831 research outputs found

    StoRM: A Manager for Storage Resource in Grid

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    Nowadays, data intensive applications demand high-performance and large-storage systems capable of serving up to various Petabytes of storage space. Therefore, common solutions adopted in data centres include Storage Area Networks (SAN) and cluster parallel file systems, such as GPFS from IBM and Lustre from Sun Microsystems. In order to make these storage system solutions available in modern Data Grid architectures, standard interfaces are needed. The Grid Storage Resource Manager (SRM) interface is one of these standard interfaces. Grid storage services implementing the SRM standard provide common capabilities and advanced functionality such as dynamic space allocation and file management on shared storage systems. In this paper, we describe StoRM (STOrage Resource Manager). StoRM is a flexible and high-performing implementation of the standard SRM interface version 2.2. The software architecture of StoRM allows for an easy integration to different underlying storage systems via a plug-in mechanism. In particular, StoRM takes advantage from storage systems based on cluster file systems. Currently, StoRM is installed and used in production in various data centres, including the WLCG Italian Tier-1. In addition, Economics and Financial communities, as represented by the EGRID Project, adopt StoRM in production as well

    cranial nerve abnormalities in oculo auriculo vertebral spectrum

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Cranial nerve abnormalities might be observed in hemifacial microsomia and microtia (oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum), but the rate, features, and relationship with functional impairment or phenotype severity have not yet been defined. This study aimed at investigating absence/asymmetry, abnormal origin, morphology and course of cranial nerves, and presence/asymmetry of the foramen ovale and inferior alveolar nerve canal in a cohort of oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (mean age, 7 years; age range, 0.2–31 years; 12 females) underwent brain MR imaging, CT, and neurologic evaluation; 19 patients had a more severe phenotype (Goldenhar syndrome). RESULTS: Cranial nerve abnormalities were detected only in patients with Goldenhar syndrome (17/19, bilaterally in 8) and were involved the second (4/19), third (1/18), fifth (11/19), sixth (8/16), seventh (11/18), and eighth (8/18) cranial nerves. Multiple cranial nerve abnormalities were common (11/17). Eleven patients showed bone foramina abnormalities. Trigeminal and facial nerve dysfunctions were common (44% and 58%, respectively), especially in patients with Goldenhar syndrome. Trigeminal abnormalities showed a good correlation with ipsilateral dysfunction ( P = .018), which further increased when bone foramina abnormalities were included. The facial nerve showed a trend toward correlation with ipsilateral dysfunction ( P = .081). Diplopia was found only in patients with Goldenhar syndrome and was associated with third and sixth cranial nerve abnormalities ( P = .006). CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, cranial nerve morphologic abnormalities are common, correlate with phenotype severity, and often entail a functional impairment. The spectrum of cranial nerve abnormalities appears wider than simple hypo-/aplasia and includes an anomalous cisternal course and partial/complete fusion of diverse cranial nerves. CN : cranial nerve OAVS : oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectru

    Signatures of Extreme Longevity: A Perspective from Bivalve Molecular Evolution

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    Among Metazoa, bivalves have the highest lifespan disparity, ranging from 1 to 500+ years, making them an exceptional testing ground to understand mechanisms underlying aging and the evolution of extended longevity. Nevertheless, comparative molecular evolution has been an overlooked approach in this instance. Here, we leveraged transcriptomic resources spanning 30 bivalve species to unravel the signatures of convergent molecular evolution in four long-lived species: Margaritifera margaritifera, Elliptio complanata, Lampsilis siliquoidea, and Arctica islandica (the latter represents the longest-lived noncolonial metazoan known so far). We applied a comprehensive approach-which included inference of convergent dN/dS, convergent positive selection, and convergent amino acid substitution-with a strong focus on the reduction of false positives. Genes with convergent evolution in long-lived bivalves show more physical and functional interactions to each other than expected, suggesting that they are biologically connected; this interaction network is enriched in genes for which a role in longevity has been experimentally supported in other species. This suggests that genes in the network are involved in extended longevity in bivalves and, consequently, that the mechanisms underlying extended longevity are-at least partially-shared across Metazoa. Although we believe that an integration of different genes and pathways is required for the extended longevity phenotype, we highlight the potential central roles of genes involved in cell proliferation control, translational machinery, and response to hypoxia, in lifespan extension

