110 research outputs found

    Europe’s wood supply in disruptive times. An evidence-based synthesis report.

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    In the face of climate change, geopolitical disruption, and current demographic developments, the future supply of wood from European forests has become a highly relevant topic of interest for many stakeholders. The urgency of this issue has unveiled itself in recent years more than ever before. It is indispensable that effective measures are implemented already now to respond to current and future changes. However, to enable meaningful actions, a solid evidence base is crucial. Against this background, a group of internationally renowned experts from across a range of scientific backgrounds and disciplines carried out this comprehensive study titled ‘Europe’s wood supply in disruptive times’ in the framework of the science-business platform TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS. When analysing the existing scientific evidence and preparing this study, the authors were guided by the questions identified at Think Tank Meetings and a Stakeholder Dialogue convened by the platform. This study does not only illuminate individual aspects of the availability of wood but also provides an overall picture of multiple factors influencing wood supply and their complex interrelationships. Furthermore, the second part of this publication has a strong implementation-oriented focus which empowers stakeholders to truly put science into practice

    Leaf morphological differentiation between Quercus robur and Quercus petraea is stable across western European mixed oak stands

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    © INRA, EDP Sciences 2002Leaf morphology was assessed in nine mixed oak stands (Quercus petraea and Q. robur ) located in eight European countries. Exhaustive sampling was used in an area of each stand where the two species coexisted in approximately equal proportions (about 170 trees/species/stand). Fourteen leaf characters were assessed on each of 5 to10 leaves collected from the upper part of each tree. Three multivariate statistical techniques (CDA, canonical discriminant analysis; PCA, principal component analysis; MCA, multiple correspondence analysis) were used in two different ways: first on the total set of leaves over all stands (global analysis) and second, separately within each stand (local analysis). There was a general agreement of the results among the statistical methods used and between the analyses conducted (global and local). The first synthetic variable derived by each multivariate analysis exhibited a clear and sharp bimodal distribution, with overlapping in the central part. The two modes were interpreted as the two species, and the overlapping region was interpreted as an area where the within-species variations were superimposed. There was no discontinuity in the distribution or no visible evidence of a third mode which would have indicated the existence of a third population composed of trees with intermediate morphologies. Based on petiole length and number of intercalary veins, an "easy to use" discriminant function applicable to a major part of the natural distribution of the species was constructed. Validation on an independent set of trees provided a 98% rate of correct identification. The results were interpreted in the light of earlier reports about extensive hybridization occurring in mixed oak stands. Maternal effects on morphological characters, as well as a lower frequency or fitness of hybrids in comparison with parent species could explain the maintenance of two modes, which might be composed of either pure species or pure species and introgressed forms.Antoine Kremer, Jean Luc Dupouey, J. Douglas Deans, Joan Cottrell, Ulrike Csaikl, Reiner Finkeldey, Santiago Espinel, Jan Jensen, Jochen Kleinschmit, Barbara Van Dam, Alexis Ducousso, Ian Forrest, U. Lopez de Heredia, Andrew J. Lowe, Marcela Tutkova, Robert C. Munro, Sabine Steinhoff and Vincent Badea

    The influence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon subareolatus on growth and nutrient element localisation in two varieties of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii and var. glauca) in response to manganese stress

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    Acidification of forest ecosystems leads to increased plant availability of the micronutrient manganese (Mn), which is toxic when taken up in excess. To investigate whether ectomycorrhizas protect against excessive Mn by improving plant growth and nutrition or by retention of excess Mn in the hyphal mantle, seedlings of two populations of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), two varieties, one being menziesii (DFM) and the other being glauca (DFG), were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon subareolatus in sand cultures. Five months after inoculation, half of the inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings were exposed to excess Mn in the nutrient solution for further 5 months. At the end of this period, plant productivity, nutrient concentrations, Mn uptake and subcellular compartmentalisation were evaluated. Non-inoculated, non-stressed DFM plants produced about 2.5 times more biomass than similarly treated DFG. Excess Mn in the nutrient solution led to high accumulation of Mn in needles and roots but only to marginal loss in biomass. Colonisation with R. subareolatus slightly suppressed DFM growth but strongly reduced that of DFG (−50%) despite positive effects of mycorrhizas on plant phosphorus nutrition. Growth reductions of inoculated Douglas fir seedlings were unexpected since the degree of mycorrhization was not high, i.e. ca. 30% in DFM and 8% in DFG. Accumulation of high Mn was not prevented in inoculated seedlings. The hyphal mantle of mycorrhizal root tips accumulated divalent cations such as Ca, but not Mn, thus not providing a barrier against excessive Mn uptake into the plants associated with R. subareolatus

    Zum Wachstum vegetativ vermehrter Bïżœume

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    Dried distillers grains plus solubles with corn silage or alfalfa hay as the primary forage source in dairy cow diets.

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    Nine multiparous (250 ± 6 d in milk) and 3 primiparous (204 ± 6 d in milk) Holstein cows were utilized in a 3 × 3 Latin square design to evaluate the lactation performance of cows fed a diet containing dried distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS) with either corn silage or alfalfa hay as forage. Cows were fed total mixed diets containing corn silage (CS), 50% corn silage and 50% alfalfa hay (CSAH), or alfalfa hay (AH) as the forage source. All diets had a 50:50 forage-to-concentrate ratio, contained 15% DDGS, and were formulated to be equal in metabolizable protein. Dry matter intake increased when cows were fed CSAH (24.9 kg/d) compared with CS (21.9 kg/d) and AH (20.9 kg/d). Yields of milk (26.5, 28.4, 29.0 kg/d for CS, CSAH, and AH, respectively) increased linearly as proportions of alfalfa fed increased but 4% fat-corrected milk and energy-corrected milk were not affected by treatment. Feed efficiency (1.28, 1.23, and 1.45 kg of energy-corrected milk/kg of intake) improved when AH was fed compared with CS or CSAH. Milk fat concentration (3.67, 3.55, and 3.49%) decreased linearly when alfalfa replaced corn silage, but was observed only in primiparous cows, not multiparous cows. Milk protein concentration (3.32, 3.29, and 3.29%) was not affected by diet although yield (0.90, 0.96, and 0.98 kg/d) tended to increase linearly when alfalfa was added to the diet. This may have been due to an increase in essential amino acid (AA) availability and uptake by the mammary gland or to greater crude protein intake in cows fed AH. In addition, replacing corn silage with alfalfa increased the uptake of Lys by the mammary gland. Methionine was the first-limiting AA based on the transfer efficiency of AA in arterial plasma to milk protein. However, Lys was the first-limiting AA in CS and CSAH and Met was first limiting in AH for mammary gland extraction efficiency of AA from plasma. In conclusion, replacing corn silage with alfalfa hay in diets containing 15% DDGS increased milk yield and tended to increase milk protein yield linearly in cows during late lactation. Feeding alfalfa hay as the sole forage source improved feed efficiency compared with diets containing corn silage
