1,109 research outputs found

    Quasi-One-Dimensional Spin Dynamics in dd-Electron Heavy-Fermion Metal Y1x_{1-x}Scx_xMn2_2

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    Slow spin fluctuations (ν<1012\nu < 10^{12} s1^-1) observed by the muon spin relaxation technique in Y1x_{1-x}Scx_xMn2_2 exhibits a power law dependence on temperature (νTα\nu \propto T^\alpha), where the power converges asymptotically to unity (α1\alpha\rightarrow 1) as the system moves away from spin-glass instability with increasing Sc content xx. This linear TT dependence, which is common to that observed in LiV2_2O4_4, is in line with the prediction of the "intersecting Hubbard chains" model for a metallic pyrochlore lattice, suggesting that the geometrical constraints to t2g bands specific to the pyrochlore structure serve as a basis of the dd-electron heavy-fermion state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Inhomogeneous magnetism in the doped kagome lattice of LaCuO2.66

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    The hole-doped kagome lattice of Cu2+ ions in LaCuO2.66 was investigated by nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), electron spin resonance (ESR), electrical resistivity, bulk magnetization and specific heat measurements. For temperatures above ~180 K, the spin and charge properties show an activated behavior suggestive of a narrow-gap semiconductor. At lower temperatures, the results indicate an insulating ground state which may or may not be charge ordered. While the frustrated spins in remaining patches of the original kagome lattice might not be directly detected here, the observation of coexisting non-magnetic sites, free spins and frozen moments reveals an intrinsically inhomogeneous magnetism. Numerical simulations of a 1/3-diluted kagome lattice rationalize this magnetic state in terms of a heterogeneous distribution of cluster sizes and morphologies near the site-percolation threshold

    Magnetic fluctuations in frustrated Laves hydrides R(Mn_{1-x}Al_{x})_{2}H_{y}

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    By neutron scattering, we have studied the spin correlations and spin fluctuations in frustrated Laves hydrides, where magnetic disorder sets in the topologically frustrated Mn lattice. Below the transition towards short range magnetic order, static spin clusters coexist with fluctuating and alsmost uncorrelated spins. The magnetic response shows a complexe lineshape, connected with the presence of the magnetic inhomogeneities. Its analysis shows the existence of two different processes, relaxation and local excitations, for the spin fluctuations below the transition. The paramagnetic fluctuations are discussed in comparison with classical spin glasses, cluster glasses, and non Fermi liquid itinerant magnets

    Formation of collective spins in frustrated clusters

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    Using magnetization, specific heat and neutron scattering measurements, as well as exact calculations on realistic models, the magnetic properties of the \lacuvo compound are characterized on a wide temperature range. At high temperature, this oxide is well described by strongly correlated atomic SS=1/2 spins while decreasing the temperature it switches to a set of weakly interacting and randomly distributed entangled pseudo spins S~=1/2\tilde S=1/2 and S~=0\tilde S=0. These pseudo-spins are built over frustrated clusters, similar to the kagom\'e building block, at the vertices of a triangular superlattice, the geometrical frustration intervening then at different scales.Comment: 10 page

    Hole-doping effects on a frustrated spin ladder

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    Hole-doping effects are investigated on the {\it t-J} ladder model with the linked-tetrahedra structure. We discuss how a metal-insulator transition occurs upon hole doping with particular emphasis on the effects of geometrical frustration. By computing the electron density and the spin correlation function by the density matrix renormalization group, we show that strong frustration triggers a first-order transition to a metallic phase, when holes are doped into the plaquette-singlet phase. By examining spin excitations in a metallic case in detail, we discuss whether the spin-gap phase persists upon hole doping according to the strength of frustration. It is further shown that the lowest excited state in a spin-gap metallic phase can be described in two independent quasiparticles.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Spin-fluctuations in the quarter-filled Hubbard ring : significances to LiV2_2O4_4

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    Using the quantum Monte Carlo method, we investigate the spin dynamics of itinerant electrons in the one-dimensional Hubbard system. Based on the model calculation, we have studied the spin-fluctuations in the quarter-filled metallic Hubbard ring, which is aimed at the vanadium ring or chain defined along corner-sharing tetrahedra of LiV2_2O4_4, and found the dramatic changes of magnetic responses and spin-fluctuation characteristics with the temperature. Such results can explain the central findings in the recent neutron scattering experiment for LiV2_2O4_4.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electron impact excitation cross sections for allowed transitions in atoms

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    We present a semiempirical Gaunt factor for widely used Van Regemorter formula [Astrophys. J. 136, 906 (1962)] for the case of allowed transitions in atoms with the LS coupling scheme. Cross sections calculated using this Gaunt factor agree with measured cross sections to within the experimental error.Comment: RevTeX, 3 pages, 10 PS figures, 2 PS tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spectral functions in itinerant electron systems with geometrical frustration

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    The Hubbard model with geometrical frustration is investigated in a metallic phase close to half-filling. We calculate the single particle spectral function for the triangular lattice within dynamical cluster approximation, which is further combined with non-crossing approximation and fluctuation exchange approximation to treat the resulting cluster Anderson model. It is shown that frustration due to non-local correlations suppresses short-range antiferromagnetic fluctuations and thereby assists the formation of heavy quasi-particles near half-filling.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figure