132 research outputs found

    Hy-wire and fast electric field change measurements near an isolated thunderstorm, appendix C

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    Electric field measurements near an isolated thunderstorm at 6.4 km distance are presented from both a tethered balloon experiment called Hy-wire and also from ground based fast and slow electric field change systems. Simultaneous measurements were made of the electric fields during several lightning flashes at the beginning of the storm which the data clearly indicate were cloud-to-ground flashes. In addition to providing a comparison between the Hy-wire technique for measuring electric fields and more traditional methods, these data are interesting because the lightning flashes occurred prior to changes in the dc electric field, although Hy-wire measured changes in the dc field of up to 750 V/m in the direction opposite to the fair weather field a short time later. Also, the dc electric field was observed to decay back to its preflash value after each flash. The data suggest that Hy-wire was at the field reversal distance from this storm and suggest the charge realignment was taking place in the cloud with a time constant on the order of 20 seconds

    Strong Electric Fields From Positive Lightning Strokes in the Stratosphere

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    A balloon payload launched in Brazil has measured vector electric fields from lightning at least an order of magnitude larger than previously reported above 30 km in the stratosphere. During the flight hundreds of lightning events were recorded, including several positive cloud to ground lightning strokes. A two stroke flash, with small (15 kA peak current) and moderate (53 kA) positive strokes at a horizontal range of 34 km, produced field changes over 140 V/m at 34 km altitude. On-board optical lightning detection, recorded with GPS timing, coupled with ground based lightning location gives high time resolution for study of the electric field transient propagation. These measurements imply that lightning electric fields in the mesosphere over large thunderstorms may be much larger than previously measured

    Plant Modelling Framework: software for building and running crop models on the APSIM platform

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    The Plant Modelling Framework (PMF) is a software framework for creating models that represent the plant components of farm system models in the agricultural production system simulator (APSIM). It is the next step in the evolution of generic crop templates for APSIM, building on software and science lessons from past versions and capitalising on new software approaches. The PMF contains a top-level Plant class that provides an interface with the APSIM model environment and controls the other classes in the plant model. Other classes include mid-level Organ, Phenology, Structure and Arbitrator classes that represent specific elements or processes of the crop and sub-classes that the mid-level classes use to represent repeated data structures. It also contains low-level Function classes which represent generic mathematical, logical, procedural or reference code and provide values to the processes carried out by mid-level classes. A plant configuration file specifies which mid-level and Function classes are to be included and how they are to be arranged and parameterised to represent a particular crop model. The PMF has an integrated design environment to allow plant models to be created visually. The aims of the PMF are to maximise code reuse and allow flexibility in the structure of models. Four examples are included to demonstrate the flexibility of application of the PMF; 1. Slurp, a simple model of the water use of a static crop, 2. Oat, an annual grain crop model with detailed growth, development and resource use processes, 3. Lucerne, perennial forage model with detailed growth, development and resource use processes, 4. Wheat, another detailed annual crop model constructed using an alternative set of organ and process classes. These examples show the PMF can be used to develop models of different complexities and allows flexibility in the approach for implementing crop physiology concepts into model set up

    A case study of electron precipitation fluxes due to plasmaspheric hiss

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    We find that during a large geomagnetic storm in October 2011 the trapped fluxes of >30, >100, and >300 keV outer radiation belt electrons were enhanced at L=3-4 during the storm main phase. A gradual decay of the trapped fluxes was observed over the following 5–7 days, even though no significant precipitation fluxes could be observed in the Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (POES) electron precipitation detectors. We use the Antarctic-Arctic Radiation-belt (Dynamic) Deposition - VLF Atmospheric Research Konsortium (AARDDVARK) receiver network to investigate the characteristics of the electron precipitation throughout the storm period. Weak electron precipitation was observed on the dayside for 5–7 days, consistent with being driven by plasmaspheric hiss. Using a previously published plasmaspheric hiss-induced electron energy e-folding spectrum of E0=365 keV, the observed radiowave perturbation levels at L=3-4 were found to be caused by >30 keV electron precipitation with flux ~100 el. cm−2 s−1 sr−1. The low levels of precipitation explain the lack of response of the POES telescopes to the flux, because of the effect of the POES lower sensitivity limit and ability to measure weak diffusion-driven precipitation. The detection of dayside, inner plasmasphere electron precipitation during the recovery phase of the storm is consistent with plasmaspheric hiss wave-particle interactions, and shows that the waves can be a significant influence on the evolution of the outer radiation belt trapped flux that resides inside the plasmapause

    Thunderstorm and Lightning Characteristics Associated With Sprites in Brazil

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    A study of the thunderstorm and cloud-ground lightning characteristics associated with sprite events observed in Brazil is presented. The study is based on ground and aircraft sprite observations with high sensitivity intensified CCD cameras of six different thunderstorms, GOES satellite infrared images, radar and lightning network data. A total of eighteen transient optical events were recorded at three different days in 2002 and 2003, sixteen of which exhibited vertical structures typically associated with sprites. Four thunderstorms were associated with two different cold fronts, one with a Mesoscale Convective System, and one was a local isolated thunderstorm. The sprites occurred during time periods when the percentage of positive flashes was higher than the average percentage for the storm lifetime. The lightning associated with the sprite events was all positive flashes with a mean peak current higher than the mean value for all flashes in the storms

    What Can Geolocated Sferics Tell Us About Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes?

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    The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) has been detecting TGFs with increasing sensitivity over the past two years, owing to changes in flight software that have lowered its threshold for triggering and, recently, allowed a search for TGFs weaker than those which would cause an onboard trigger. Associations between TGFs detected in the first 18 months of operation and sferics detected using the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) show that TGF peaks and lightning discharges are simultaneous to within tens of microseconds, and that GBM triggered on TGFs that occurred up to a distance of 300 km from the sub-spacecraft position. In the work presented here, we look for associations between TGFs detected by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and WWLLN sferics over the same 18 months, and we compare the match rate and detection horizon of the two instruments. We also look for associations between WWLLN sferics and more recent GBM TGFs, both triggered events and weaker TGFs uncovered in our untriggered search. We discuss whether in this new mode, GBM is detecting TGFs that are more distant from the sub-spacecraft point than 300 km, or whether the weaker TGFs are instead indicative of a luminosity distribution, either because the weaker ones originate deeper in the atmosphere or because they are intrinsically dimmer

    Does collaborative farm-scale modelling address current challenges and future opportunities?

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    Resources required increasing, resources available decreasingFarm-scale modellers will need to make strategic decisionsSingle-owner modelsMay continue with additional resourcesRisk of ‘succession’ problemCommunity modelling is an alternativeNeed to continue building a community of farm modellersThe results will be published as a peer-reviewed article

    A Very Active Sprite-Producing Storm Observed Over Argentina

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    During the night of 22–23 February 2006, more than 400 middle- atmospheric optical discharges were observed above one large thunderstorm system over northeastern Argentina. These transient luminous events (TLEs) were imaged during the Southern Brazil Sprite Campaign, the first campaign to focus on TLEs over southern Brazil, northeastern Argentina, and Uruguay. All of the TLEs were imaged from the Brazilian Southern Space Observatory (SSO) near Santa Maria, which is nearly in the center of the southernmost Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Although the fields of view of the imaging cameras were too narrow to view the entire storm, the more than 400 confirmed TLEs imaged indicate that this storm ranks as the third most active TLE producer ever reported. Hence, storms in this region of South America might be some of the leading TLE generators on Earth
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