67 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Acacia mangium shoot apical meristems in natural and in vitro conditions in relation to heteroblasty

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    PDF version of the authors can be published in January 2013International audienceMorphological and histocytological characteristics of Acacia mangium shoot apical meristems (SAMs) were assessed in natural and in vitro conditions in relation to heteroblasty. In the natural environment, SAMs with a mature-phyllode morphology were much bigger, contained more cells with larger vacuolated area, or vacuome, and lower nucleoplasmic ratios than those from the juvenile type (Juv). In these latter, nuclei appeared more voluminous, evenly and lightly stained, with clearly distinguishable nucleolei and less abundant chromocenters. In vitro, where reversions from mature to juvenile morphological traits do occur unpredictably, heteroblasty was less obvious in the SAM characteristics examined. In vitro SAMs corresponding to the juvenile and mature types showed similarities with outdoor Juv SAMs, but could be distinguished from these latter by a much larger vacuome that might be induced by the culture conditions. These findings encourage pursuing the investigations at the chromatin and nucleolus level in SAM zones where heteroblasty-related differences have been detected

    Les ondes acoustiques dans les cristaux moléculaires

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    In this paper, we discuss the lattice dynamics of molecular crystals ; the molecules beeing treated as rigid. The relations of invariance and symmetry between the coupling constants are given. We show that the low frequency translational motion of the molecules which corresponds to acoustic waves is associated with a rotation motion of very small amplitude. The relations between the coupling constants and elastic constants are established.On rappelle la dynamique des cristaux moléculaires : les molécules étant considérées comme rigides, on établit les relations d'invariance et de symétrie entre les coefficients de couplage. Au mouvement de translation de basse fréquence des molécules correspondant aux ondes acoustiques est associé un mouvement de rotation d'amplitude infiniment petite. On établit alors les relations entre coefficients de couplage et constantes élastiques

    Structure determination of sodium nitrate near the order-disorder phase transition

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    Two models are proposed to solve the sodium nitrate structure near the order-disorder phase transition (Tc = 276 °C). The first model is built with the static disorder assumption between the two equilibrium positions of NO-3 ions. In this case, disorder is characterized by an order parameter : η. For the second model, a one-dimensional orientational probability function is introduced to take disorder into account. In the latter formalism, a coupling between NO-3 rotations around the three fold axis and translations along the same axis has been introduced. Comparison between the two models shows that the static model can be held to be valid while the square root of the rotational mean square amplitude is lower than 12°. Structure determination by the two models yields equivalent fits for temperatures below ∌ 250 °C, fits with the second model become better for temperatures above 250 °C (Tc - 26 °C). Equiprobability curves display the NO-3 ion jump mechanism between their two equilibrium positions : the rotation around the three-fold axis is made via a translation so that the distance between oxygen atoms and the nearest neighbour Na+ ion stays approximately constant during the jump.Deux modĂšles sont proposĂ©s pour rĂ©soudre la structure du nitrate de sodium prĂšs de la transition de phase ordre-dĂ©sordre (Tc = 276 °C). Le premier modĂšle est construit dans l'hypothĂšse d'un dĂ©sordre statique entre les deux positions d'Ă©quilibre des ions NO-3. Le dĂ©sordre est alors caractĂ©risĂ© par un paramĂštre d'ordre η. Dans le second modĂšle, le dĂ©sordre est pris en compte par une fonction de probabilitĂ© orientationnelle unidimensionnelle. Dans le formalisme de ce modĂšle, il a Ă©tĂ© introduit un couplage entre la rotation des ions NO-3 autour de l'axe ternaire et leur translation suivant la mĂȘme direction. La comparaison des deux modĂšles montre que le modĂšle statique peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme valable tant que la racine carrĂ©e de l'amplitude quadratique moyenne de rotation des ions NO- 3 autour de leur axe d'ordre trois est infĂ©rieure Ă  12°. La rĂ©solution de la structure par les deux modĂšles conduit Ă  des affinements Ă©quivalents pour des tempĂ©ratures infĂ©rieures Ă  250 °C ; pour des tempĂ©ratures supĂ©rieures Ă  250 °C (Tc - 26 °C) le second modĂšle est mieux adaptĂ©. Les courbes d'Ă©quiprobabilitĂ© mettent en Ă©vidence le mĂ©canisme de saut des ions NO-3 entre deux positions d'equilibre : la rotation autour de l'axe ternaire s'accompagne d'une translation de telle maniĂšre Ă  garder la distance entre les atomes d'oxygĂšne et les ions Na+ sensiblement constante pendant le saut

    Electrooptical Effects and Experimental Probes of the Structure of Blue Phase III

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    Optical transmission spectrum measurements in an electric field are used to study the short-range structure of the blue phase III (BPIII). The data are compared with the theoretical models for BPIII. Our results can be explained by the models in which BPIII has the simple-cubic local structure or cubic bond orientational order.

