52 research outputs found

    Antibiotiques chez le patient insuffisant rénal : actualisation des adaptations posologiques à la pratique clinique en infectiologie

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    Antibiotic prescription in chronic kidney disease patients poses a twofold problem. The appropriate use of antibacterial agents is essential to ensure efficacy and to prevent the emergence of resistance, and dosages should be adapted to the renal function to prevent adverse effects. SiteGPR is a French website for health professionals to help with prescriptions to chronic kidney disease patients. A working group of infectious disease specialists and nephrology pharmacists reviewed the indications, dosing regimens, administration modalities, and dose adjustments of antibiotics marketed in France for patients with renal failure. Data available on the SiteGPR website and detailed in the present article aims to provide an evidence-based update of infectious disease recommendations to health professionals managing patients with chronic kidney disease

    Le coût des centrales nucléaires ; essai de comparaison entre la France et les Etats-Unis

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    La comparaison, mĂȘme grossiĂšre, des coĂ»ts d'investissement des centrales nuclĂ©aires que l'on trouve dans la littĂ©rature concernant la France et les Etats-Unis ne peut ĂȘtre abordĂ©e sans une certaine rĂ©flexion. Alors qu'aux Etats-Unis ces montants correspondent Ă  la dĂ©pense totale en monnaie courante, en France ils ne s'appliquent qu'Ă  une Ă©valuation destinĂ©e Ă  justifier la rĂ©alisation au niveau de la planification nationale, en comparant sa rentabilitĂ© Ă  celle de rĂ©alisations de nature diffĂ©rente (centrales au charbon, installations hydrauliques ou Ă©nergies nouvelles), sur des bases « normatives » (ou pseudo-fictives). Les auteurs montrent comment une comparaison est cependant possible : l'Ă©cart d'un facteur voisin de 2 entre les montants trouvĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature provient de la prise en compte des habitudes comptables diffĂ©rentes et des consĂ©quences de l'inflation observĂ©e actuellement

    A propos d'une radiation infrarouge trĂšs intense dans la lumiĂšre du ciel nocturne

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    Les auteurs rappellent qu'ils ont Ă©tĂ© les premiers Ă  observer, dans le ciel nocturne, la radiation 1,04 ÎŒ ; ils discutent son identification et les conditions de son Ă©mission

    Über das Vorkommen atomaren Stickstoffs in der hohen AtmosphĂ€re

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    Electron optics

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    Electron Optics, Second English Edition, Part I: Optics is a 10-chapter book that begins by elucidating the fundamental features and basic techniques of electron optics, as well as the distribution of potential and field in electrostatic lenses. This book then explains the field distribution in magnetic lenses; the optical properties of electrostatic and magnetic lenses; and the similarities and differences between glass optics and electron optics. Subsequent chapters focus on lens defects; some electrostatic lenses and triode guns; and magnetic lens models. The strong focusing lenses and pri

    Management and outcome of bloodstream infections: a prospective survey in 121 French hospitals (SPA-BACT survey)

