683 research outputs found

    Evaluation of remote sensing techniques on selected forest sites in Florida

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    Dynamic range and mass accuracy of wide-scan direct infusion nanoelectrospray fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry-based metabolomics increased by the spectral stitching method

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    Direct infusion nanoelectrospray Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (DI nESI FT-ICR MS)offers high mass accuracy and resolution for analyzing complex metabolite mixtures. High dynamic range across a wide mass range, however, can only be achieved at the expense of mass accuracy, since the large numbers of ions entering the ICR detector induce adverse spacecharge effects. Here we report an optimized strategy for wide-scan DI nESI FT-ICR MS that increases dynamic range but maintains high mass accuracy. It comprises the collection if multiple adjacent selected ion monitoring (SIM) windows that are stitched together using novel algorithms. The final SIM-stitching method, derived from several optimization experiments, comprises 21 adjoining SIM windows each of width m/z 30 (from m/z 70 to 500; adjacent windows overlap by m/z 10) with an automated gain control (AGC) target of 1 105 charges. SIMstitching and wide-scan range (WSR; Thermo Electron)were compared using a defined standard to assess mass accuracy and a liver extract to assess peak count and dynamic range. SIM-stitching decreased the maximum mass error by 1.3- and 4.3-fold, and increased the peak count by 5.3- and 1.8-fold, versus WSR (AGC targets of 1 x 105 and 5 x 105, respectively). SIM-stitching achieved an rms mass error of 0.18 ppm and detected over 3000 peaks in liver extract. This novel approach increases metabolome coverage, has very high mass accuracy, and at 5.5 min/sample is conducive for high- throughput metabolomics

    Moving forward in the Euro-Mediterranean research and innovation partnership : the experience of the MIRA project

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    Cet article analyse le cadre politique Euro-Med qui affecte les coopérations en matière de recherche depuis la déclaration de Barcelone jusqu'à la politique de voisinage. Nous examinons les orientations de politique et ses changements, les effets qu’ils ont sur les collaborations scientiiques en termes de publications et de gouvernance de la recherche en utilisant les données de l'enquête MIRA sur les collaborations scientiiques. Nous comparons aussi les programmes inancés par l’Europe et ceux inancés par les coopérations bilatérales. Enin nous identiions des propositions pour générer des partenariats cofinancés et co-décidés

    Moving forward in the Euro-Mediterranean research and innovation partnership : the experience of the MIRA project

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    Research and innovation offer significant opportunities for Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs) to develop and exploit their assets for the benefit of their economies and of their peoples, as drivers of economic and social development. In this spirit, this book presents the main outcomes of the MIRA project, a coordination and support action acting as a think-tank and an implementation actor of the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in Science and Innovation in the Mediterranean area. The book presents the efforts, analysis, reflections on the past and future of EU - MPC cooperation in research and technology development, as well as models and challenges of structuring this cooperation, and a compilation of the lessons learnt along the development of the project. It contains a reflection on policy aspects, analysis and concrete proposals to support the implementation of a future road map of scientific and innovation cooperation for the mutual benefits . The book reflects the internal and external dialogue of the MIRA project consortium on the targeted objective of supporting the EU-MPC dialogue on scientific and innovation cooperation

    Optimized Perturbation Theory for Wave Functions of Quantum Systems

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    The notion of the optimized perturbation, which has been successfully applied to energy eigenvalues, is generalized to treat wave functions of quantum systems. The key ingredient is to construct an envelope of a set of perturbative wave functions. This leads to a condition similar to that obtained from the principle of minimal sensitivity. Applications of the method to quantum anharmonic oscillator and the double well potential show that uniformly valid wave functions with correct asymptotic behavior are obtained in the first-order optimized perturbation even for strong couplings.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, three ps figure

    Dynamical mass generation by source inversion: Calculating the mass gap of the Gross-Neveu model

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    We probe the U(N) Gross-Neveu model with a source-term JΨˉΨJ\bar{\Psi}\Psi. We find an expression for the renormalization scheme and scale invariant source J^\hat{J}, as a function of the generated mass gap. The expansion of this function is organized in such a way that all scheme and scale dependence is reduced to one single parameter d. We get a non-perturbative mass gap as the solution of J^=0\hat{J}=0. In one loop we find that any physical choice for d gives good results for high values of N. In two loops we can determine d self-consistently by the principle of minimal sensitivity and find remarkably accurate results for N>2.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, added referenc

    1949 Ruby Yearbook

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    A digitized copy of the 1949 Ruby, the Ursinus College yearbook.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/ruby/1051/thumbnail.jp

    On the Divergence of Perturbation Theory. Steps Towards a Convergent Series

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    The mechanism underlying the divergence of perturbation theory is exposed. This is done through a detailed study of the violation of the hypothesis of the Dominated Convergence Theorem of Lebesgue using familiar techniques of Quantum Field Theory. That theorem governs the validity (or lack of it) of the formal manipulations done to generate the perturbative series in the functional integral formalism. The aspects of the perturbative series that need to be modified to obtain a convergent series are presented. Useful tools for a practical implementation of these modifications are developed. Some resummation methods are analyzed in the light of the above mentioned mechanism.Comment: 42 pages, Latex, 4 figure