1,056 research outputs found

    Breaking Even? An Investigation into the Costs and Benefits of Syndicated Conservation Easements

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    The goal of this project is to analyze a sample of Conservation Easements to evaluate how the benefits received compare to the value of the tax deductions given. Looking at 61 syndicated Conservation Easements, for every lost dollar in income tax only 0.52ofconservationbenefitisprotected.However,theConservationEasementsthatbreakevenhavefeaturesincommon.TheCEsthatbreakeventypicallyfallunder0.52 of conservation benefit is protected. However, the Conservation Easements that break-even have features in common. The CEs that break even typically fall under 10,000 in lost income tax per acre and have a minimum acreage of 200

    ALMA observations of the vibrationally-excited rotational CO transition v=1,J=32v=1, J=3-2 towards five AGB stars

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    We report the serendipitous detection with ALMA of the vibrationally-excited pure-rotational CO transition v=1,J=32v=1, J=3-2 towards five asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, oo Cet, R Aqr, R Scl, W Aql, and π1\pi^1 Gru. The observed lines are formed in the poorly-understood region located between the stellar surface and the region where the wind starts, the so-called warm molecular layer. We successfully reproduce the observed lines profiles using a simple model. We constrain the extents, densities, and kinematics of the region where the lines are produced. R Aqr and R Scl show inverse P-Cygni line profiles which indicate infall of material onto the stars. The line profiles of oo Cet and R Scl show variability. The serendipitous detection towards these five sources shows that vibrationally-excited rotational lines can be observed towards a large number of nearby AGB stars using ALMA. This opens a new possibility for the study of the innermost regions of AGB circumstellar envelopes.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, 2016MNRAS.463L..74

    Dusty wind of W Hya. Multi-wavelength modelling of the present-day and recent mass-loss

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    Low- and intermediate-mass stars go through a period of intense mass-loss at the end of their lives in a phase known as the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). During the AGB a significant fraction of their initial mass is expelled in a stellar wind. This process controls the final stages of their evolution and contributes to the chemical evolution of galaxies. However, the wind-driving mechanism of AGB stars is not yet well understood, especially so for oxygen-rich sources. Characterizing both the present-day mass-loss and wind structure and the evolution of the mass-loss rate of such stars is paramount to advancing our understanding of this processes. We modelled the dust envelope of W Hya using an advanced radiative transfer code. The dust model was analysed in the light of a previously calculated gas-phase wind model and compared to measurements available in the literature, such as infrared spectra, infrared images, and optical scattered light fractions. We find that the dust spectrum of W Hya can partly be explained by a gravitationally bound dust shell that probably is responsible for most of the amorphous Al2_2O3_3 emission. The composition of the large (\sim\,0.3\,μ\mum) grains needed to explain the scattered light cannot be constrained, but probably is dominated by silicates. Silicate emission in the thermal infrared was found to originate from beyond 40 AU from the star and we find that they need to have substantial near-infrared opacities to be visible at such large distances. The increase in near-infrared opacity of the dust at these distances roughly coincides with a sudden increase in expansion velocity as deduced from the gas-phase CO lines. Finally, the recent mass loss of W Hya is confirmed to be highly variable and we identify a strong peak in the mass-loss rate that occurred about 3500 years ago and lasted for a few hundred years.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Rotational inhomogeneities from pre-big bang?

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    The evolution of the rotational inhomogeneities is investigated in the specific framework of four-dimensional pre-big bang models. While minimal (dilaton-driven) scenarios do not lead to rotational fluctuations, in the case of non-minimal (string-driven) models, fluid sources are present in the pre-big bang phase. The rotational modes of the geometry, coupled to the divergenceless part of the velocity field, can then be amplified depending upon the value of the barotropic index of the perfect fluids. In the light of a possible production of rotational inhomogeneities, solutions describing the coupled evolution of the dilaton field and of the fluid sources are scrutinized in both the string and Einstein frames. In semi-realistic scenarios, where the curvature divergences are regularized by means of a non-local dilaton potential, the rotational inhomogeneities are amplified during the pre-big bang phase but they decay later on. Similar analyses can also be performed when a contraction occurs directly in the string frame metric.Comment: 21 pages, corrected typos, references added; to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Do ativismo no STF ao ativismo do TCU: é possível falar em ativismo legislativo no Brasil? / From activism in the STF to activism in TCU: is it possible to speak in legislative activism in Brazil?

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    O presente estudo procurou observar o ativismo judicial por parte do poder legislativo, em especial, por meio de algumas decisões do TCU. A hipótese levantada seria de que ao se permitir o ativismo por parte do judiciário, abrir-se-ia um precedente para que o mesmo pudesse ser realizado pelos demais poderes. Para tanto, o estudo inicia com as origens do que seja ativismo judicial, sua relação com o neo-consitucionalismo e os principais estudos publicados. São apontados, ainda, os principais autores  e argumentos favoráveis e contra o ativismo, dentre os quais se destacam aqueles que, empiricamente, demostram que a administração pública está mais bem preparada para conferir concretude aos direitos programáticos em relação ao judiciário, colocando-se sob questionamento os fundamentos daqueles autores que visualizam no judiciário o papel de protagonista na garantia de direitos programáticos aos menos favorecidos. O Caso da súmula 222 do TCU e da decisão 663/TCU confirmaram a hipótese de que o ativismo deixou de ser, unilateralmente, realizado pelo judiciário e passou a permear os demais poderes, em prejuízo, contudo, do pacto federativo e da separação dos poderes, conforme já alertava a doutrina

    Seed ecology of European mesic meadows

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    Background and Aims: European mesic meadows are semi-natural open habitats of high biodiversity and an essential part of European landscapes. These species-rich communities can be a source of seed mixes for ecological restoration, urban greening and rewilding. However, limited knowledge of species germination traits is a bottleneck to the development of a competitive native seed industry. Here, we synthesize the seed ecology of mesic meadows. Methods: We combined our own experimental data with data obtained from databases to create a combined dataset containing 2005 germination records of 90 plant species from 31 European countries. We performed a Bayesian meta-analysis of this dataset to test the seed germination response to environmental cues including scarification, stratification, temperature, alternating temperature and light. We also used multivariate ordination to check the relationship between seed traits (germination and morphology) and species ecological preferences, and to compare the seed ecology of mesic meadows with that of other herbaceous plant communities from the same geographic area. Key Results: The seed ecology of mesic meadows is characterized by (1) high seed germinability when compared with other herbaceous plant communities; (2) low correspondence between seed traits and species ecological preferences; and (3) a deep phylogenetic separation between the two major families, Poaceae and Fabaceae. Poaceae produce many light seeds that respond to gap-detecting germination cues (alternating temperatures and light); Fabaceae produce fewer heavy seeds, which need scarification to break their physical dormancy. Conclusions: High germinability of meadow seeds will reduce their capacity to form persistent seed banks, resulting in dispersal limitations to passive regeneration. For centuries, human activities have shaped the regeneration of meadows, leading to a loss of seed dormancy and decoupling seeds from seasonal cycles, as has been found in many domesticated species. The same anthropic processes that have shaped semi-natural mesic meadows have left them dependent on continued human intervention for their regeneration, highlighting the importance of active restoration via seed supply