10,179 research outputs found

    Non-homogeneous polygonal Markov fields in the plane: graphical representations and geometry of higher order correlations

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    We consider polygonal Markov fields originally introduced by Arak and Surgailis (1989). Our attention is focused on fields with nodes of order two, which can be regarded as continuum ensembles of non-intersecting contours in the plane, sharing a number of features with the two-dimensional Ising model. We introduce non-homogeneous version of polygonal fields in anisotropic enviroment. For these fields we provide a class of new graphical constructions and random dynamics. These include a generalised dynamic representation, generalised and defective disagreement loop dynamics as well as a generalised contour birth and death dynamics. Next, we use these constructions as tools to obtain new exact results on the geometry of higher order correlations of polygonal Markov fields in their consistent regime.Comment: 54 page

    Ingestion Rates, Live Weight Caloric Densities and Standing Crop Estimates for Desert Biome Rodents

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    Measures of galaxy dust and gas mass with Herschel photometry and prospects for ALMA

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    (Abridged) Combining the deepest Herschel extragalactic surveys (PEP, GOODS-H, HerMES), and Monte Carlo mock catalogs, we explore the robustness of dust mass estimates based on modeling of broad band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with two popular approaches: Draine & Li (2007, DL07) and a modified black body (MBB). As long as the observed SED extends to at least 160-200 micron in the rest frame, M(dust) can be recovered with a >3 sigma significance and without the occurrence of systematics. An average offset of a factor ~1.5 exists between DL07- and MBB-based dust masses, based on consistent dust properties. At the depth of the deepest Herschel surveys (in the GOODS-S field) it is possible to retrieve dust masses with a S/N>=3 for galaxies on the main sequence of star formation (MS) down to M(stars)~1e10 [M(sun)] up to z~1. At higher redshift (z<=2) the same result is achieved only for objects at the tip of the MS or lying above it. Molecular gas masses, obtained converting M(dust) through the metallicity-dependent gas-to-dust ratio delta(GDR), are consistent with those based on the scaling of depletion time, and on CO spectroscopy. Focusing on CO-detected galaxies at z>1, the delta(GDR) dependence on metallicity is consistent with the local relation. We combine far-IR Herschel data and sub-mm ALMA expected fluxes to study the advantages of a full SED coverage.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Some figures have degraded quality for filesize reason

    Measuring the Higgs Branching Fraction into two Photons at Future Linear \ee Colliders

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    We examine the prospects for measuring the \gaga branching fraction of a Standard Model-like Higgs boson with a mass of 120 GeV at the future TESLA linear \ee collider, assuming an integrated luminosity of 1 ab−1^{-1} and center-of-mass energies of 350 GeV and 500 GeV. The Higgs boson is produced in association with a fermion pair via the Higgsstrahlung process \ee →ZH\to ZH, with Z→Z \to \qq or \nn, or the WW fusion reaction e+e−→νeνeˉHe^+e^- \to \nu_e \bar{\nu_e} H. A relative uncertainty on BF(\hgg) of~16% can be achieved in unpolarized \ee collisions at s\sqrt{s}=~500 GeV, while for s\sqrt{s}=~350 GeV the expected precision is slightly poorer. With appropriate initial state polarizations Δ\DeltaBF(\hgg)/BF(\hgg) can be improved to 10%. If this measurement is combined with the expected error for the total Higgs width, a precision of 10% on the \gaga Higgs boson partial width appears feasible.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Phase Transitions from Saddles of the Potential Energy Landscape

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    The relation between saddle points of the potential of a classical many-particle system and the analyticity properties of its thermodynamic functions is studied. For finite systems, each saddle point is found to cause a nonanalyticity in the Boltzmann entropy, and the functional form of this nonanalytic term is derived. For large systems, the order of the nonanalytic term increases unboundedly, leading to an increasing differentiability of the entropy. Analyzing the contribution of the saddle points to the density of states in the thermodynamic limit, our results provide an explanation of how, and under which circumstances, saddle points of the potential energy landscape may (or may not) be at the origin of a phase transition in the thermodynamic limit. As an application, the puzzling observations by Risau-Gusman et al. on topological signatures of the spherical model are elucidated.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Breaking of ergodicity and long relaxation times in systems with long-range interactions

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    The thermodynamic and dynamical properties of an Ising model with both short range and long range, mean field like, interactions are studied within the microcanonical ensemble. It is found that the relaxation time of thermodynamically unstable states diverges logarithmically with system size. This is in contrast with the case of short range interactions where this time is finite. Moreover, at sufficiently low energies, gaps in the magnetization interval may develop to which no microscopic configuration corresponds. As a result, in local microcanonical dynamics the system cannot move across the gap, leading to breaking of ergodicity even in finite systems. These are general features of systems with long range interactions and are expected to be valid even when the interaction is slowly decaying with distance.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Thickness dependence of linear and quadratic magneto-optical Kerr effect in ultrathin Fe(001) films

