377 research outputs found

    Non-simply-laced Lie algebras via F theory strings

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    In order to describe the appearance in F theory of the non--simply--laced Lie algebras, we use the representation of symmetry enhancements by means of string junctions. After an introduction to the techniques used to describe symmetry enhancement, that is algebraic geometry, BPS states analysis and string junctions, we concentrate on the latter. We give an explicit description of the folding of D_{2n} to B_n of the folding of E_6 to F_4 and that of D_4 to G_2 in terms of junctions and Jordan strings. We also discuss the case of C_n, but we are unable in this case to provide a string interpretation.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Non-Abelian (p,q) Strings in the Warped Deformed Conifold

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    We calculate the tension of (p,q)(p,q)-strings in the warped deformed conifold using the non-Abelian DBI action. In the large flux limit, we find exact agreement with the recent expression obtained by Firouzjahi, Leblond and Henry-Tye up to and including order 1/M21/M^2 terms if qq is also taken to be large. Furthermore using the finite qq prescription for the symmetrised trace operation we anticipate the most general expression for the tension valid for any (p,q)(p,q). We find that even in this instance, corrections to the tension scale as 1/M21/M^2 which is not consistent with simple Casimir scaling.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 1 figure; Added a discussion of the case when the warp factor parameter b≠1b\neq 1 and typos correcte

    Fermion localization on degenerate and critical branes

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    In this work we analyze the localization of fermions on degenerate and critical Bloch branes. This is done directly on physical coordinates, in constrast to some works that has been using conformal coordinates. We find the range of coupling constants of the interaction of fermions with the scalar fields that allow us to have normalizable fermion zero-mode localized on the brane on both, critical and degenerate Bloch branes. In the case of critical branes our results agree with those found in [Class. Quantum Grav. \textbf{27} (2010) 185001]. The results on fermion localization on degenerate Bloch branes are new. We also propose a coupling of fermions to the scalar fields which leads to localization of massless fermion on both sides of a double-brane.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Higgs Phenomenon for 4-D Gravity in Anti de Sitter Space

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    We show that standard Einstein gravity coupled to a free conformal field theory (CFT) in Anti de Sitter space can undergo a Higgs phenomenon whereby the graviton acquires a nonzero mass (and three extra polarizations). We show that the essential ingredients of this mechanism are the discreteness of the energy spectrum in AdS space, and unusual boundary conditions on the elementary fields of the CFT. These boundary conditions can be interpreted as implying the existence of a 3-d defect CFT living at the boundary of the AdS space. Our free-field computation sheds light on the essential, model-independent features of AdS that give rise to massive gravity.Comment: 17 page

    Superconformal Gauge Theories and Non-Critical Superstrings

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    We consider effective actions for six-dimensional non-critical superstrings. We show that the addition of NN units of R-R flux and of NfN_f space-time filling D5-branes produces AdS5Ă—S1AdS_5 \times S^1 solutions with curvature comparable to the string scale. These solutions have the right structure to be dual to N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with NfN_f flavors. We further suggest bounds on the mass-squared of tachyonic fields in this background that should restrict the theory to the conformal window.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure v4: Minor change

    Glueball Scattering Amplitudes from Holography

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    Using techniques developed in a previous paper three-point functions in field theories described by holographic renormalization group flows are computed. We consider a system of one active scalar and one inert scalar coupled to gravity. For the GPPZ flow, their dual operators create states that are interpreted as glueballs of the N=1 SYM theory, which lies at the infrared end of the renormalization group flow. The scattering amplitudes for three-glueball processes are calculated providing precise predictions for glueball decays in N=1 SYM theory. Numerical results for low-lying glueballs are included.Comment: 34 pages v2: comments on local terms and references added, v3: version published in JHE

    Local models for intersecting brane worlds

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    We describe the construction of configurations of D6-branes wrapped on compact 3-cycles intersecting at points in non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds. Such constructions provide local models of intersecting brane worlds, and describe sectors of four-dimensional gauge theories with chiral fermions. We present several classes of non-compact manifolds with compact 3-cycles intersecting at points, and discuss the rules required for model building with wrapped D6-branes. The rules to build 3-cycles are simple, and allow easy computation of chiral spectra, RR tadpoles and the amount of preserved supersymmetry. We present several explicit examples of these constructions, some of which have Standard Model like gauge group and three quark-lepton generations. In some cases, mirror symmetry relates the models to other constructions used in phenomenological D-brane model building, like D-branes at singularities. Some simple N=1 supersymmetric configurations may lead to relatively tractable G_2 manifolds upon lift to M-theory, which would be non-compact but nevertheless yield four-dimensional chiral gauge field theories.Comment: 52 pages, latex, 24 enclosed eps figures; v2. typo correcte

    On the Existence of Meta-stable Vacua in Klebanov-Strassler

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    We solve for the complete space of linearized deformations of the Klebanov-Strassler background consistent with the symmetries preserved by a stack of anti-D3 branes smeared on the S3S^3 of the deformed conifold. We find that the only solution whose UV physics is consistent with that of a perturbation produced by anti-D3 branes must have a singularity in the infrared, coming from NS and RR three-form field strengths whose energy density diverges. If this singularity is admissible, our solution describes the backreaction of the anti-D3 branes, and is thus likely to be dual to the conjectured metastable vacuum in the Klebanov-Strassler field theory. If this singularity is not admissible, then our analysis strongly suggests that anti-D3 branes do not give rise to metastable Klebanov-Strassler vacua, which would have dramatic consequences for some string theory constructions of de Sitter space. Key to this result is a simple, universal form for the force on a probe D3-brane in our ansatz.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX. v2: further details provided regarding the IR singularity and the discussion modified accordingly. typos corrected, refs adde

    Generalized Flux Vacua

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    We consider type II string theory compactified on a symmetric T^6/Z_2 orientifold. We study a general class of discrete deformations of the resulting four-dimensional supergravity theory, including gaugings arising from geometric and "nongeometric'' fluxes, as well as the usual R-R and NS-NS fluxes. Solving the equations of motion associated with the resulting N = 1 superpotential, we find parametrically controllable infinite families of supersymmetric vacua with all moduli stabilized. We also describe some aspects of the distribution of generic solutions to the SUSY equations of motion for this model, and note in particular the existence of an apparently infinite number of solutions in a finite range of the parameter space of the four-dimensional effective theory.Comment: 30 pages, 4 .eps figures; v2, reference adde

    On effective action of string theory flux compactifications

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    We discuss four dimensional effective actions of string theory flux compactifications. These effective actions describe four dimensional gravity coupled to overall Kahler modulus of the compactification manifold. We demonstrate the agreement between ten dimensional equations of motion of supergravity with localized branes, and equations of motion derived from the effective action. The agreement is lost however if one evaluates the full effective action on the equations of motion for a subset of the supergravity modes, provided these modes depend on-shell on the Kahler modulus.Comment: 25 pages; v2: refs adde
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