838 research outputs found

    Condition Relative to Phenotype for Bass Populations in Southern Arkansas Lakes

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    Southern Arkansas reservoir largemouth bass populations (Micropterus salmoides) are often supplemented with stocks of Florida bass (M. floridanus) in an attempt to boost the frequency of hybrid and trophy bass. Stocking rates of Florida bass among these lakes are highly variable. We determined bass phenotype composition among 12 lake populations based upon stocking protocols: exclusively Florida bass, primarily Florida bass, mixed stocking protocol and primarily largemouth bass. We also compared condition among phenotypes (n =2,100) to test for hybrid or phenotype vigor. Mean relative weight of bass for most lakes but SWEPCO Lake (mean Wr = 72) were ≥ 90. Phenotype frequencies were inconsistent with FB stocking histories. No lake population was comprised only with pure Florida bass despite four of the lakes being stocked solely with this bass species. Numbers of F1 hybrid bass were low for all lake samples. Relative weight among phenotypes was also inconsistent among lake samples, allowing no conclusions to be made regarding relative weight and hybrid vigor or phenotype. Further testing increasing both the number of lake samples and sample size within lakes may provide insight into these questions of stocking effectiveness of Florida bass and hybrid or phenotype vigor

    Information theory analysis of Australian humpback whale song

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    Songs produced by migrating whales were recorded off the coast of Queensland, Australia, over six consecutive weeks in 2003. Forty-eight independent song sessions were analyzed using information theory techniques. The average length of the songs estimated by correlation analysis was approximately 100 units, with song sessions lasting from 300 to over 3100 units. Song entropy, a measure of structural constraints, was estimated using three different methodologies: (1) the independently identically distributed model, (2) a first-order Markov model, and (3) the nonparametric sliding window match length (SWML) method, as described by Suzuki et al. [(2006). “Information entropy of humpback whale song,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 1849–1866]. The analysis finds that the song sequences of migrating Australian whales are consistent with the hierarchical structure proposed by Payne and McVay [(1971). “Songs of humpback whales,” Science 173, 587–597], and recently supported mathematically by Suzuki et al. (2006) for singers on the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Both the SWML entropy estimates and the song lengths for the Australian singers in 2003 were lower than that reported by Suzuki et al. (2006) for Hawaiian whales in 1976–1978; however, song redundancy did not differ between these two populations separated spatially and temporally. The average total information in the sequence of units in Australian song was approximately 35 bits/song. Aberrant songs (8%) yielded entropies similar to the typical songs

    Fragmentarisk partnerskap i lærerstudenters FoU-veiledning: En studie av studenter og lærerutdanneres erfaringer

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    Samhandlingen mellom campus- og skoledelen av lærerutdanningen har tradisjonelt vært svak. Derfor hevdes det internasjonalt at utvikling av partnerskap mellom universiteter og skoler er avgjørende for å styrke lærerutdanningens kvalitet, og i senere tiår er det lansert mange intervensjoner for å utvikle partnerskap. En av disse er den nylig innførte «FoU-oppgaven» i norsk lærerutdanning, der studentene veiledes av lærerutdannere fra begge kontekster. Det er behov for kunnskap om hvordan samhandlingen mellom partene i denne veiledningen fungerer, og denne undersøkelsens formål er å bidra med dette.Gjennom studien i en grunnskolelærerutdanning undersøkes det hvordan lærerstudenter, praksislærere og universitetslærere erfarer samhandlingen med hverandre i FoU-veiledningen. Fokusgrupper ble gjennomført med hver av partene, og dette gav materiale til en tematisk analyse. Studien viser at partene erfarer fragmenterte partnerskap med variert, distansert, begrenset, fraværende, tilfeldig og kunstig samhandling. Studien gir spesifikk kunnskap om utfordringene ved triadisk FoU-veiledning som involverer parter fra begge lærerutdanningskontekstene. Mer generelt viser studien behovet for å klargjøre felles forståelse i samarbeidstiltak, og å belyse forholdet mellom ambisiøse partnerskapsintensjoner og begrensede ressurser i lærerutdanning

    Source levels of social sounds in migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)

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    The source level of an animal sound is important in communication, since it affects the distance over which the sound is audible. Several measurements of source levels of whale sounds have been reported, but the accuracy of many is limited because the distance to the source and the acoustic transmission loss were estimated rather than measured. This paper presents measurements of source levels of social sounds (surface-generated and vocal sounds) of humpback whales from a sample of 998 sounds recorded from 49 migrating humpback whale groups. Sources were localized using a wide baseline five hydrophone array and transmission loss was measured for the site. Social vocalization source levels were found to range from 123 to 183 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m with a median of 158 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m. Source levels of surface-generated social sounds ("breaches" and "slaps") were narrower in range (133 to 171 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m) but slightly higher in level (median of 162 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m) compared to vocalizations. The data suggest that group composition has an effect on group vocalization source levels in that singletons and mother-calf-singing escort groups tend to vocalize at higher levels compared to other group compositions. VC 2013 Acoustical Society of America

    Insights Developed Into the Damage Mechanism of Teflon FEP Thermal Control Material on the Hubble Space Telescope

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    Metalized Teflon FEP (DuPont; fluorinated ethylene propylene) thermal control material on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has been found to degrade in the space environment. Teflon FEP thermal control blankets retrieved during the first servicing mission were found to be embrittled on solar-facing surfaces and to contain microscopic cracks (the FEP surface is exposed to the space environment). During the second servicing mission, astronauts noticed that the FEP outer layer of the multilayer insulation blanketing covering the telescope was cracked in many locations. Large cracks were observed on the light shield, forward shell, and equipment bays. A tightly curled piece of cracked FEP from the light shield was retrieved during the second mission. This piece was severely embrittled, as witnessed by ground testing. A Failure Review Board was organized by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to determine the mechanism causing the multilayer insulation degradation. This board included members of the Electro-Physics Branch of the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field. Density measurements of the retrieved materials obtained under the review board's investigations indicated that FEP from the first servicing mission was essentially unchanged from pristine FEP but that the second servicing mission FEP had increased in density in comparison to pristine FEP (ref. 1). The results were consistent with crystallinity measurements taken using x-ray diffraction and with results from solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance tests (see the table and ref. 1). Because the second servicing mission FEP was embrittled and its density and crystallinity had increased in comparison to pristine FEP, board researchers expected that the first servicing mission FEP, which was also embrittled, would also have increased in crystallinity and density, but it did not. Because the retrieved second servicing mission material curled while in space, it experienced a higher temperature extreme during thermal cycling (estimated at 200 C) than the first servicing mission material (estimated at 50 C). Therefore, Glenn initiated and conducted an investigation of the effects of heating pristine FEP and FEP that had been exposed on the Hubble Space Telescope. Samples of pristine and first and second servicing mission FEP were heated to 200 C and evaluated for changes in density and morphology. We hoped that the results would help explain why FEP degrades in the Hubble Space Telescope space environment