 2 column revtex + 4 postscript figures. Submitted to PR
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