1,431 research outputs found

    The nature of the progenitor of the Type II-P supernova 1999em

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    We present high quality ground-based VRI images of the site of the Type II-P SN1999em (in NGC1637) taken before explosion, which were extracted from the CFHT archive. We determine a precise position of the SN on these images to an accuracy of 0.17''. The host galaxy is close enough (7.5 +/- 0.5 Mpc) that the bright supergiants are resolved as individual objects, however we show that there is no detection of an object at the SN position before explosion that could be interpreted as the progenitor star. By determining the sensitivity limits of the VRI data, we derive bolometric luminosity limits for the progenitor. Comparing these to standard stellar evolutionary tracks which trace evolution up to the point of core carbon ignition, we initially derive an upper mass limit of approximately 12M_sol. However we present evolutionary calculations that follow 7-12M_sol stars throughout their C-burning lifetime and show that we can restrict the mass of the progenitor even further. Our calculations indicate that progenitors initially of 8-10M_sol, undergoing expected mass loss, can also be excluded because a second dredge up sends them to somewhat higher luminosities than a star of initially 12M_sol. These results limit the progenitor's initial main-sequence mass to a very narrow range of 12 +/- 1 M_sol. We discuss the similarities between the Type II-P SNe 1999em and 1999gi and their progenitor mass limits, and suggest that SN Type II-P originate only in intermediate mass stars of 8-12M_sol, which are in the red supergiant region and that higher mass stars produce the other Type II sub-types. (Abridged).Comment: Replaced with accepted version to appear in ApJ, 30 pages, inc. 6 figure

    Approximate input physics for stellar modelling

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    We present a simple and efficient, yet reasonably accurate, equation of state, which at the moderately low temperatures and high densities found in the interiors of stars less massive than the Sun is substantially more accurate than its predecessor by Eggleton, Faulkner & Flannery. Along with the most recently available values in tabular form of opacities, neutrino loss rates, and nuclear reaction rates for a selection of the most important reactions, this provides a convenient package of input physics for stellar modelling. We briefly discuss a few results obtained with the updated stellar evolution code.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript. The preprint are also available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/preprint/PrePrint.htm

    It's EZ to Evolve ZAMS Stars: A Program Derived from Eggleton's Stellar Evolution Code

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    "Evolve ZAMS", "EZ" for short, is derived from Peter Eggleton's stellar evolution program. The core of EZ is a stripped down, rewritten version of a subset of Eggleton's code, specialized to handle single star evolution from the zero-age main sequence until forced to stop by an event such as a helium flash or a crystallizing core. The procedure and data interfaces to the program are designed to be easy to use while still providing a wide range of function. EZ is written in Fortran 95 following current programming practices and can be downloaded from http://theory.kitp.ucsb.edu/~paxton/.Comment: 2 pages. To appear in PASP. Download tar file with source code, data, and instructions for building EZ from http://theory.kitp.ucsb.edu/~paxton/ -- website has more information and pdf's for many plots of stellar evolutio

    The Zero Age Main Sequence of WIMP burners

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    We modify a stellar structure code to estimate the effect upon the main sequence of the accretion of weakly interacting dark matter onto stars and its subsequent annihilation. The effect upon the stars depends upon whether the energy generation rate from dark matter annihilation is large enough to shut off the nuclear burning in the star. Main sequence WIMP burners look much like protostars moving on the Hayashi track, although they are in principle completely stable. We make some brief comments about where such stars could be found, how they might be observed and more detailed simulations which are currently in progress. Finally we comment on whether or not it is possible to link the paradoxically young OB stars found at the galactic centre with WIMP burners.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs. Matches published versio

    Modulations in Multi-Periodic Blue Variables in the LMC

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    As shown by Mennickent, et al(2003), a subset of the blue variable stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud exhibit brightness variability of small amplitude in the period range 2.4 to 16 days as well as larger amplitude variability with periods of 140 to 600 days, with a remarkably tight relation between the long and the short periods. Our re-examination of these objects has led to the discovery of additional variability. The Fourier spectra of 11 of their 30 objects have 3 or 4 peaks above the noise level and a linear relation of the form f_a = 2(f_b - f_L) among three of the frequencies. An explanation of this relation requires an interplay between the binary motion and that of a third object. The two frequency relations together with the Fourier amplitude ratios pose a challenging modeling problem.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal (in press

