62 research outputs found

    Testate amoebae as a proxy for reconstructing Holocene water table dynamics in southern Patagonian peat bogs

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    Funded by Natural Environment Research Council. Grant Numbers: NE/I022809/1, NE/I022981/1, NE/I022833/1, NE/I023104/1 Ricardo Muza and the Wildlife Conservation Society Karukinka Park Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (grant numbers NE/I022809/1, NE/I022981/1, NE/I022833/1 and NE/I023104/1). We thank Ricardo Muza and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Karukinka Park rangers for facilitating access to Karukinka Park. We also thank François De Vleeschouwer, Gaël Le Roux, Heleen Vanneste, Sébastien Bertrand, Zakaria Ghazoui and Jean-Yves De Vleeschouwer for fieldwork assistance. Nelson Bahamonde (INIA, Punta Arenas, Chile) and Ernesto Teneb (UMag, Punta Arenas, Chile) provided logistical support for the fieldwork in Chile. Dr Andrea Coronato (CADIC, Ushuaia) kindly provided logistical support for the research in Argentina. Thanks to Jenny Johnston for cartography, David Jolley for assistance in microscopic photography and Audrey Innes for laboratory assistance. We highly appreciate reviews by Matt Amesbury and an anonymous reviewer. R.P. is supported by an Impact Fellowship from the University of Stirling.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Crystal growth of strontium chloroapatite (Sr5(PO4)3Cl) doped with manganese(V) and study of the absorption spectrum

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    Single crystals of Sr5(PO4)3Cl doped with Mn(V) ion were prepd. by the std. flux-growth technique. The polarized electronic spectrum (8000-44,000 cm-1) of MnO43- in Sr5(PO4)3Cl was measured at 4.2 K. By means of a careful examn. of the possible excited states and of the site-symmetry of the Mn(V) ion, the bands in the region 8000-23,000 cm-1 are assigned as ligand-field transitions and the others at higher energy, which are more intense, as charge-transfer transitions. These assignments are based on the obsd. polarizations of the bands and on their oscillator strengths

    La valutazione ecografica nella sindrome conflittuale della spalla : studio su 6.496 casi

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    Viene presentato uno studio ecografico della cuffia dei muscoli rotatori della spalla con l\u2019obiettivo di puntualizzare la metodica di studio, i quadri ecografici significativi per patologia della cuffia e concludere con la puntualizzazione della validit\ue0 dello screening ecografico. Sono state studiate 6.496 spalle consecutive, dallo stesso esaminatore con differenti apparecchi ecografici, seguendo sempre la stessa metodica con l\u2019apporto originale di alcune scansioni e misurazioni dello spazio subacromiale; i soggetti erano sempre inviati con sospetto diagnostico di patologia della cuffia dei rotatori. Il 35,14% delle spalle \ue8 risultato normale, il 21,42% presentava edema e flogosi, il 15,73% tendinopatia cronica (di cui il 55,47% con rotture parziali di cuffia), il 27,81% rotture complete di cuffia (di cui 29,27% rotture massive). L\u2019ecografia ha confermato essere, in mani esperte, esame accurato, specifico e sensibile nella diagnostica delle patologie della cuffia dei rotatori, non certamente disgiunto da un\u2019accurata e precisa valutazione clinica e radiografica