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    Oliver Robineau,1 Jérome Robert,2 Christian Rabaud,3 Jean-Pierre Bedos,4 Emmanuelle Varon,5 Yves Péan,6 Rémy Gauzit,7 Serge Alfandari8 On behalf of the Société de Pathologie Infectieuse de Langue Française (SPILF), the Observatoire National de l’Épidémiologie de la Résistance Bactérienne aux Antibiotiques (ONERBA), and the Surveillance de la Prescription des Antibiotiques (SPA) Group 1Infectious Disease Department, Dron Hospital, Univ Lille, Tourcoing, 2Sorbonne University, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CR7, CIMI, Team E13 (Bacteriology), Paris, 3Infectious Disease Department, Nancy University Hospital, Nancy, 4Intensive Care Unit, Henri Mignot Hospital, Le Chesnay, 5Bacteriology Laboratory, HEGP, 6Observatoire National de L’epidémiologie de la Résistance Bactérienne aux Antibiotiques (OneRBa), 7Intensive Care Unit, Cochin Hospital, APHP, Paris, 8Intensive Care Unit, Dron Hospital, Tourcoing, France Background: Bloodstream infections (BSIs) are severe infections that can be community or hospital acquired. Effects of time to appropriate treatment and impact of antimicrobial management team are discussed in terms of outcome of BSI. We sought to evaluate the impact of initial BSI management on short-term mortality. Patients and methods: A prospective, multicenter survey was conducted in 121 French hospitals. Participants declaring BSI during a 1-month period were included consecutively. Data on patient comorbidities, illness severity, BSI management, and resistance profile of bacterial strains were collected. Predictors of 10-day mortality were identified by multivariate regression for overall BSI, health care-related and hospital-acquired BSI. Results: We included 1,952 BSIs. More than a third of them were hospital acquired (39%). Multidrug resistance was identified in 10% of cases, mainly in health care-related BSI. Empirical therapy and targeted therapy were appropriate for 61% and 94% of cases, respectively. Increased 10-day mortality was associated with severe sepsis, septic shock, increasing age, and any focus other than the urinary tract. Decreased mortality was associated with receiving at least one active antibiotic within the first 48 hours. Intervention of antimicrobial management team during the acute phase of BSI was associated with a decreased mortality at day 10 in the overall population and in health care-related BSI. Conclusion: Optimizing BSI management by increasing rapidity of appropriate treatment initiation may decrease short-term mortality, even in countries with low rate of multidrug-resistant organisms. Early intervention of antimicrobial management team is crucial in terms of mortality. Keywords: mortality, bloodstream infections, antimicrobial management team, community-acquired infection, health care-related infectio

    EnquĂȘte SPA2 de prĂ©valence et de bon usage des anti-infectieux dans 314 hĂŽpitaux français en 2010

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    International audienceObjectivesWe aimed to assess antibiotic prescriptions to identify potential targets for improvement.MethodsWe conducted a point prevalence survey (November 2010) of antibiotic use in 314 voluntary hospitals recruited by the French Infectious Diseases Society (SPILF) and the National Observatory for Epidemiology of Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobials (ONERBA). Data were entered online, immediately analyzed and exported.ResultsThe prevalence of antibiotic use was 19.5% (9059/46,446patients). A higher prevalence was observed in the infectious disease (58.4%), hematology (58%), and intensive care (48.7%) units. The three most frequently used antibiotic classes were aminopenicillins (23.8%), fluoroquinolones (17.9%), and 3rd-generation cephalosporins (16.7%). A monotherapy was prescribed to 64% of patients. The reasons for the antibiotic prescription were written in the medical records of 74% of patients and 62% were consistent with the local guidelines.ConclusionOur results are similar to that of other studies. Various local targets for improvement have been identified to help hospitals define a better antibiotic stewardship.ObjectifsÉvaluer les prescriptions antibiotiques afin de proposer des pistes d’amĂ©lioration.MĂ©thodesNous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une enquĂȘte de prĂ©valence de l’antibiothĂ©rapie, en novembre 2010, dans 314 hĂŽpitaux volontaires recrutĂ©s par les rĂ©seaux de la SPILF et de l’ONERBA. Les donnĂ©es Ă©taient saisies en ligne avec une analyse instantanĂ©e et un export des donnĂ©es.RĂ©sultatsLa prĂ©valence de l’antibiothĂ©rapie Ă©tait de 19,5 % (9059/46 446patients). Elle Ă©tait plus Ă©levĂ©e en maladies infectieuses (58,4 %), hĂ©matologie (58 %) et rĂ©animation (48,7 %). Les trois classes les plus frĂ©quentes Ă©taient les aminopĂ©nicillines (23,8 %), les fluoroquinolones (17,9 %) et les cĂ©phalosporines de 3e gĂ©nĂ©ration (16,7 %). Une monothĂ©rapie Ă©tait utilisĂ©e dans 64 % des cas. Le motif de la prescription Ă©tait notĂ© dans le dossier mĂ©dical dans 74 % des cas et Ă©tait conforme aux recommandations locales dans 62 %.ConclusionsCes rĂ©sultats sont similaires Ă  ceux d’autres enquĂȘtes. Des possibilitĂ©s d’amĂ©lioration sur des critĂšres locaux permettent aux Ă©tablissements d’orienter leurs politiques d’amĂ©lioration de la prescription