    Quinupristin/dalfopristin Bonding in Combination with Intraperitoneal Antibiotics Prevent Infection of Knitted Polyester Graft Material in a Subcutaneous Rat Pouch Model Infected with Resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    AbstractObjective: to investigate the efficacy of quinupristin/dalfopristin in the prevention of prosthetic graft infection in a rat subcutaneous pouch model.Methods: graft infections were established in the subcutaneous tissue of 140 male Wistar rats by implantation of Dacron prostheses followed by topical inoculation withStaphylococcus epidermidis with intermediate resistance to glycopeptides. The study included one group without contamination, one contaminated group without prophylaxis, one contaminated group that received 50mg/l quinupristin/dalfopristin-soaked graft, one contaminated group that received 10mg/kg intraperitoneal levofloxacin, one contaminated group that received 3mg/kg intraperitoneal doxycycline, and two contaminated groups that received 50mg/l quinupristin/dalfopristin-soaked plus 10mg/kg intraperitoneal levofloxacin or 3mg/kg intraperitoneal doxycycline. Each group included 20 animals. The grafts were removed after 7 days and evaluated by quantitative culture.Results: quinupristin/dalfopristin showed a significantly higher efficacy than levofloxacin and doxycycline, even though quantitative graft cultures for rats that received only quinupristin/dalfopristin-soaked graft showed bacterial growth. Otherwise, the efficacy of levofloxacin was similar to that of doxycycline. Only the group treated with quinupristin/dalfopristin combined with levofloxacin or doxycycline showed no evidence of staphylococcal infection.Conclusions: quinupristin/dalfopristin as adjunctive topical antibiotic prophylaxis can be useful for the prevention of vascular graft infections caused by staphylococcal strains with high levels of resistance

    RNAIII-inhibiting Peptide and/or Nisin Inhibit Experimental Vascular Graft Infection with Methicillin-susceptible and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    AbstractObjective. To investigate the efficacy of RNAIII-inhibiting peptide (RIP) and nisin as prophylactic agents in a rat model of vascular graft infection.Design. Prospective, randomized, controlled animal study.Materials. Two hundred and twenty adult male Wistar rats. Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 and one clinical isolate of methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis. Drugs: RIP, nisin and rifampin.Methods. Graft infections were established in the dorsal subcutaneous tissue by implantation of 1 cm2 sterile Dacron grafts, followed by topical bacterial inoculation: grafts were retrieved at 7 days. The study included a control group (without inoculation) and two series composed of five groups for each staphylococcal strain: one contaminated group that did not receive any antibiotic prophylaxis, three contaminated groups that received grafts soaked with 10 mg/l RIP, 10 mg/l nisin, 10 mg/l rifampin, or RIP+nisin. The main outcome measure was the extent of bacterial at graft harvest.Results. The bacterial counts for methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis on explanted grafts were 6.1±2.8×102, 7.8±3.0×103 and 5.5±2.9×104 for RIP, nisin and rifampin, respectively. RIP and nisin used in combination reduced the bacterial count to <10. The results for S. epidermidis were similar.Conclusions. RIP and nisin could be used in combination to coat medical devices to prevent drug resistant S. epidermidis infections

    Cochlear implantation in post-lingually deafened adults and elderly patients: analysis of audiometric and speech perception outcomes during the first year of use

