186 research outputs found

    Exogenous pulmonary surfactant in COVID-19 ARDS. The similarities to neonatal RDS suggest a new scenario for an 'old' strategy

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) related to SARS-CoV-2 infection has some unusual characteristics that differentiate it from the pathophysiology described in the more 'typical' ARDS. Among multiple hypotheses, a close similarity has been suggested between COVID-19 ARDS and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). With this opinion paper, we investigated the pathophysiological similarities between infant respiratory diseases (RDS and direct neonatal ARDS (NARDS)) and COVID-19 in adults. We also analysed, for the first time, similarities in the response to exogenous surfactant administration in terms of improved static compliance in RDS and direct NARDS, and adult COVID-19 ARDS. In conclusion, we believe that if the pathological processes are similar both from the pathophysiological point of view and from the response in respiratory mechanics to a recruitment treatment such as surfactant, perhaps the latter could be considered a plausible option and lead to recruitment in clinical trials currently ongoing on patients with COVID-19

    Assessment of perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid exposure through fish consumption in Italy

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    Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are pollutants of anthropic origin with possible side effects on human health. Diet, and in particular fish and seafood, is considered the major intake pathway for humans. The present study investigated the levels of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) contamination in twenty-five samples of fresh fillet of five widely consumed fish species purchased from large retailers in Italy, to be used for an estimation of the Italian population exposure to these contaminants. PFOS and PFOA were found in all samples, at concentrations up to 1,896 (mean = 627 ng/kg) and 487 ng/kg (mean = 75 ng/kg), respectively, confirming the role of fish as high contributor to human exposure. However, a remarkable inter-species variability was observed, and multiple factors were suggested as potentially responsible for such differences, suggesting that the preferential consumption of certain species could likely increase the intake, and thus the exposure. The exposure estimates for both average and high fish consumers resulted far below the TDIs for PFOS and PFOA in all age groups, confirming the outcomes of EFSA\u2019s scientific report. In particular, the calculated total dietary exposure for the 95th percentile consumers belonging to the toddler age class, the most exposed group, resulted equal to 9.72 ng/kg b.w./day for PFOS and 8.39 ng/kg b.w./day for PFOA

    Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors and Nuclear Receptors Gene Expression in Infertile and Fertile Men from Italian Areas with Different Environmental Features

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    Internal levels of selected endocrine disruptors (EDs) (i.e., perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), di-2-ethylhexyl-phthalate (DEHP), mono-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (MEHP), and bisphenol A (BPA)) were analyzed in blood/serum of infertile and fertile men from metropolitan, urban and rural Italian areas. PFOS and PFOA levels were also evaluated in seminal plasma. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of same subjects, gene expression levels of a panel of nuclear receptors (NRs), namely estrogen receptor α (ERα) estrogen receptor β (ERβ), androgen receptor (AR), aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) were also assessed. Infertile men from the metropolitan area had significantly higher levels of BPA and gene expression of all NRs, except PPARγ, compared to subjects from other areas. Subjects from urban areas had significantly higher levels of MEHP, whereas subjects from rural area had higher levels of PFOA in both blood and seminal plasma. Interestingly, ERα, ERβ, AR, PXR and AhR expression is directly correlated with BPA and inversely correlated with PFOA serum levels. Our study indicates the relevance of the living environment when investigating the exposure to specific EDs. Moreover, the NRs panel in PBMCs demonstrated to be a potential biomarker of effect to assess the EDs impact on reproductive health

    Inspiratory effort and lung mechanics in spontaneously breathing patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19. A matched control study.

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    Several physical and biological mechanisms can drive progression between the different phases of lung injury due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, thus modifying the mechanical properties and behavior of COVID-19 over time. In this research letter we have presented the findings of a registered clinical trial aimed at describing and comparing the inspiratory effort (primary outcome) and the breathing pattern of spontaneously breathing patients with ARF in COVID-19 and historically matched non-COVID-19 patients, either candidate to NIV. Moreover, we reported the response to a 2 hours NIV trial in the two groups. Spontaneously breathing COVID-19 at their early onset of acute respiratory failure with indication for NIV showed different mechanical characteristics and breathing pattern when compared with non-COVID-19

    Impact of composition and morphology on the optical properties of Si-NC/P3HT thin films processed from solution

