344 research outputs found

    Results from a three year testing project of new strawberry cultivars in Verticillium infested soils and under organic farming conditions

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    As part of a research project 13 cultivars were planted in 2005 at 11 sites on 9 farms in 5 different Austrian regions. The aim was to find new cultivars tolerant to soil-borne pathogens and leaf/fruit diseases, with high yield, winter hardness and good fruit quality, to serve as alternative to the highly susceptible cultivar ‘Elsanta’, regarding soil-borne diseases. Plant vigour and infestation with Verticillium dahliae and leaf diseases were evaluated in 2005 und 2006 at 7 sites and in 2007 at 3 sites. In addition, following parameters were assessed on 2 organically managed sites in 2006 and 2007: marketable yield, percentage of different categories of unmarketable fruits and incidence of the blossom weevil. In 2006 fruit characteristics and consumer acceptance were studied. ‘Elsanta’ showed the highest infestation with V. dahliae whereas ‘Salsa’, ‘Daroyal’ and ‘Alice’ were most tolerant. ‘Dora’, ‘Eva’, ‘Queen Elisa’ and ‘Daroyal’ recorded significantly higher losses by the blossom weevil than ‘Alice’. ‘Alba’ and ‘Divine’ were the earliest cultivars in ripening time. Highest marketable yield per plant had the late ripening cultivars, particularly ‘Salsa’ and ‘Sonata’. Of all early ripening cultivars tested, ‘Elsanta’ showed the highest productivity, followed by 'Alba', ‘Darselect’, ‘Daroyal’ and ‘Eva’. Regarding fruit firmness, content of ascorbic acid, shelf life and appearance, ‘Alba’, ’Clery’, ‘Eva’ and ‘Queen Elisa’ were most convincing. The best tasting cultivars were ‘Clery’, ‘Daroyal’ and ‘Divine’. Summing up all the results, ‘Alba’, ‘Alice’ and ‘Salsa’ can be recommended for organic production, whereas ‘Clery’, ‘Daroyal’, ‘Darselect’, ‘Elsanta’, ‘Eva’, ‘Queen Elisa’ and ‘Sonata’ are classified as suitable for only a limited extent. ‘Elsanta’, ‘Divine’, ‘Dora’ and ‘Sonata’ are particularly unsuitable for growing in Verticillium infested soils. ‘Divine’, ‘Dora’, and ‘Record’ cannot be recommended for organic production at all

    The Impact of Variable Dosage Using Robotic-assisted Task-Specific Upper Extremity Training in Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    poster abstractBackground: Cerebral Palsy (CP) and other acquired neurological disorders result from brain lesions that alter motor function in children. The impact of these deficits can impair a child’s ability to use their upper extremity (UE) for normal daily activities such as eating and playing. Robotic-assisted therapy has been shown to improve motor function in children with CP. Training parameters such as intensity and frequency were initially based on findings from studies measuring change in adults following stroke. Based on this, high intensity (960 repetitions per session) and increased frequency (2 times per week, 9 weeks) were initially implemented for children. Early findings demonstrated improvement in UE function for children with CP; however, training sessions were long, making them difficult to complete given the shorter attention span of the pediatric population. Determining the potential impact of a shorter, more optimal, dosage of robotic-assisted therapy for children would facilitate rehab training efficiency and maximize cost effectiveness. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the impact on motor impairments and movement capacity with variances in treatment intensity (number of repetitions per session) while holding constant the frequency of the application (2 times per week, 9 weeks) for robotic-assisted UE training for children with CP. Methods: Six children between the ages of 6 and 8 were analyzed from two separate studies evaluating the effectiveness of robotic-assisted training for UE functional improvement. The first study featured training at high intensity and frequency while the second study used lower intensity parameters but the same frequency. To be eligible for either study, children were required to have UE hemiplegia and the ability to participate in a task for up to 60 minutes. Twice weekly, each child participated in robotic training sessions consisting of either 960, 640, or 320 task-specific reaching movements of the affected UE. Each child completed a total of 16 robotic training sessions over a 9-week period as well as one pre- and one post-test session. Outcome measures included active range of motion (AROM), strength testing and tone using the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS). The children’s motor capacity was evaluated using the adaptive Fugl-Meyer scale (FM). Results: Percent change scores were calculated for each participant for each outcome measurement. AROM results for the shoulder resulted in an average increase of 10.6% for flexion and a 13.3% increase for abduction in both the 320 and 640 groups. Shoulder external rotation increased by an average of 13.6% for all three groups. Arm strength increased an average of 12.3% for all three groups. The MAS had an average decrease in tone of 23.8% across all 3 groups. Scores on the FM increased an average of 23% with in-depth analysis revealing shoulder movement to be the primary area for motor capacity change at 96%. Conclusion: These findings indicate that lower intensities of robotic-assisted therapy (320 and 640 repetitions) were as effective as the larger dose originally prescribed for children with CP. Outcome measures improved in all 3 groups and did not vary between dosing groups. This suggests that longer intensity sessions of robotic-assisted therapies may not be necessary to produce AROM, strength, and motor capacity changes. Further trials with more subjects are needed to validate these results

