225 research outputs found

    a cephalometric intercentre comparison of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate at 5 and 10 years of age

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    SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate any differences between the craniofacial growth of unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) patients who underwent surgery in the Milan CLP centre with those from the Oslo CLP centre at 5 and 10 years of age. The Milan sample comprised 88 UCLP patients (60 males, 28 females) at 5 years of age and 26 patients (17 males, 9 females) at 10 years of age all operated on by the same surgeon. The Oslo sample consisted of 48 UCLP patients (26 males, 22 females) aged 5 years and 29 patients (20 males, 9 females) aged 10 years treated by four different surgeons. Lateral cephalometric radiographs obtained for both samples were analysed and angular measurements and ratios were calculated both for the hard and soft tissues. Statistical analysis was undertaken with an unpaired t -test. At 5 years of age, there were neither sagittal nor vertical hard tissue differences between the two groups. With regard to the soft tissues, only the naso-labial angle showed a statistically signifi cant difference (Milan greater than Oslo by 5 degrees, P 2.6 degrees, P 2.9 degrees, P < 0.001, respectively. At 5 years of age, the Milan UCLP sample had the same maxillary protrusion as the Oslo group, while at 10 years of age, the Milan sample were slightly less protruded than the Oslo group

    The Early Royal Society and Visual Culture

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    Recent studies have fruitfully examined the intersection between early modern science and visual culture by elucidating the functions of images in shaping and disseminating scientific knowledge. Given its rich archival sources, it is possible to extend this line of research in the case of the Royal Society to an examination of attitudes towards images as artefacts –manufactured objects worth commissioning, collecting and studying. Drawing on existing scholarship and material from the Royal Society Archives, I discuss Fellows’ interests in prints, drawings, varnishes, colorants, images made out of unusual materials, and methods of identifying the painter from a painting. Knowledge of production processes of images was important to members of the Royal Society, not only as connoisseurs and collectors, but also as those interested in a Baconian mastery of material processes, including a “history of trades”. Their antiquarian interests led to discussion of painters’ styles, and they gradually developed a visual memorial to an institution through portraits and other visual records.AH/M001938/1 (AHRC

    Chirurgia preimplantare

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    Maxillo-Facial traumatology

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    Greffes osseous et osteotomies des maxillaires finalisee a l\u2019implantologie osseointegree

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    Pour une correcte r\ue9habilitation prothetique des patients \ue9dent\ue9es en utilisant des implants endosseur, il faut une suffisante dimension osseuse et des correctes rapports intermaxillaires. Dans les cas suivants il n'est parfois possible d' utiliser des implants avant d' avoir recr\ue9\ue9 des conditions plus favorables: atrophie tr\ue8s avanc\ue9e, malformations cong\ue9nitales, s\ue9quelles traumatiques, s\ue9quelles iatrog\ue9niques, r\ue9sections tumorales.Les auteurs pr\ue9sentent les r\ue9sultats obtenus sur 156 patients qui pr\ue9sentaient des graves d\ue9fauts osseux dans leurs maxillaires \ue9dent\ue9es: les patients ont \ue9t\ue9 trait\ue9s par des greffes d'os autologue et/ou des ost\ue9otomies des maxillaires associ\ue9es a des implants
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