2,603 research outputs found

    Breakup of meteoroids in the Venusian atmosphere and its effects on crater formation

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    Early results of the Magellan mission to Venus show that almost all of the observed impact craters appear to be unaffected by erosion, burial, and tectonic deformation. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that the observed paucity of small craters in the cumulative size-frequency distribution (SFD) relative to the simple power laws observed on airless planets is most likely due to atmospheric effects on the incoming meteoroids. A model was developed earlier for travel and breakup of a meteoroid in an atmosphere, but this model was never used to estimate a SFD. An attempt is made to match the cumulative SFD and the number and size distribution of multiple-floored craters and crater fields using this model

    Experiment K-6-10. Effects of zero gravity on myofibril protein content and isomyosin distribution in rodent skeletal muscle

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    The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of 12 days of zero gravity (0G) exposure (Cosmos 1887 Biosputnik) on the enzymatic properties, protein content, and isomyosin distribution of the myofibril fraction of the slow-twitch vastus intermedius (VI) and the fast-twitch vastus lateralis (VL) muscles of adult male rats. Measurements were obtained on three experimental groups (n=5 each group) designated as flight-group (FG), vivarium-control (VC), and synchronous-control (SC). Body weight of the FG was significantly lower than the two control groups (p less than 0.05). Compared to the two control groups, VI weight was lower by 23 percent (p less than 0.10); whereas no such reduction was observed for the VL muscle. Myofibril yields (mg protein/g of muscle) in the VI were 35 percent lower in the FG compared to the controls (p less than 0.05); whereas, no such pattern was apparent for the VL muscle. When myofibril yields were expressed on a muscle basis (mg/g x muscle weight), the loss of myofibril protein was more exaggerated and suggests that myofibril protein degradation is an early event in the muscle atrophy response to 0G. Analysis of myosin isoforms indicated that slow-myosin was the primary isoform lost in the calculated degradation of total myosin. No evidence of loss of the fast isomyosins was apparent for either muscle following space flight. Myofibril ATPase activity of the VI was increased in the FG compared to controls, which is consistent with the observation of preferential slow-myosin degradation. These data suggest that muscles containing a high percent of slow-twitch fibers undergo greater degrees of myofibril protein degradation than do muscles containing predominantly fast-twitch fibers in response to a relatively short period of 0G exposure, and the primary target appears to be the slow-myosin molecule

    The three ages of Venus: A hypothesis based on the cratering record

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    The elevation range of 6051.9 - 6053.9 km on Venus is deficient in craters but has a high proportion of embayed and tectonically deformed craters. On the basis of this data and previous work, I propose that Venus has experienced three distinct geologic ages: pseudo-plate tectonics until 1 - 2 Ga, volcanic flooding of low-lying areas, and currently hot spot tectonics

    Tectonics and volcanism of Eastern Aphrodite Terra: No subduction, no spreading

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    Eastern Aphrodite Terra is approximately equal in size to the western North American Cordillera, from Mexico to Alaska. Its size and unique landforms make it an important area for understanding the tectonics of Venus, yet models for its formation are diametrically opposed. This region is part of the Equatorial Highlands, which was proposed as a region of lithospheric thinning, isostatic uplift, and attendant volcanism. Eastern Aphrodite Terra is dominated by circular structures within which deformation and volcanism are intimately related. These structures are marked by radial and concentric fractures, and volcanic flows that emanate from a central vent, as well as from concentric fracture sets. Cross-cutting relations between flows and concentric fracture sets indicate that outer concentric fracture sets are younger than inner fracture sets. The circular structures are joined by regional northeast- to east-trending fractures that dominantly postdate formation of the circular structures. We propose that the circular structures 'grow' outward with time. Although these structures probably represent addition of crust to the lithosphere, they do not represent significant lithospheric spreading or convergence, and the region does not mark the boundary between two distinct tectonic plates. This region is not easily explained by analogy with either terrestrial midocean rifts or subduction zones. It is perhaps best explained by upwelling of magma diapirs that blister the surface, but do not cause significant lithospheric spreading. Further study of the structural and volcanic evolution of this region using Magellan altimetry and SAR data should lead to better understanding of the tectonic evolution of this region

