2,310 research outputs found

    Water Quality Characteristics of Three Rain Gardens Located Within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota

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    A study was conducted by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) at three locations in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area in Minnesota to assess the effect that bioretention areas, or rain gardens, have on water quality. The rain gardens are located at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (MLA), City of Hugo, and City of Woodbury. These sites were chosen because of their similar ages, differences in design, surrounding land use, precipitation patterns, and geology. This article reports the statistical analysis of six years of data obtained from these three sites. The data characterizes the water quality of the inflow, overflow, vadose zone, and groundwater of each rain garden. Nutrients analyzed included chloride, total suspended solids, ammonia, organic nitrogen, nitrate, and phosphorus. Lysimeters and wells had significantly lower nutrient concentrations compared to inflow for most nutrients. Increased nitrate occurred in the vadose zone at Woodbury and Hugo, suggesting some production of nitrate within the soil profile; however, groundwater beneath the rain gardens contained significantly lower concentrations of nitrate compared to the inflow, providing evidence of nitrate removal at deeper depths. Phosphorus concentrations were reduced in overflow and groundwater, with the exception of dissolved phosphorus at MLA. Rain garden and background wells often contained similar nutrient concentrations, suggesting that the rain gardens had little impact on the local ground water supplies. This unique six year study provides consistent evidence of the ability of these three rain gardens to reduce nutrient concentrations from urban stormwater

    The extraordinary Hall effect in coherent epitaxial tau (Mn,Ni)Al thin films on GaAs

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    Ultrathin coherent epitaxial films of ferromagnetic tau(Mn,Ni)0.60Al0.40 have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. X-ray scattering and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy measurements confirm that the c axis of the tetragonal tau unit cell is aligned normal to the (001) GaAs substrate. Measurements of the extraordinary Hall effect (EHE) show that the films are perpendicularly magnetized, exhibiting EHE resistivities saturating in the range of 3.3-7.1 muOMEGA-cm at room temperature. These values of EHE resistivity correspond to signals as large as +7 and -7 mV for the two magnetic states of the film with a measurement current of 1 mA. Switching between the two magnetic states is found to occur at distinct field values that depend on the previously applied maximum field. These observations suggest that the films are magnetically uniform. As such, tau(Mn,Ni)Al films may be an excellent medium for high-density storage of binary information

    The Geometry of Entanglement Sudden Death

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    In open quantum systems, entanglement can vanish faster than coherence. This phenomenon is usually called sudden death of entanglement. In this paper sudden death of entanglement is discussed from a geometrical point of view, in the context of two qubits. A classification of possible scenarios is presented, with important known examples classified. Theoretical and experimental construction of other examples is suggested as well as large dimensional and multipartite versions of the effect.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, references added, initial paragraph corrected, sectioning adopted, some parts rewritten; accepted by New J. Phy

    Classical and Quantum-like approaches to Charged-Particle Fluids in a Quadrupole

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    A classical description of the dynamics of a dissipative charged-particle fluid in a quadrupole-like device is developed. It is shown that the set of the classical fluid equations contains the same information as a complex function satisfying a Schrodinger-like equation in which Planck's constant is replaced by the time-varying emittance, which is related to the time-varying temperature of the fluid. The squared modulus and the gradient of the phase of this complex function are proportional to the fluid density and to the current velocity, respectively. Within this framework, the dynamics of an electron bunch in a storage ring in the presence of radiation damping and quantum-excitation is recovered. Furthermore, both standard and generalized (including dissipation) coherent states that may be associated with the classical particle fluids are fully described in terms of the above formalism.Comment: LaTex, to appear in Physica Script