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    Questo studio è volto alla valutazione degli outcomes audiometrici e logopedici dei pazienti anziani portatori di impianto cocleare durante il primo anno di utilizzo del dispositivo. Sono stati valutati 42 pazienti impiantati tra marzo 2010 e settembre 2014 presso lUO ORL dellAzienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Padova. Sono stati inclusi nello studio pazienti affetti da sordità bilaterale postlinguale di grado severo-profondo impiantati unilateralmente. I soggetti sono stati divisi in tre gruppi in base allepoca della chirurgia: 14 soggetti con impianto fra i 35 e i 49 anni, 14 fra i 50 e i 64 anni e 14 impiantati a unetà superiore di 65 anni. Tutti i pazienti sono stati valutati prima e dopo la chirurgia (a 1, 3, 6 e 12 mesi di follow-up) attraverso lesecuzione di: audiometria tonale, audiometria vocale, test logopedici e somministrazione del questionario delle categorie percettive (CAP). Lanalisi statistica è stata effettuata attraverso il Students t-test. La totalità dei soggetti nei tre gruppi hanno dimostrato significativi miglioramenti allaudiometria tonale e vocale ai controlli post chirurgici rispetto alle performance ottenute precedentemente allimpianto. In particolare si sono verificati miglioramenti della soglia audiometrica media (PTA) senza differenze statisticamente significative tra i tre gruppi. risultati ottenuti nei test logopedici e dalla somministrazione del CAP hanno dimostrato evidenti miglioramenti in tutti i tre gruppi in studio. Abbiamo riscontrato, però, che i soggetti più giovani hanno raggiunto maggiori punteggi ai controlli post impianto rispetto a quelli più anziani. Concludendo, possiamo affermare che limpianto cocleare è un trattamento efficace per soggetti affetti da ipoacusia severa-profonda senza differenze significative nelle performance audiologiche e logopediche in relazione alletà di impianto. Anche se più lentamente, i pazienti impiantati dopo i 65 anni di età raggiungono performance ottimali e possono essere ritenuti dei candidati ottimali allintervento

    Agronomic, nutritional and nutraceutical aspects of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivars under low input agricultural management

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    Among cereals, durum wheat has a central role in the Italian diet and economy, where there is a historical tradition of pasta making. In the present study, we evaluated the nutrient and nutraceutical properties of 2 old and 6 modern durum wheat varieties grown under low input agricultural management. Considering the lack of available data on the adaptability of existing durum wheat varieties to the low input and organic sectors, the research aimed at providing a complete description of the investigated genotypes, considering the agronomic performance as well as the nutrient and phytochemical composition. The experimental trials were carried out at the same location (Bologna, Northern Italy) for two consecutive growing seasons (2006/2007, 2007/2008). No clear distinction between old and modern varieties was observed in terms of grain yield (mean values ranging from 2.5 to 4.0 t/ha), highlighting that the divergence in productivity, normally found between dwarf and non-dwarf genotypes, is strongly reduced when they are cropped under low input management. All durum wheat varieties presented high protein levels and, in addition, provided remarkable amounts of phytochemicals such as dietary fibre, polyphenols, flavonoids and carotenoids. Some of the investigated genotypes, such as Senatore Cappelli, Solex, Svevo and Orobel, emerged with intriguing nutritional and phytochemical profiles, with the highest levels of dietary fibre and antioxidant compounds. The study provided the basis for further investigations into the adaptability of the durum wheat genotypes to low input management, for the selection of genotypes characterised by higher yield and valuable nutrient and nutraceutical quality

    Systemic and local antibiotic prophylaxis in the prevention of Staphylococcus epidermidis graft infection

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to investigate the in vivo efficacy of local and systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in the prevention of Staphylococcus (S.) epidermidis graft infection in a rat model and to evaluate the bacterial adherence to frequently used prosthetic graft materials. METHODS: Graft infections were established in the subcutaneous tissue of 120 male Wistar rats by implantation of Dacron/ePTFE grafts followed by topical inoculation with 2 × 10(7 )CFUs of clinical isolate of methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis. Each of the graft series included a control group, one contaminated group that did not receive any antibiotic prophylaxis, two contaminated groups that received systemic prophylaxis with teicoplanin or levofloxacin and two contaminated groups that received teicoplanin-soaked or levofloxacin-soaked grafts. The grafts were removed 7 days after implantation and evaluated by quantitative culture. RESULTS: There was significant bacterial growth inhibition in the groups given systemic or local prophylaxis (P < 0.05). Methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis had greater affinity to Dacron graft when compared with ePTFE graft in the untreated contaminated groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated that the usage of systemic or local prophylaxis and preference of ePTFE graft can be useful in reducing the risk of vascular graft infections caused by staphylococcal strains with high levels of resistance
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