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    Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) magnetometry is one of the most widely employed techniques for the characterization of ferromagnetic thin-film samples. Some information, such as coercive fields or anisotropy strengths can be obtained without any knowledge of the optical and magneto-optical (MO) properties of the material. On the other hand, a quantitative analysis, which requires a precise knowledge of the material's index of refraction n and the MO coupling constants K and G is often desirable, for instance for the comparison of samples, which are different with respect to ferromagnetic layer thicknesses, substrates, or capping layers. While the values of the parameters n and the linear MO coupling parameter K reported by different authors usually vary considerably, the relevant quadratic MO coupling parameters G of Fe are completely unknown. Here, we report on measurements of the thickness dependence (0-60nm) of the linear and quadratic MOKE in epitaxial bcc-Fe(001) wedge-type samples performed at a commonly used laser wavelength of 670nm. By fitting the thickness dependence we are able to extract a complete set of parameters n, K, (G11 - G12), and G44 for the quantitative description of the MOKE of bcc-Fe(001). We find sizable different n, K, and G parameters for films thinner than about 10nm as compared to thicker films, which is indicative of a thickness dependence of the electronic properties or of surface contributions to the MOKE. The effect size of the quadratic MOKE is found to be about a third of the record values recently reported for Co2FeSi.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Dobrushin-Kotecky-Shlosman theorem for polygonal Markov fields in the plane

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    We consider the so-called length-interacting Arak-Surgailis polygonal Markov fields with V-shaped nodes - a continuum and isometry invariant process in the plane sharing a number of properties with the two-dimensional Ising model. For these polygonal fields we establish a low-temperature phase separation theorem in the spirit of the Dobrushin-Kotecky-Shlosman theory, with the corresponding Wulff shape deteremined to be a disk due to the rotation invariant nature of the considered model. As an important tool replacing the classical cluster expansion techniques and very well suited for our geometric setting we use a graphical construction built on contour birth and death process, following the ideas of Fernandez, Ferrari and Garcia.Comment: 59 pages, new version revised according to the referee's suggestions and now publishe

    SDSS J212531.92–010745.9 : the first definite PG 1159 close binary system

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    Aims. The archival spectrum of SDSS J212531.92−010745.9 shows not only the typical signature of a PG 1159 star, but also indicates the presence of a companion. Our aim was the proof of the binary nature of this object and the determination of its orbital period. Methods. We performed time-series photometry of SDSS J212531.92−010745.9. We observed the object during 10 nights, spread over one month, with the Tübingen 80 cm and the Göttingen 50 cm telescopes. We fitted the observed light curve with a sine and simulated the light curve of this system with the nightfall program. Furthermore, we compared the spectrum of SDSS J212531.92−010745.9 with NLTE models, the results of which also constrain the light curve solution. Results. An orbital period of 6.95616(33) h with an amplitude of 0.354(3) mag is derived from our observations. A pulsation period could not be detected. For the PG 1159 star we found, as preliminary results from comparison with our NLTE models, T eff ∼ 90 000 K, log g ∼ 7.60, and the abundance ratio C/He ∼ 0.05 by number fraction. For the companion we obtained with a mean radius of 0.4 ± 0.1 R, a mass of 0.4 ± 0.1 M, and a temperature of 8200 K on the irradiated side, good agreement between the observed light curve and the nightfall simulation, but we do not regard those values as final

    The cataclysmic variable orbital period gap: More evident than ever

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    Recently, large and homogeneous samples of cataclysmic variables (CVs) identified by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) were published. In these samples, the famous orbital period gap, which is a dearth of systems in the orbital period range ~2-3 hr and the defining feature of most evolutionary models for CVs, has been claimed not to be clearly present. If true, this finding would completely change our picture of CV evolution. In this Letter we focus on potential differences with respect to the orbital period gap between CVs in which the magnetic field of the white dwarf is strong enough to connect with that of the donor star, so-called polars, and non-polar CVs as the white dwarf magnetic field in polars has been predicted to reduce the strength of angular momentum loss through magnetic braking. We separated the SDSS I-IV sample of CVs into polars and non-polar systems and performed statistical tests to evaluate whether the period distributions are bimodal as predicted by the standard model for CV evolution or not. We confirm the existence of a period gap in the SDSS I-IV sample of non-polar CVs with >98 per cent confidence. The boundaries of the orbital period gap are 147 and 191 minutes, with the lower boundary being different to previously published values (129 min). The orbital period distribution of polars from SDSS I-IV is clearly different and does not show a similar period gap. The SDSS samples as well as previous samples of CVs are consistent with the standard theory of CV evolution. Magnetic braking does indeed seem get disrupted around the fully convective boundary, which causes a detached phase during CV evolution. In polars, the white dwarf magnetic field reduces the strength of magnetic braking and consequently the orbital period distribution of polars does not display an equally profound and extended period gap as non-polars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter
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