1,023 research outputs found

    Necessary Conditions for Apparent Horizons and Singularities in Spherically Symmetric Initial Data

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    We establish necessary conditions for the appearance of both apparent horizons and singularities in the initial data of spherically symmetric general relativity when spacetime is foliated extrinsically. When the dominant energy condition is satisfied these conditions assume a particularly simple form. Let ρMax\rho_{Max} be the maximum value of the energy density and ℓ\ell the radial measure of its support. If ρMaxℓ2\rho_{Max}\ell^2 is bounded from above by some numerical constant, the initial data cannot possess an apparent horizon. This constant does not depend sensitively on the gauge. An analogous inequality is obtained for singularities with some larger constant. The derivation exploits Poincar\'e type inequalities to bound integrals over certain spatial scalars. A novel approach to the construction of analogous necessary conditions for general initial data is suggested.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Yang-Mills theory a la string

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    A surface of codimension higher than one embedded in an ambient space possesses a connection associated with the rotational freedom of its normal vector fields. We examine the Yang-Mills functional associated with this connection. The theory it defines differs from Yang-Mills theory in that it is a theory of surfaces. We focus, in particular, on the Euler-Lagrange equations describing this surface, introducing a framework which throws light on their relationship to the Yang-Mills equations.Comment: 7 page

    Deformations of extended objects with edges

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    We present a manifestly gauge covariant description of fluctuations of a relativistic extended object described by the Dirac-Nambu-Goto action with Dirac-Nambu-Goto loaded edges about a given classical solution. Whereas physical fluctuations of the bulk lie normal to its worldsheet, those on the edge possess an additional component directed into the bulk. These fluctuations couple in a non-trivial way involving the underlying geometrical structures associated with the worldsheet of the object and of its edge. We illustrate the formalism using as an example a string with massive point particles attached to its ends.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D5

    Hamilton's equations for a fluid membrane: axial symmetry

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    Consider a homogenous fluid membrane, or vesicle, described by the Helfrich-Canham energy, quadratic in the mean curvature. When the membrane is axially symmetric, this energy can be viewed as an `action' describing the motion of a particle; the contours of equilibrium geometries are identified with particle trajectories. A novel Hamiltonian formulation of the problem is presented which exhibits the following two features: {\it (i)} the second derivatives appearing in the action through the mean curvature are accommodated in a natural phase space; {\it (ii)} the intrinsic freedom associated with the choice of evolution parameter along the contour is preserved. As a result, the phase space involves momenta conjugate not only to the particle position but also to its velocity, and there are constraints on the phase space variables. This formulation provides the groundwork for a field theoretical generalization to arbitrary configurations, with the particle replaced by a loop in space.Comment: 11 page

    Hamiltonian Frenet-Serret dynamics

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    The Hamiltonian formulation of the dynamics of a relativistic particle described by a higher-derivative action that depends both on the first and the second Frenet-Serret curvatures is considered from a geometrical perspective. We demonstrate how reparametrization covariant dynamical variables and their projections onto the Frenet-Serret frame can be exploited to provide not only a significant simplification of but also novel insights into the canonical analysis. The constraint algebra and the Hamiltonian equations of motion are written down and a geometrical interpretation is provided for the canonical variables.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, no figures. Revised version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    ADM Worldvolume Geometry

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    We describe the dynamics of a relativistic extended object in terms of the geometry of a configuration of constant time. This involves an adaptation of the ADM formulation of canonical general relativity. We apply the formalism to the hamiltonian formulation of a Dirac-Nambu-Goto relativistic extended object in an arbitrary background spacetime.Comment: 4 pages, Latex. Uses espcrc2.sty To appear in the proceedings of the Third Conference on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, September, 1999. To appear in Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplement

    Distributed Systems of Intersecting Branes at Arbitrary Angles

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    A `reduced' action formulation for a general class of the supergravity solutions, corresponding to the `marginally' bound `distributed' systems of various types of branes at arbitrary angles, is developed. It turns out that all the information regarding the classical features of such solutions is encoded in a first order Lagrangian (the `reduced' Lagrangian) corresponding to the desired geometry of branes. The marginal solution for a system of NN such distributions (for various distribution functions) span an NN dimensional submanifold of the fields' configuration (target) space, parametrised by a set of NN independent harmonic functions on the transverse space. This submanifold, which we call it as the `HH-surface', is a null surface with respect to a metric on the configuration space, which is defined by the reduced Lagrangian. The equations of motion then transform to a set of equations describing the embedding of a null geodesic surface in this space, which is identified as the HH-surface. Using these facts, we present a very simple derivation of the conventional orthogonal solutions together with their intersection rules. Then a new solution for a (distributed) pair of pp-branes at SU(2) angles in DD dimensions is derived.Comment: Latex file, 58 pages, no figures, 5 tables, This revision contains some minor changes of the original version including those of the title, abstract and referrences. Some comments are adde

    Chern-Simons theory and three-dimensional surfaces

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    There are two natural Chern-Simons theories associated with the embedding of a three-dimensional surface in Euclidean space; one is constructed using the induced metric connection -- it involves only the intrinsic geometry, the other is extrinsic and uses the connection associated with the gauging of normal rotations. As such, the two theories appear to describe very different aspects of the surface geometry. Remarkably, at a classical level, they are equivalent. In particular, it will be shown that their stress tensors differ only by a null contribution. Their Euler-Lagrange equations provide identical constraints on the normal curvature. A new identity for the Cotton tensor is associated with the triviality of the Chern-Simons theory for embedded hypersurfaces implied by this equivalence. The corresponding null surface stress capturing this information will be constructed explicitly.Comment: 10 pages, unnecessary details removed, typos fixed, references adde

    Axially symmetric membranes with polar tethers

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    Axially symmetric equilibrium configurations of the conformally invariant Willmore energy are shown to satisfy an equation that is two orders lower in derivatives of the embedding functions than the equilibrium shape equation, not one as would be expected on the basis of axial symmetry. Modulo a translation along the axis, this equation involves a single free parameter c.If c\ne 0, a geometry with spherical topology will possess curvature singularities at its poles. The physical origin of the singularity is identified by examining the Noether charge associated with the translational invariance of the energy; it is consistent with an external axial force acting at the poles. A one-parameter family of exact solutions displaying a discocyte to stomatocyte transition is described.Comment: 13 pages, extended and revised version of Non-local sine-Gordon equation for the shape of axi-symmetric membrane
