4,505 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetic Alignment and Relaxation Rate of Gd Spins in the High Temperature Superconductor GdBa_2Cu_3O_(7-delta)

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    The complex surface impedance of a number of GdBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} single crystals has been measured at 10, 15 and 21 GHz using a cavity perturbation technique. At low temperatures a marked increase in the effective penetration depth and surface resistance is observed associated with the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic alignment of the Gd spins. The effective penetration depth has a sharp change in slope at the N\'eel temperature, TNT_N, and the surface resistance peaks at a frequency dependent temperature below 3K. The observed temperature and frequency dependence can be described by a model which assumes a negligibly small interaction between the Gd spins and the electrons in the superconducting state, with a frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility and a Gd spin relaxation time τs\tau_s being a strong function of temperature. Above TNT_N, τs\tau_s has a component varying as 1/(T−TN)1 / (T - T_N), while below TNT_N it increases ∼T−5\sim T^{-5}.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A hybrid memory kernel approach for condensed phase non-adiabatic dynamics

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    The spin-boson model is a simplified Hamiltonian often used to study non-adiabatic dynamics in large condensed phase systems, even though it has not been solved in a fully analytic fashion. Herein, we present an exact analytic expression for the dynamics of the spin-boson model in the infinitely slow bath limit and generalize it to approximate dynamics for faster baths. We achieve the latter by developing a hybrid approach that combines the exact slow-bath result with the popular NIBA method to generate a memory kernel that is formally exact to second order in the diabatic coupling but also contains higher-order contributions approximated from the second order term alone. This kernel has the same computational complexity as NIBA, but is found to yield dramatically superior dynamics in regimes where NIBA breaks down---such as systems with large diabatic coupling or energy bias. This indicates that this hybrid approach could be used to cheaply incorporate higher order effects into second order methods, and could potentially be generalized to develop alternate kernel resummation schemes

    Rotation profiles of solar-like stars with magnetic fields

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    The aim of this work is to investigate rotation profile of solar-like stars with magnetic fields. A diffusion coefficient of magnetic angular momentum transport is deduced. Rotating stellar models with different mass are computed under the effect of the coefficient. Then rotation profiles are obtained from the theoretical stellar models. The total angular momentum of solar model with only hydrodynamic instabilities is about 13 times larger than that of the Sun at the age of the Sun, and this model can not reproduce quasi-solid rotation in the radiative region. However, not only can the solar model with magnetic fields reproduce an almost uniform rotation in the radiative region, but its total angular momentum is consistent with helioseismic result at the level of 3 σ\sigma at the age of the Sun. The rotation of solar-like stars with magnetic fields is almost uniform in the radiative region. But there is an obvious transition region of angular velocity between the convective core and the radiative region of models with 1.2 - 1.5 M⊙M_{\odot}, where angular velocity has a sharp radial change, which is different from the rotation profile of the Sun and massive stars with magnetic fields. Moreover the changes of the angular velocity in the transition region increase with the increasing in the age and mass.Comment: Accepted for publication in ChjA

    Oscillations of alpha UMa and other red giants

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    There is growing observational evidence that the variability of red giants could be caused by excitation of global modes of oscillation. The most recent evidence of such oscillations was reported for alpha UMa by Buzasi et al.(2000). We address the problem of radial and nonradial mode excitation in red giants from the theoretical point of view. In particular, we present the results of numerical computations of oscillation properties of a model of alpha UMa and of several models of a 2M_sun star in the red-giant phase. In the red giant stars by far most of the nonradial modes are confined to to the deep interior, where they have the g-mode character. Only modes at resonant frequencies of the p-mode cavity have substantial amplitudes in the outer layers. We have shown that such modes can be unstable with the linear growth rates similar to those of corresponding to radial modes. We have been unable to explain the observed oscillation properties of alpha UMa, either in terms of mode instability or in terms of stochastic excitation by turbulent convection. Modes at the lowest frequencies, which exhibit the largest amplitudes and may correspond to the first three radial modes, are found stable if all effects of convection are taken into account. The observed frequency dependence of amplitudes does not agree with what one expects from stochastic excitation. The predicted fundamental mode amplitude is by about two orders of magnitude smaller than those of high frequency modes, which is in stark disagreement with the observations.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    Noether’s theorem for dissipative quantum dynamical semi-groups

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    Noether's Theorem on constants of the motion of dynamical systems has recently been extended to classical dissipative systems (Markovian semi-groups) by Baez and Fong. We show how to extend these results to the fully quantum setting of quantum Markov dynamics. For finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, we construct a mapping from observables to CP maps that leads to the natural analogue of their criterion of commutativity with the infinitesimal generator of the Markov dynamics. Using standard results on the relaxation of states to equilibrium under quantum dynamical semi-groups, we are able to characterise the constants of the motion under quantum Markov evolutions in the infinite-dimensional setting under the usual assumption of existence of a stationary strictly positive density matrix. In particular, the Noether constants are identified with the fixed point of the Heisenberg picture semigroup.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Stellar turbulence and mode physics

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    An overview of selected topical problems on modelling oscillation properties in solar-like stars is presented. High-quality oscillation data from both space-borne intensity observations and ground-based spectroscopic measurements provide first tests of the still-ill-understood, superficial layers in distant stars. Emphasis will be given to modelling the pulsation dynamics of the stellar surface layers, the stochastic excitation processes and the associated dynamics of the turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum.Comment: Proc. HELAS Workshop on 'Synergies between solar and stellar modelling', eds M. Marconi, D. Cardini, M. P. Di Mauro, Astrophys. Space Sci., in the pres

    Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing with Men and Boys: What Works?

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    In May 2014 the Movember Foundation commissioned the Centre for Men’s Health, Leeds Beckett University, in collaboration with the Men’s Health Forum (England & Wales), to gather the current research evidence and practical (‘tacit’) knowledge about the core elements that make for successful work with boys and men around mental health promotion, early intervention and stigma reduction

    Successful mental health promotion with men: evidence from 'tacit knowledge'

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    There remains significant concern about men’s mental health, particularly in terms of personal and societal barriers to help-seeking, negative coping mechanisms and high suicide rates. This paper presents findings from a multi-phase study looking at ‘what works’ in mental health promotion for men. Work here reports the collection and analysis of the tacit knowledge of those working within mental health promotion interventions for men. A ‘multiple hub and spoke’ approach was used to assist data collection. Thirteen key players, active in the men’s mental health field, half from the UK and half beyond, formed an Investigative Network collecting data, mainly through interviews, from wider geographical and professional community contexts where they had networks. The focus of data collection was on ‘what works’ in mental health promotion for men. Data was analysed using thematic analysis techniques. Findings suggest that settings which created safe male spaces acted to promote trust, reduce stigma and normalise men’s engagement in interventions. Embedding interventions within the communities of men being engaged, fully involving these men, and holding ‘male-positive’ values engendered familiarity and consolidated trust. Using ‘male-sensitive’ language and activity-based approaches allowed for positive expressions of emotions, facilitated social engagement, and provided a base for open communication. Appropriate partnerships were also seen as a necessary requirement for success and as crucial for maximising intervention impact. The importance of gender and ‘masculinity’ was apparent throughout these findings and taking time to understand gender could facilitate positive ways of working alongside men, increasing levels of engagement and successful outcomes
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