5,212 research outputs found

    Retail change: a consideration of the UK food retail industry, 1950-2010.

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    The immense changes to have taken place in UK food retailing during the second half of the 20th century are detailed, explained and analysed, with constant reference to theories of retail change. The result is not just a history of UK food retail change post-1950, but a comprehensive evaluation and extension of retail change theory, with new driving forces and ideas elaborated, and a forecast of likely key developments to 2010. The thesis is based largely on the testimonies of key industry actors of the period, including past and present executives of leading food retail organisations, and followed an un-structured interview approach, allowing stories to be told without unnecessary constraint. The development of the industry is detailed and explained, drawing heavily on these testimonies, and this change is explained with reference to major factors with a direct hearing on the industry, such as government policy and socio-economic change. Because of the emphasis on witness accounts, the theories of retail change are analysed with a heavy focus on the people driving change, a refreshing change in a field where the historical nature of the subject tends to drive research towards secondary sources of data. The thesis contributes a better understanding of the forces driving the theories of retail change, and proposes an extension to the domain of application. The relevant elements of the theories of retail change are implemented to forecast likely developments in the UK food retail industry to 2010, which is complemented by an 'expert' Delphi forecast and a projection of current socio-economic trends

    P-n junctions formed in gallium antimonide

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    Vapor phase deposition process forms a heavily doped n-region on a melt-grown p-type gallium antimonide substrate. HCl transports gallium to the reaction zone, where it combines with antimony hydride and the dopant carrier, hydrogen telluride. Temperatures as low as 400 degrees C are required

    Controlled substrate cooling improves reproducibility of vapor deposited semiconductor composites

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    Improved substrate holder preferentially provides more uniform substrate cooling and increases the proportion of vapor flowing over the substrate during growth. Nitrogen gas is constricted in the substrate holder to cool the substrate

    Lamb wave near field enhancements for surface breaking defects in plates

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    Near field surface wave ultrasonic enhancements have previously been used to detect surface breaking defects in thick samples using Rayleigh waves. Here, we present analogous surface wave enhancements for Lamb waves propagating in plates. By tracking frequency intensities in selected regions of time-frequency representations, we observe frequency enhancement in the near field, due to constructive interference of the incident wave mode with those reflected and mode converted at the defect. This is explained using two test models; a square based notch and an opening crack, which are used to predict the contribution to the out-of-plane displacement from the reflected and mode converted waves. This method has the potential to provide a reliable method for the near field identification and characterisation of surface breaking defects in plates

    Growth of single-crystal gallium nitride

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    Use of ultrahigh purity ammonia prevents oxygen contamination of GaN during growth, making it possible to grow the GaN at temperatures as high as 825 degrees C, at which point single crystal wafers are deposited on /0001/-oriented sapphire surfaces

    UNFCCC COP26 Global Peatlands Pavilion Summary Report

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    More than a year before Climate COP26, Richard Lindsay (SRI) proposed to UNEP's Global Peatland Initiative (GPI) that the partnership should consider hosting a Peatland Pavilion when COP26 finally convened in Glasgow. The concept was embraced with considerable enthusiasm and initial steps involved UEL's MArch students in developing a concept for a Peatland Pavilion structure. The design, developed by students Hussein Ali Kasim and Mohammed Patel, was firstly adopted as the basis for a Virtual Peatland Pavilion which could run alongside a physical Pavilion, promote participation in the event and also provide a post-COP legacy. Subsequently the iconic 'water droplet tower' of Hussein and Mohammed's design was designed as a physical structure with the help of the 2021 MArch students then constructed as a central part of the physical COP26 Peatland Pavilion. This was the first time that a pavilion devoted to peatlands had featured at any inter-governmental treaty COP, and its success in promoting the global importance of peatlands is set out in this Summary Report

    Vapor Phase Growth Technique and System for Several III-V Compound Semiconductors Interim Scientific Report

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    Vapor phase crystal growth and preparation of gallium, indium, arsenic, phosphorous, and antimony alloy semiconductor material

    Vapor phase growth technique and system for several 3-5 compound semiconductors Quarterly technical report

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    Single vapor phase growth system for preparing semiconductor material

    Alcohol, assault and licensed premises in inner-city areas

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    This report contains eight linked feasibility studies conducted in Cairns during 2010. These exploratory studies examine the complex challenges of compiling and sharing information about incidents of person-to-person violence in a late night entertainment precinct (LNEP). The challenges were methodological as well as logistical and ethical. The studies look at how information can be usefully shared, while preserving the confidentiality of those involved. They also examine how information can be compiled from routinely collected sources with little or no additional resources, and then shared by the agencies that are providing and using the information.Although the studies are linked, they are also stand-alone and so can be published in peer-reviewed literature. Some have already been published, or are ‘in press’ or have been submitted for review. Others require the NDLERF board’s permission to be published as they include data related more directly to policing, or they include information provided by police.The studies are incorporated into the document under section headings. In each section, they are introduced and then presented in their final draft form. The final published form of each paper, however, is likely to be different from the draft because of journal and reviewer requirements. The content, results and implications of each study are discussed in summaries included in each section.Funded by the National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, an initiative of the National Drug StrategyAlan R Clough (PhD) School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences James Cook UniversityCharmaine S Hayes-Jonkers (BPsy, BSocSci (Hon1)) James Cook University, Cairns.Edward S Pointing (BPsych) James Cook University, Cairns
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