    Dispersion des ondes acoustiques dans le succinonitrile en phase plastique

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    It is shown that the dispersion of the velocities observed in a plastic crystal may be interpreted by assuming a reaction mechanism. Starting from the equations of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes, frequency dependent elastic constants of the crystal are defined. Measurements performed in the 6 MHz (ultrasonic waves) — 14 GHz (Brillouin scattering) range corroborate the assumption of a single relaxation time. At ordinary tempĂ©ratures, this relaxation time equals 1,1 × 10-11 s, which is about one sixth of the orientation relaxation time determinated by dielectric relaxation and Rayleigh scattering.On montre que la dispersion des vitesses observĂ©e dans un cristal plastique peut s'interprĂ©ter en admettant l'existence d'un mĂ©canisme de rĂ©action. A partir des Ă©quations de la thermodynamique des phĂ©nomĂšnes irrĂ©versibles, on dĂ©finit les constantes Ă©lastiques du cristal dĂ©pendant de la frĂ©quence. Les mesures effectuĂ©es dans le domaine 6 MHz (ultrasons) Ă  14 GHz (diffusion Brillouin) confirment l'hypothĂšse d'un temps de relaxation unique. A la tempĂ©rature ordinaire, ce temps de relaxation est Ă©gal Ă  1,1 x 10-11 s, valeur environ six fois plus petite que celle du temps de relaxation d'orientation dĂ©terminĂ© par relaxation diĂ©lectrique et diffusion Rayleigh

    Reorientations in pivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl propanoic acid). - II. Incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering study

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    Rotational motions of pivalic acid are analysed in its solid plastic phase, using time of flight neutron spectroscopy. Four different partially deuterated compounds are studied, to analyse motions of the different parts of the molecule. From a study of the compound (CH3)3CCOOD, an elastic incoherent structure factor is extracted which corresponds to a model based upon uniaxial rotational diffusion of the t-butyl groups about their threefold symmetry axis, together with fluctuations of the long axes of the dimer units, about their mean direction of orientation along the [110] lattice axes. The width of the angular distribution is found equal to about 10°. A phenomenological analysis of the low-energy part of the inelastic spectra in terms of a single overdamped oscillator confirms these results, leading to a mean oscillatory amplitude of about 8°. Subtraction of the spectra obtained with the fully deuterated compound (CD3)3CCOOD, from those measured with (CD3)3CCOOH enables the study of the motion of the carboxylic group. This is found to consist of 180° jumps about the central molecular C-C bond. These results are entirely consistent with the measurements performed on the fully hydrogenated compound (CH3)3CCOOH.Nous avons étudié les mouvements de rotation de l'acide pivalique dans sa phase solide plastique, en utilisant la spectrométrie de neutrons par temps de vol. L'étude a porté sur quatre échantillons différents partiellement deutériés, afin d'analyser les mouvements respectifs des diverses parties de la molécule. En étudiant le composé (CH3)3CCOOD, nous avons pu extraire un facteur de structure élastique incohérent qui correspond à un modÚle fondé sur une combinaison d'une diffusion rotationelle uniaxiale des groupements t-butyles autour de leur axe de symétrie d'ordre trois avec des fluctuations du grand axe des dimÚres autour de leur direction moyenne d'orientation le long des axes [110] du réseau. La largeur de la fonction de distribution est d'environ 10°. Une analyse phénoménologique de la partie basse énergie des spectres inélastiques sur la base d'un oscillateur suramorti unique confirme ces résultats, en conduisant à une amplitude moyenne de 8° environ. En soustrayant les spectres obtenus avec le composé complÚtement deutérié (CD3)3CCOOD de ceux mesurés avec (CD3 )3CCOOH, il est possible d'étudier le mouvement du groupement carboxylique. Celui-ci consiste en des sauts de 180° autour de la liaison moléculaire centrale C-C. Tous ces résultats sont en parfait accord avec les mesures effectuées à partir du composé complÚtement hydrogÚné (CH3) 3CCOOH

    Reorientations in pivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl propanoic acid). - I. Incoherent neutron scattering law for dynamically independent molecular and intramolecular reorientations

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    Reorientations of the pivalic acid molecule and/or of its parts have been studied in the two solid phases (phase transition at 279.9 K) by incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering (IQNS). Different jump-models are developed for comparison with the experimental results. For methyl-group or carboxylic-group motion, simple reorientational jump models among N sites over a circle can be used. When t-butyl rotations together with internal methyl rotations occur simultaneously, a more sophisticated jump model is developed based upon dynamically uncorrelated reorientational motions about two different axes. Finally we consider the case when a tumbling motion of the whole-molecule is added to the two previous motions and an approximate scattering law is also derived.Les rĂ©orientations de tout ou parties de la molĂ©cule d'acide pivalique ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es dans les deux phases solides (transition de phase Ă  279,9 K) par diffusion neutronique quasiĂ©lastique incohĂ©rente. DiffĂ©rents modĂšles de sauts sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s en vue de leur comparaison avec les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux. Des modĂšles de sauts rĂ©orientationnels simples sur N sites Ă©galement rĂ©partis sur un cercle, peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s pour le mouvement du groupement mĂ©thyle ou celui du groupe carboxylique. Si des rotations du t-butyle apparaissent en mĂȘme temps que des rotations des mĂ©thyles, un modele de saut plus Ă©laborĂ© est dĂ©veloppĂ© sur la base de mouvements de rĂ©orientations autour de deux axes diffĂ©rents et dynamiquement non couplĂ©s. Enfin, nous envisageons le cas oĂč un mouvement de basculement de toute la molĂ©cule est adjoint aux deux mouvements prĂ©cĂ©dents et une loi approchĂ©e est donnĂ©e pour la diffusion correspondante

    Motional and relaxational processes in amorphous and crystalline phases of methoxy-benzyldene-butylaniline. I. Study of the dynamical behaviour of MBBA in its solid phases by incoherent inelastic neutron scattering

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    From time-of-flight incoherent inelastic neutron scattering, the density of vibrational states of methoxy-benzylidene-butylaniline (MBBA) was measured in its different phases. In the low frequency range, the density of states of the amorphous phases is enhanced with respect to the crystalline phases. The precise shape of these densities of states is analysed and compared in the different amorphous and crystalline phases and noticeable differences are evidenced. In addition, the analysis of the quasielastic part of the spectra at highest temperatures permits to get some information about the dynamics of the molecules in the crystalline phases and in the nematic phase