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    Blends of Si nanocrystals (Si-NCs) and organic semiconductors are promising materials for new optical and electronic devices processed from solutions. Here, we study how the optical properties of composite films containing Si-NCs and the organic semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) are influenced by the composition and morphology resulting from different solution-processing parameters and different solvents used dichlorobenzene vs. chloroform). The optical spectra of the hybrid films are described using a simple phenomenological model, with which we can discern the contribution of each material in the films to the optical properties. From this analysis, we obtain quantitative information about the composition and morphology of the hybrid nanostructured films, which otherwise would be obtained from more demanding microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. For the case of the Si-NC/P3HT blend, we find that in films deposited from dichlorobenzene solutions the Si-NCs contribute sizably to light absorption.This work was funded by FCT/I3N via the HybridSolar project, by the DFG via Teilprojekt B2 and by the European Union and the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the framework of an Objective 2 Programme (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF). Funding is also acknowledged from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Projects Nos. PTDC/FIS/112885/2009 and PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2011 and via the Strategic Project LA 25:2011-2012

    Surfactant replacement might help recovery of low-compliance lung in severe COVID-19 pneumonia.

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    It has been hypothesized that there is a reduced AT2 cells number with low ability to synthesize and secrete endogenous surfactant in COVID-19 patients. To our knowledge, exogenous surfactant replacement has not been described so far in COVID-19 patients. We here report five cases of critically ill COVID-19 undergoing exogenous surfactant instillation through the airways

    Ecological and environmental factors affecting the risk of tick-borne encephalitis in Europe, 2017 to 2021

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    Background: Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a disease which can lead to severe neurological symptoms, caused by the TBE virus (TBEV). The natural transmission cycle occurs in foci and involves ticks as vectors and several key hosts that act as reservoirs and amplifiers of the infection spread. Recently, the incidence of TBE in Europe has been rising in both endemic and new regions. Aim: In this study we want to provide comprehensive understanding of the main ecological and environmental factors that affect TBE spread across Europe. Methods: We searched available literature on covariates linked with the circulation of TBEV in Europe. We then assessed the best predictors for TBE incidence in 11 European countries by means of statistical regression, using data on human infections provided by the European Surveillance System (TESSy), averaged between 2017 and 2021. Results: We retrieved data from 62 full-text articles and identified 31 different covariates associated with TBE occurrence. Finally, we selected eight variables from the best model, including factors linked to vegetation cover, climate, and the presence of tick hosts. Discussion: The existing literature is heterogeneous, both in study design and covariate types. Here, we summarised and statistically validated the covariates affecting the variability of TBEV across Europe. The analysis of the factors enhancing disease emergence is a fundamental step towards the identification of potential hotspots of viral circulation. Hence, our results can support modelling efforts to estimate the risk of TBEV infections and help decision-makers implement surveillance and prevention campaigns

    Pulmonary stretch and lung mechanotransduction: implications for progression in the fibrotic lung.

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    Lung fibrosis results from the synergic interplay between regenerative deficits of the alveolar epithelium and dysregulated mechanisms of repair in response to alveolar and vascular damage, followed by progressive fibroblast and myofibroblast proliferation and excessive deposition of extracellular matrix. The increased parenchymal stiffness of fibrotic lungs significantly affects respiratory mechanics, making the lung more fragile and prone to non-physiological stress during spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation. Given their parenchymal inhomogeneity, fibrotic lungs may display an anisotropic response to mechanical stresses with different regional deformations (micro-strain). This behavior is not described by the standard stress-strain curve but follows the mechano-elastic models of “squishy balls”, where the elastic limit can be reached due to the excessive deformation of parenchymal areas with normal elasticity, surrounded by inelastic fibrous tissue or collapsed induration areas, which tend to protrude outside the fibrous ring. Increasing evidence has shown that non-physiological mechanical forces applied to fibrotic lungs with as34 sociated abnormal mechanotransduction could favor the progression of pulmonary fibrosis. With this review we aim at summarizing the state of the art on the relation between mechanical forces acting on the lung and biological response in pulmonary fibrosis, with a focus on the progression of damage in the fibrotic lung during spontaneous breathing and assisted ventilatory support

    Towards Smart Cities for Tourism: the POLIS-EYE Project

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    Novel and widespread ICT and Internet of Things (IoT) technology can provide fine-grained real-time information to the tourist sector, both to support the demand side (tourists) and the supply side (managers and organizers). We present the POLIS-EYE project that aims to build decision-support systems helping tourist-managers to organize and optimize policies and resources. In particular, we focus on a service to monitor and forecast people presence in tourist areas by combining heterogeneous datasets with a special focus on data collected from the mobile phone network
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