    Coherent States for Particle Beams in the Thermal Wave Model

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    In this paper, by using an analogy among {\it quantum mechanics}, {\it electromagnetic beam optics in optical fibers}, and {\it charge particle beam dynamics}, we introduce the concept of {\it coherent states} for charged particle beams in the framework of the {\it Thermal Wave Model} (TWM). We give a physical meaning of the Gaussian-like coherent structures of charged particle distribution that are both naturally and artificially produced in an accelerating machine in terms of the concept of coherent states widely used in quantum mechanics and in quantum optics. According to TWM, this can be done by using a Schr\"{o}dinger-like equation for a complex function, the so-called {\it beam wave function} (BWF), whose squared modulus is proportional to the transverse beam density profile, where Planck's constant and the time are replaced by the transverse beam emittance and by the propagation coordinate, respectively. The evolution of the particle beam, whose initial BWF is assumed to be the simplest coherent state (ground-like state) associated with the beam, in an infinite 1-D quadrupole-like device with small sextupole and octupole aberrations, is analytically and numerically investigated.Comment: 21 pages, Late

    A Comparison of Pairs Figure Skaters in Repeated Jumps

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    Trends in pairs figure skating have shown that increasingly difficult jumps have become an essential aspect of high-level performance, especially in the latter part of a competitive program. We compared a repeated jump power index in a 60 s repeated jump test to determine the relationship of repeated jump test to competitive rank and to measure 2D hip, knee, and ankle angles and angular velocities at 0, 20, 40, and 60 s. Eighteen National Team Pairs Figure Skaters performed a 60 s repeated jump test on a large switch-mat with timing of flight and ground durations and digital video recording. Each 60-s period was divided into 6, 10-s intervals, with power indexes (W/kg) calculated for each 10-s interval. Power index by 10-s interval repeated measures ANOVAs (RMANOVA) showed that males exceeded females at all intervals, and the highest power index interval was during 10 to 20 s for both sexes. RMANOVAs of angles and angular velocities showed main effects for time only. Power index and jumping techniques among figure skaters showed rapid and steady declines over the test duration. Power index can predict approximately 50% of competitive rank variance, and sex differences in jumping technique were rare

    Evidence against the existence of the B0 meson

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    Recent theoretical work (1-3) on the electromagnetic structure of the nucleon has revived interest in the possibility of a bound state, of 3 pions with I = 0, J = 1. Such a particle might be of assistance in explaining the equality of the isoscalar and isovector parts of the nucleon charge distribution

    Stretching the spines of gymnasts: a review

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    Gymnastics is noted for involving highly specialized strength, power, agility and flexibility. Flexibility is perhaps the single greatest discriminator of gymnastics from other sports. The extreme ranges of motion achieved by gymnasts require long periods of training, often occupying more than a decade. Gymnasts also start training at an early age (particularly female gymnasts), and the effect of gymnastics training on these young athletes is poorly understood. One of the concerns of many gymnastics professionals is the training of the spine in hyperextension-the ubiquitous 'arch' seen in many gymnastics positions and movements. Training in spine hyperextension usually begins in early childhood through performance of a skill known as a back-bend. Does practising a back-bend and other hyperextension exercises harm young gymnasts? Current information on spine stretching among gymnasts indicates that, within reason, spine stretching does not appear to be an unusual threat to gymnasts' health. However, the paucity of information demands that further study be undertaken

    Detecting host-parasitoid interactions in an invasive Lepidopteran using nested tagging DNA metabarcoding

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    Determining the host-parasitoid interactions and parasitism rates for invasive species entering novel environments is an important first step in assessing potential routes for biocontrol and integrated pest management. Conventional insect rearing techniques followed by taxonomic identification are widely used to obtain such data, but this can be time consuming and prone to biases. Here we present a Next Generation Sequencing approach for use in ecological studies which allows for individual level metadata tracking of large numbers of invertebrate samples through the use of hierarchically organised molecular identification tags. We demonstrate its utility using a sample data set examining both species identity and levels of parasitism in late larval stages of the Oak Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoea processionea - Linn. 1758), an invasive species recently established in the UK. Overall we find that there are two main species exploiting the late larval stages of Oak Processionary Moth in the UK with the main parasitoid (Carcelia iliaca - Ratzeburg, 1840) parasitising 45.7% of caterpillars, while a rare secondary parasitoid (Compsilura conccinata - Meigen, 1824) was also detected in 0.4% of caterpillars. Using this approach on all life stages of the Oak Processionary Moth may demonstrate additional parasitoid diversity. We discuss the wider potential of nested tagging DNA-metabarcoding for constructing large, highly-resolved species interaction networks