420 research outputs found

    AOSD Ontology 1.0 - Public Ontology of Aspect-Orientation

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    This report presents a Common Foundation for Aspect-Oriented Software Development. A Common Foundation is required to enable effective communication and to enable integration of activities within the Network of Excellence. This Common Foundation is realized by developing an ontology, i.e. the shared meaning of terms and concepts in the domain of AOSD. In the first part of this report, we describe the definitions of an initial set of common AOSD terms. There is general agreement on these definitions. In the second part, we describe the Common Foundation task in detail

    Isotypes of ICIS and images of deformations of map germs

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    We give a simple way to study the isotypes of the homology of simplicial complexes with actions of finite groups, and use it for Milnor fibers of \textsc{icis}. We study the homology of images of mappings ftf_t that arise as deformations of complex map germs f:(Cn,S)(Cp,0)f:(\mathbb{C}^n,S)\to(\mathbb{C}^p,0), with n<pn<p, and the behaviour of singularities (instabilities) in this context. We study two generalizations of the notion of image Milnor number μI\mu_I given by Mond and give a workable way of compute them, with Milnor numbers of \textsc{icis}. We also study two unexpected traits when p>n+1p>n+1: stable perturbations with contractible image and homology of imft\text{im} f_t in unexpected dimensions. We show that Houston's conjecture, μI\mu_I constant in a family implies excellency in Gaffney's sense, is false, but we give a proof for the cases where it holds. Finally, we prove a result on coalescence of instabilities for the cases (n,p)=(1,2),(2,3)(n,p)=(1,2), (2,3), showing that it is false in general.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figure

    A note on complex plane curve singularities up to diffeomorphism and their rigidity

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    We prove that, if two germs of plane curves (C,0)(C,0) and (C,0)(C',0) with at least one singular branch are equivalent by a (real) smooth diffeomorphism, then CC is complex isomorphic to CC' or to C\overline{C'}. A similar result was shown by Ephraim for irreducible hypersurfaces before, but his proof is not constructive. Indeed, we show that the complex isomorphism is given by the Taylor series of the diffeomorphism. We also prove an analogous result for the case of non-irreducible hypersurfaces containing an irreducible component of zero-dimensional isosingular locus. Moreover, we provide a general overview of the different classifications of plane curve singularities

    Pigmented purpuric dermatosis: a review of the literature

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    The pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPDs) are a group of benign, chronic diseases. The variants described to date represent different clinical presentations of the same entity, all having similar histopathologic characteristics. We provide an overview of the most common PPDs and describe their clinical, dermatopathologic, and epiluminescence features. PPDs are both rare and benign, and this, together with an as yet poor understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms involved, means that no standardized treatments exist. We review the treatments described to date. However, because most of the descriptions are based on isolated cases or small series, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of any of these treatments as first-line therapy

    Hook effect in radioligand assay for Anti Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (Anti-GAD65). Influence of temperature and physicochemical interpretation

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    Background: Radioligand assay is one of the principal methods used for analytical determination of the Anti-GAD65 concentration. We studied the influence of temperature on the calibration curves obtained by such a method Matherial and Methods: We used a commercially available RIA kit for Anti-GAD65 and a gamma counter. Data was analyzed using Statistica software. Results and Discusion: Activities bound to the antibody increase with temperature. There was a decrease in activity for high concentrations attributable to the "hook effect". We propose a simple physicochemical model that justifies satisfactorily the results.Objetivo: El análisis por radioligando es uno de los métodos principales utilizados en la determinación analítica del Anti-GAD65. Se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura sobre las gráficas de calibración obtenidas por dicha técnica. Material y Métodos: Usamos un kit comercial para Anti-GAD65 y un contador gamma. Los resultados son analizados mediante el programa Statistica. Resultados y Discusión: Las actividades ligadas al anticuerpo aumentan con la temperatura. Se observa una disminución de la actividad para altas concentraciones atribuible al llamado “efecto anzuelo”. Se propone un sencillo modelo fisicoquímico que justifica satisfactoriamente los resultado

    Nódulos dolorosos en muslos

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    Presentación del caso Una mujer de 23 años de edad consultó por la aparición progresiva de unas lesiones dolorosas en superficie externa de los muslos durante las 5 últimas semanas. La paciente refería brotes similares durante 3 años consecutivos, que le aparecían durante los meses de más frío y que cedían, sin dejar cicatriz, con el aumento de temperatura ambiental estacional. No asociaba otras manifestaciones. La paciente se dedicaba a la equitación, montaba y cuidaba de los caballos diariamente. Exploración física Se observaba la presencia de unos nódulos eritematovioláceos, dolorosos a la presión, que tendían a la confluencia y formación de placas, en la zona superoexterna de ambos muslos (fig. 1). En el resto del muslo se constató la presencia de unas máculas reticuladas eritematovioláceas de aspecto vascular. Las regiones afectadas presentaban una disminución de la temperatura local. ..

    Generation of ultra-short light pulses by a rapidly ionizing thin foil

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    A thin and dense plasma layer is created when a sufficiently strong laser pulse impinges on a solid target. The nonlinearity introduced by the time-dependent electron density leads to the generation of harmonics. The pulse duration of the harmonic radiation is related to the risetime of the electron density and thus can be affected by the shape of the incident pulse and its peak field strength. Results are presented from numerical particle-in-cell-simulations of an intense laser pulse interacting with a thin foil target. An analytical model which shows how the harmonics are created is introduced. The proposed scheme might be a promising way towards the generation of attosecond pulses. PACS number(s): 52.40.Nk, 52.50.Jm, 52.65.RrComment: Second Revised Version, 13 pages (REVTeX), 3 figures in ps-format, submitted for publication to Physical Review E, WWW: http://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/tqe

    Chaos for the Hyperbolic Bioheat Equation

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    The Hyperbolic Heat Transfer Equation describes heat processes in which extremely short periods of time or extreme temperature gradients are involved. It is already known that there are solutions of this equation which exhibit a chaotic behaviour, in the sense of Devaney, on certain spaces of analytic functions with certain growth control. We show that this chaotic behaviour still appears when we add a source term to this equation, i.e. in the Hyperbolic Bioheat Equation. These results can also be applied for the Wave Equation and for a higher order version of the Hyperbolic Bioheat Equation.The authors are supported in part by MEC and FEDER, Projects MTM2010-14909 and MTM2013-47093-P.Conejero, JA.; Ródenas Escribá, FDA.; Trujillo Guillen, M. (2015). Chaos for the Hyperbolic Bioheat Equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A. 35(2):653-668. doi:10.3934/dcds.2015.35.653S65366835