87,650 research outputs found

    Ultra-violet Finiteness in Noncommutative Supersymmetric Theories

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    We consider the ultra-violet divergence structure of general noncommutative supersymmetric U(Nc)U(N_c) gauge theories, and seek theories which are all-orders finite.Comment: 11 pages, Tex, one figure. Uses harvmac (big) and eps

    Fayet-Iliopoulos D-terms and anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking

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    We show that in a minimal extension of the MSSM by means of an extra U(1) gauge group, the negative mass-squared problem characteristic of the Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking scenario is naturally solved by means of Fayet-Iliopoulos D-terms. We derive a set of sum rules for the sparticle masses which are consequences of the resulting framework.Comment: 11 pages, including 1 figure. Plain TeX. Uses Harvmac and epsf. Final version to appear in Phys. Lett. B; some minor improvement

    SRF cavity geometry optimization for the ILC with minimized surface e.m. fields and superior bandwidth

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    The main linacs of the ILC consist of nine-cell cavities based on the TESLA design. In order to facilitate reaching higher gradients we have re-designed the cavity shape. This leads to a reduction, comparable to several current designs, in both the ratio of the surface electric field to the accelerating field (Es/Ea) and the magnetic field to the accelerating field (Bs/Ea). The bandwidth of the accelerating mode is also optimized. This new shape, which we refer to as the New Low Surface Field (NLSF) design, bears comparison with the Ichiro, Re-entrant and LSF designs.Comment: Presented at the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC09) Vancouver, Canad

    The Exact Tachyon Beta-Function for the Wess-Zumino-Witten Model

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    We derive an exact expression for the tachyon β\beta-function for the Wess-Zumino-Witten model. We check our result up to three loops by calculating the three-loop tachyon β\beta-function for a general non-linear σ\sigma-model with torsion, and then specialising to the case of the WZW model.Comment: 13pp, uses harvmac (with figures appended as a a standard PostScript file), LTH 31

    Quasi-infra-red fixed points and renormalisation group invariant trajectories for non-holomorphic soft supersymmetry breaking

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    In the MSSM the quasi-infra-red fixed point for the top-quark Yukawa coupling gives rise to specific predictions for the soft-breaking parameters. We discuss the extent to which these predictions are modified by the introduction of additional ``non-holomorphic'' soft-breaking terms. We also show that in a specific class of theories there exists an RG-invariant trajectory for the ``non-holomorphic'' terms, which can be understood using a holomorphic spurion term.Comment: 24 pages, TeX, two figures. Uses Harvmac (big) and epsf. Minor errors corrected, and the RG trajectory explained in terms of a holomorphic spurion ter

    The Gaugino \beta-Function

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    We present an elegant exact formula for the gaugino β\beta-function in a softly-broken supersymmetric gauge theory, of the form βM=O(βg/g)\beta_M = {\cal O}(\beta_g/g), where βg\beta_g is the gauge β\beta function and O{\cal O} is a simple differential operator acting on the gauge coupling gg and the Yukawa coupling.Comment: 11 pages, tex, no figures. Uses harvmac. Minor error in derivation of Eq. (14) correcte

    Third Harmonic Cavity Modal Analysis

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    Third harmonic cavities have been designed and fabricated by FNAL to be used at the FLASH/XFEL facility at DESY to minimise the energy spread along the bunches. Modes in these cavities are analysed and the sensitivity to frequency errors are assessed. A circuit model is employed to model the monopole bands. The monopole circuit model is enhanced to include successive cell coupling, in addition to the usual nearest neighbour coupling. A mode matching code is used to facilitate rapid simulations, incorporating fabrication errors. Curves surfaces are approximated by a series of abrupt transitions and the validity of this approach is examinedComment: Proceedings of 14th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2009), 2009, Berlin, German

    The effect of timing noise on targeted and narrow-band coherent searches for continuous gravitational waves from pulsars

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    Most searches for continuous gravitational-waves from pulsars use Taylor expansions in the phase to model the spin-down of neutron stars. Studies of pulsars demonstrate that their electromagnetic (EM) emissions suffer from \emph{timing noise}, small deviations in the phase from Taylor expansion models. How the mechanism producing EM emission is related to any continuous gravitational-wave (CW) emission is unknown; if they either interact or are locked in phase then the CW will also experience timing noise. Any disparity between the signal and the search template used in matched filtering methods will result in a loss of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), referred to as `mismatch'. In this work we assume the CW suffers a similar level of timing noise to its EM counterpart. We inject and recover fake CW signals, which include timing noise generated from observational data on the Crab pulsar. Measuring the mismatch over durations of order 10\sim 10 months, the effect is for the most part found to be small. This suggests recent so-called `narrow-band' searches which placed upper limits on the signals from the Crab and Vela pulsars will not be significantly affected. At a fixed observation time, we find the mismatch depends upon the observation epoch. Considering the averaged mismatch as a function of observation time, we find that it increases as a power law with time, and so may become relevant in long baseline searches.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure