145 research outputs found

    Nonlinear optical properties of nanomotors for optoelectronic applications

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    Date du colloque&nbsp;: 10/2008</p

    Some selected and functionalised organometallic molecules for NLO applications

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    Organometallics nano complexes are important targets for the construction of advanced materials, the investigation of electron-transfer processes and of novel devices for non-linear optical (NLO) applications. In this work the diagnostic and characterisation of novel molecular organics nano complexes thin films functionalized for NLO applications will be discussed. On other hand a rich study of the formation of surface-relief gratings (SRGs), using a picosecond pulsed laser at 532 nm, resulted in instantaneous inscription will be presented

    Average distance in growing trees

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    Two kinds of evolving trees are considered here: the exponential trees, where subsequent nodes are linked to old nodes without any preference, and the Barab\'asi--Albert scale-free networks, where the probability of linking to a node is proportional to the number of its pre-existing links. In both cases, new nodes are linked to m=1m=1 nodes. Average node-node distance dd is calculated numerically in evolving trees as dependent on the number of nodes NN. The results for NN not less than a thousand are averaged over a thousand of growing trees. The results on the mean node-node distance dd for large NN can be approximated by d=2ln(N)+c1d=2\ln(N)+c_1 for the exponential trees, and d=ln(N)+c2d=\ln(N)+c_2 for the scale-free trees, where the cic_i are constant. We derive also iterative equations for dd and its dispersion for the exponential trees. The simulation and the analytical approach give the same results.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C14 (2003) - in prin

    Third harmonic generation via dendrimers of four generations

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    We report on third harmonic generation of E-O active dendrimers dispersed in polycarbonate matrix. Four kinds of polyester type dendrimers G0, G1, G2 and G3 containing azobenzene in the core used as third order nonlinear optical active chromophores were prepared as guest-host type system based on polycarbonate matrix spin-coated on a glass substrate. Third harmonic generation was measured while exciting the samples with fundamental wavelength 1.064 ¿m. Non-linear third-order susceptibility ¿(3) for different generations of dendrimers was evaluated

    Enhancement of bulk second-harmonic generation from silicon nitride films by material composition

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    We present a comprehensive tensorial characterization of second-harmonic generation from silicon nitride films with varying composition. The samples were fabricated using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, and the material composition was varied by the reactive gas mixture in the process. We found a six-fold enhancement between the lowest and highest second-order susceptibility, with the highest value of approximately 5 pm/V from the most silicon-rich sample. Moreover, the optical losses were found to be sufficiently small (below 6 dB/cm) for applications. The tensorial results show that all samples retain in-plane isotropy independent of silicon content, highlighting the controllability of the fabrication process.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; Re-submitted to Optics Letter

    Study of surface relief gratings on azo organometallic films in picosecond regime

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    Materials for optical data storage and optical information processing must exhibit good holographic properties. Many materials for these applications have been already proposed. Here we describe a grating inscription process characterized by short inscription time and long-time stability. A series of ruthenium-acetylide organometallic complexes containing an azobenzene fragment were synthesized. Photo-induced gratings were produced by short pulse (16 ps, 532 nm) laser irradiation. The surface relief gratings formed at the same time were observed by atomic force microscope. In this work, we highlight the short inscription times brought into play as well as the good temporal stability of these gratings stored at room temperature. We study the influence of the polarization states and the light intensity of writing beams on the dynamics of the surface relief gratings formation and we compare these results with those of a known representative of azobenzene derivative (Disperse Red 1). Lastly, we show that it is possible to write two-dimensional surface relief gratings

    Ferroelectric AgNa(NO2)2 crystals as novel highly efficient nonlinear optical material: Phase matched second harmonic generation driven by a spontaneous and electric field induced polarizations

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    Paper reports the second harmonic generation(SHG) in ferroelectric AgNa ( NO 2 ) 2 crystals being driven by the spontaneous and electric field induced polarizations. Obtained results are interpreted within the phenomenological theory which considers the free energy describing the interaction between the spontaneous or electric field induced polarizations and spatially inhomogeneous electric polarizations resulted from propagating optical waves. Relatively high magnitudes of the effective second order nonlinear optical (NLO) susceptibilities in these crystals are combined with several phase matching geometries which allows to consider them as high-performance materials for potential NLO applications, such as parametric generation and amplification, frequency doubling, or other applications that require high-efficient frequency conversion. In addition, an anomalously large response of NLO susceptibilities with respect to an applied electric field has been found in the vicinity of the Curie point. This may also have a number of applications, especially in those devices where an efficient tunable control of SHG intensity is demanded

    Nonlinear optical properties of thiazolidinone derivatives

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    Thiazolidinone derivatives were synthesized and their physicochemical properties are determined by absorption, H NMR spectroscopies. The third order nonlinear optical properties of thiazolidinone containing compounds were investigated in solutions using degenerate four wave mixing (DFWM) method at 532 nm