    Modelling the formation of double white dwarfs

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    We investigate the formation of the ten double-lined double white dwarfs that have been observed so far. A detailed stellar evolution code is used to calculate grids of single-star and binary models and we use these to reconstruct possible evolutionary scenarios. We apply various criteria to select the acceptable solutions from these scenarios. We confirm the conclusion of Nelemans et al. (2000) that formation via conservative mass transfer and a common envelope with spiral-in based on energy balance or via two such spiralins cannot explain the formation of all observed systems. We investigate three different prescriptions of envelope ejection due to dynamical mass loss with angular-momentum balance and show that they can explain the observed masses and orbital periods well. Next, we demand that the age difference of our model is comparable to the observed cooling-age difference and show that this puts a strong constraint on the model solutions. However, the scenario in which the primary loses its envelope in an isotropic wind and the secondary transfers its envelope, which is then re-emitted isotropically, can explain the observed age differences as well. One of these solutions explains the DB-nature of the oldest white dwarf in PG1115+116 along the evolutionary scenario proposed by Maxted et al. (2002a), in which the helium core of the primary becomes exposed due to envelope ejection, evolves into a giant phase and loses its hydrogen-rich outer layers.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. See http://www.astro.uu.nl/~sluys/publications/ for high-resolution versions of Figs. 15 and 1

    Binary coalescence from case A evolution -- mergers and blue stragglers

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    We constructed some main-sequence mergers from case A binary evolution and studied their characteristics via Eggleton's stellar evolution code. Both total mass and orbital angular momentum are conservative in our binary evolutions. Some mergers might be on the left of the ZAMS as defined by normal surface composition on a CMD because of enhanced surface helium content. The study also shows that central hydrogen content of the mergers is independent of mass. As a consequence, we fit the formula of magnitude and B-V of the mergers when they return back to thermal equilibrium with maximum error 0.29 and 0.037, respectively. Employing the consequences above, we performed Monte Carlo simulations to examine our models in NGC 2682 and NGC 2660. In NGC 2682, binary mergers from our models cover the region with high luminosity, but its importance is much less than that of AML. Our results are well-matched to the observations of NGC2660 if there is about 0.5Mo of mass loss in the merger process.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. accepted by MNRA

    Reduced magnetic braking and the magnetic capture model for the formation of ultra-compact binaries

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    A binary in which a slightly evolved star starts mass transfer to a neutron star can evolve towards ultra-short orbital periods under the influence of magnetic braking. This is called magnetic capture. In a previous paper we showed that ultra-short periods are only reached for an extremely small range of initial binary parameters, in particular orbital period and donor mass. Our conclusion was based on one specific choice for the law of magnetic braking, and for the loss of mass and angular momentum during mass transfer. In this paper we show that for less efficient magnetic braking it is impossible to evolve to ultra-short periods, independent of the amount of mass and associated angular momentum lost from the binary.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. See http://www.astro.uu.nl/~sluys/PhD

    Extent of pollution in planet-bearing stars

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    (abridged) Search for planets around main-sequence (MS) stars more massive than the Sun is hindered by their hot and rapidly spinning atmospheres. This obstacle has been sidestepped by radial-velocity surveys of those stars on their post-MS evolutionary track (G sub-giant and giant stars). Preliminary observational findings suggest a deficiency of short-period hot Jupiters around the observed post MS stars, although the total fraction of them with known planets appears to increase with their mass. Here we consider the possibility that some very close- in gas giants or a population of rocky planets may have either undergone orbital decay or been engulfed by the expanding envelope of their intermediate-mass host stars. If such events occur during or shortly after those stars' main sequence evolution when their convection zone remains relatively shallow, their surface metallicity can be significantly enhanced by the consumption of one or more gas giants. We show that stars with enriched veneer and lower-metallicity interior follow slightly modified evolution tracks as those with the same high surface and interior metallicity. As an example, we consider HD149026, a marginal post MS 1.3 Msun star. We suggest that its observed high (nearly twice solar) metallicity may be confined to the surface layer as a consequence of pollution by the accretion of either a planet similar to its known 2.7-day-period Saturn-mass planet, which has a 70 Mearth compact core, or a population of smaller mass planets with a comparable total amount of heavy elements. It is shown that an enhancement in surface metallicity leads to a reduction in effective temperature, in increase in radius and a net decrease in luminosity. The effects of such an enhancement are not negligible in the determinations of the planet's radius based on the transit light curves.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Keep Layers in Cages?

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    Can you make more profits from your laying hens by putting them in cages? That\u27s a package question. Unfortunately, we can\u27t give a neatly packaged answer. The best general answer is that it depends. A more specific answer depends on you and your individual situation