    A Curtain of Ignorance

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    The American Naval Revolution

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    Inversion of Crater Morphometric Data to Gain Insight on the Cratering Process

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    In recent years, morphometric data for Venus and several outer planet satellites have been collected, so we now have observational data of complex Craters formed in a large range of target properties. We present general inversion techniques that can utilize the morphometric data to quantitatively test various models of complex crater formation. The morphometric data we use in this paper are depth of a complex crater, the diameter at which the depth-diameter ratio changes, and onset diameters for central peaks, terraces, and peak rings. We tested the roles of impactor velocities and hydrostatic pressure vs. crustal strength, and we tested the specific models of acoustic fluidization (Melosh, 1982) and nonproportional growth (Schultz, 1988). Neither the acoustic fluidization model nor the nonproportional growth in their published formulations are able to successfully reproduce the data. No dependence on impactor velocity is evident from our inversions. Most of the morphometric data is consistent with a linear dependence on the ratio of crustal strength to hydrostatic pressure on a planet, or the factor c/pg

    Pyramidal Atoms: Berylliumlike Hollow States

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    Based on the idea that four excited electrons arrange themselves around the nucleus in the corners of a pyramid in order to minimize their mutual repulsion, we present an analytical model of quadruply excited states. The model shows excellent comparison with ab initio results and provides a clear physical picture of the intrinsic motion of the four electrons. The model is used to predict configuration-mixing fractions and spectra of these highly correlated states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Etching silicon by SF₆ in a continuous and pulsed power helicon reactor

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    The etch rate of silicon by SF₆ in a helicon reactor has been measured along with simultaneous actinometric measurements of the concentration of atomic fluorine in the gas phase for a variety of gas flow rates resulting in pressures in the mTorr range. A bias rf power was applied to the substrate to investigate the effect of ion energy on the etch rate. The etch rate was found to be proportional to the fluorine concentration and independent of the bias for the higher gas flow rates. However, at lower flow rates, the situation was more complicated and no simple model can explain the measurements.Measurements of the etch rate were also made in the afterglow of a repetitively pulsed discharge so that the directed ion energy would be reduced to the thermal motion after the rapid collapse of the plasma potential. A simple model was developed to explain the temporal etching phenomena in terms of the lifetime of the atomic fluorine

    Telomere formation on macronuclear chromosomes of Oxytricha trifallax and O. fallax: alternatively processed regions have multiple telomere addition sites

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    BACKGROUND: Ciliates employ massive chromatid breakage and de novo telomere formation during generation of the somatic macronucleus. Positions flanking the 81-MAC locus are reproducibly cut. But those flanking the Common Region are proposed to often escape cutting, generating three nested macronuclear chromosomes, two retaining "arms" still appended to the Common Region. Arm-distal positions must differ (in cis) from the Common Region flanks. RESULTS: The Common-Region-flanking positions also differ from the arm-distal positions in that they are "multi-TAS" regions: anchored PCR shows heterogeneous patterns of telomere addition sites, but arm-distal sites do not. The multi-TAS patterns are reproducible, but are sensitive to the sequence of the allele being processed. Thus, random degradation following chromatid cutting does not create this heterogeneity; these telomere addition sites also must be dictated by cis-acting sequences. CONCLUSIONS: Most ciliates show such micro-heterogeneity in the precise positions of telomere addition sites. Telomerase is believed to be tightly associated with, and act in concert with, the chromatid-cutting nuclease: heterogeneity must be the result of intervening erosion activity. Our "weak-sites" hypothesis explains the correlation between alternative chromatid cutting at the Common Region boundaries and their multi-TAS character: when the chromatid-breakage machine encounters either a weak binding site or a weak cut site at these regions, then telomerase dissociates prematurely, leaving the new end subject to erosion by an exonuclease, which pauses at cis-acting sequences; telomerase eventually heals these resected termini. Finally, we observe TAS positioning influenced by trans-allelic interactions, reminiscent of transvection
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