605 research outputs found

    Superconducting Fluctuation Corrections to the Thermal Current in Granular Metals

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    The first-order superconducting fluctuation corrections to the thermal conductivity of a granular metal are calculated. A suppression of thermal conductivity proportional to Tc/(TTc)T_c/(T-T_c) is observed in a region not too close to the critical temperature TcT_c. As TTcT\simeq T_c, a saturation of the correction is found, and its sign depends on the ratio between the barrier transparency and the critical temperature. In both regimes, the Wiedemann-Franz law is violated.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Replaced with published version. Important change

    High-temperature excess current and quantum suppression of electronic backscattering in a 1-D system

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    We consider the electronic current through a one-dimensional conductor in the ballistic transport regime and show that the quantum oscillations of a weakly pinned single scattering target results in a temperature- and bias-voltage independent excess current at large bias voltages. This is a genuine effect on transport that derives from an exponential reduction of electronic backscattering in the elastic channel due to quantum delocalization of the scatterer and from suppression of low-energy electron backscattering in the inelastic channels caused by the Pauli exclusion principle. We show that both the mass of the target and the frequency of its quantum vibrations can be measured by studying the differential conductance and the excess current. We apply our analysis to the particular case of a weakly pinned C60 molecule encapsulated by a single-wall carbon nanotube and find that the discussed phenomena are experimentally observable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fibre-reinforced geopolymer concretes for sensible heat thermal energy storage: Simulations and environmental impact

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    Power plants based on solar energy are spreading to accomplish the incoming green energy transition. Besides, affordable high-temperature sensible heat thermal energy storage (SHTES) is required. In this work, the temperature distribution and thermal performance of novel solid media for SHTES are investigated by finite element method (FEM) modelling. A geopolymer, with/without fibre reinforcement, is simulated during a transient charging/discharging cycle. A life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis is also carried out to investigate the environmental impact and sustainability of the proposed materials, analysing the embodied energy, the transport, and the production process. A Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach, taking into account thermal/environmental performance, is used to select the most suitable material. The results show that the localized reinforcement with fibres increases thermal storage performance, depending on the type of fibre, creating curvatures in the temperature profile and accelerating the charge/discharge. High-strength, high-conductivity carbon fibres performed well, and the simulation approach can be applied to any fibre arrangement/material. On the con-trary, the benefit of the fibres is not straightforward according to the three different scenarios developed for the LCA and MCDM analyses, due to the high impact of the fibre production processes. More investigations are needed to balance and optimize the coupling of the fibre material and the solid medium to obtain high thermal performance and low impacts

    Protein Gaussian Image (PGI): A protein structural representation based on the spatial attitude of secondary structure

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    A well-known shape representation usually applied for 3D object recognition is the Extended Gaussian Image (EGI) which maps the histogram of the orientations of the object surface on the unitary sphere. We propose to adopt an analogous “abstract” data-structure named Protein Gaussian Image (PNM) for representing the orientation of the protein secondary structures (e.g. helices or strands) which combines the characteristics of the EGI and the ones of needle maps. The “concrete” data structures is the same as for the EGI, with a hierarchy that starting with a discretization corresponding to the 20 orientations of the icosahedron facets, it is iteratively refined with a factor 4 at each new level (80, 320, 1280, . . . ) up to the maximum precision required. However, in this case to each orientation does not correspond the area of the patches having that orientation but the features of the protein secondary structures having that direction. Among the features we may include the versus (origin versus surface or vice versa), the length of the structure (e.g. the number of amino acids), biochemical properties, and even the sequence of the amino acids (stored as a list). We consider this representation very effective for a preliminary screening when looking in a protein data base for retrieval of a given structural block, or a domain, or even an entire protein. In fact, on this structure it is possible to identify the presence of a given motif, or also sheets (note that parallel or anti-parallel β-sheets are characterized by common or opposite directions of ladders). Herewith some known proteins are described with common typical motifs easily marked in the PGI

    The Influence of Electro-Mechanical Effects on Resonant Electron Tunneling Through Small Carbon Nano-Peapods

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    The influence of a fullerene molecule trapped inside a single-wall carbon nanotube on resonant electron transport at low temperatures and strong polaronic coupling is theoretically discussed. Strong peak to peak fluctuations and anomalous temperature behavior of conductance amplitudes are predicted and investigated. The influence of the chiral properties of carbon nanotubes on transport is also studied.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Replaced with published version. Important changes. Open access: http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/10/04304

    Cardiac effect of thyrotoxicosis in acromegaly

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    Cardiac structure and function are affected both by acromegaly and hyperthyroidism. Whereas the former is mainly characterized by ventricular hypertrophy as well as diastolic and systolic impairment, the latter frequently leads to increased heart rate and enhancement of contractility and cardiac output. To further investigate this issue, we designed this two-arm study. In the first cross-sectional study, we compared echocardiography and radionuclide angiography results obtained in eight hyperthyroid acromegalic patients, eight hyperthyroid nonacromegalic patients, and eight healthy subjects. All acromegalic patients were receiving treatment for acromegaly at the onset of hyperthyroidism. In the second longitudinal study, performed in the group of acromegalic patients, we compared the cardiovascular results obtained during hyperthyroidism with the retrospective data obtained at the initial diagnosis of acromegaly and after 1-yr treatment for this disease and those prospective data obtained during the remission of hyperthyroidism. In the cross-sectional study, hyperthyroid acromegalic patients showed an increase in the left ventricular (LV) mass index (LVMi) compared to healthy and hyperthyroid controls (P < 0.05), with evidence of LVMi hypertrophy in five of them (62.5%). A significant correlation was found between LVMi and GH levels (r = 0.785; P < 0.05). The LV ejection fraction (LVEF) at rest was higher in the control hyperthyroid population than in healthy controls (P < 0.05), whereas the LVEF response to exercise was reduced in acromegalic patients (P < 0.05 vs. healthy controls). In acromegalics, the exercise-induced change in LVEF was significantly reduced compared to that in healthy controls (P < 0.001), but not to that in hyperthyroid controls (P < 0.07), being abnormal (<5% increase vs. baseline values) in six patients. Four of these six patients (66%) had elevated GH and insulin-like growth factor I levels during the treatment of acromegaly. An inverse correlation between GH and LVEF at rest (r = -0.896;P < 0.05) and at peak exercise (r = -0.950; P < 0.001) was recorded. The peak filling rate was reduced in hyperthyroid acromegalic patients compared to those in both control populations (P < 0.05). In the longitudinal study, acromegalic patients showed an increased LVMi during hyperthyroidism compared to that observed after successful treatment of acromegaly (P < 0.05); resting LVEF was increased compared to both basal (P < 0.001) and posttreatment values (P < 0.05). However, the exercise-induced change in LVEF was reduced (P < 0.05 vs. previous follow-up values). Remission of hyperthyroidism led to significant reduction of LVMi (P < 0.05) and resting LVEF (P < 0.05) and an increase in exercise-induced LVEF (P < 0.05). In light of these findings, hyperthyroidism produces a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system of acromegalic patients, particularly in those with uncontrolled disease. Thus, control of GH and insulin-like growth factor I should be a major objective, as cardiovascular risk persists in patients with ineffective hormonal suppression, and constant endocrine and cardiovascular surveillance remain crucial steps in patient follow-up