    Testung neuer Erdbeersorten im biologischen Anbau

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    In Osterreich ist die Nachfrage nach biologisch produzierten Erdbeeren im Steigen. Die im Erdbeeranbau verwendete Hauptsorte Elsanta weist aber eine hohe Anfälligkeit vor allem gegenüber Wurzelkrankheiten (Phytophthora sp., Verticillium sp.) auf. Für den biologischen Landbau ist sie daher nur bedingt geeignet. Am Markt werden regelmäßig neue Sorten angeboten, für deren Anbau es in Österreich noch wenig praktische Erfahrung gibt. Im vorliegenden Versuch wurden 12 neue und 2 Standardsorten auf ihre Eignung für den biologischen Anbau getestet

    Possible solutions for replant problems caused by soil-borne pathogens in organic strawberry production

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    Soil-borne pathogens, above all Verticillium sp. cause plant losses and yield decreases in many Austrian strawberry fields, also in organic farming systems; in a research project possibilities to resolve this problem were examined. In a field trial, which was started 1998, organically managed and differently fertilized plots (green compost, manure, hornchips) were compared to an unfertilised control plot and to two mineral fertilized and conventionally treated plots; the differences in field characteristics of strawberries in 2004 and 2005 were low, but differences in storage and biochemical characteristics could be seen in 2005. Some new cultivars tested as alternative to the very sensitive 'Elsanta' planted in 2005 on several farms showed a higher tolerance to diseases and good yield and fruit quality characteristics. Brassica sp. planted as an intercrop before strawberries reduced the amount of microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae in highly infested soils, nevertheless the system has to be optimised and adapted to our climatic and husbandry conditions in further trials

    Lösungsansätze für Nachbauprobleme durch bodenbürtige Pathogene im biologischen Erdbeeranbau

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    Soil-borne pathogens, above all Verticillium sp. cause plant losses and yield decreases in many Austrian strawberry fields, also in organic farming systems; in a research project possibilities to resolve this problem were examined. In a field trial, which was started 1998, organically managed and differently fertilized plots (green compost, manure, hornchips) were compared to an unfertilised control plot and to two mineral fertilized and conventionally treated plots; the differences in field characteristics of strawberries in 2004 and 2005 were low, but differences in storage and biochemical characteristics could be seen in 2005. Some new cultivars tested as alternative to the very sensitive 'Elsanta' planted in 2005 on several farms showed a higher tolerance to diseases and good yield and fruit quality characteristics. Brassica sp. planted as an intercrop before strawberries reduced the amount of microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae in highly infested soils, nevertheless the system has to be optimised and adapted to our climatic and husbandry conditions in further trials

    Fluoride varnishes containing calcium glycerophosphate: fluoride uptake and the effect on in vitro enamel erosion

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    OBJECTIVES Calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP) was added to fluoride varnishes to analyze their preventive effect on initial enamel erosion and fluoride uptake: potassium hydroxide (KOH)-soluble and KOH-insoluble fluoride bound to enamel. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was carried out in two parts. Part 1: 108 enamel samples were randomly distributed into six varnish groups: base varnish (no active ingredients); Duraphat® (2.26 %NaF); Duofluorid® (5.63 %NaF/CaF2); experimental varnish 1 (1 %CaGP/5.63 %NaF/CaF2); experimental varnish 2 (5 %CaGP/5.63 %NaF/CaF2); and no varnish. Cyclic demineralization (90 s; citric acid, pH = 3.6) and remineralization (4 h) was made once a day, for 3 days. Change in surface microhardness (SMH) was measured. Part 2: 60 enamel samples were cut in half and received no varnish (control) or a layer of varnish: Duraphat®, Duofluorid®, experimental varnishes 1 and 2. Then, KOH-soluble and KOH-insoluble fluoride were analyzed using an electrode. RESULTS After cyclic demineralization, SMH decreased in all samples, but Duraphat® caused less hardness loss. No difference was observed between varnishes containing CaGP and the other varnishes. Similar amounts of KOH-soluble and insoluble fluoride was found in experimental varnish 1 and Duofluorid®, while lower values were found for experimental varnish 2 and Duraphat®. CONCLUSION The addition of CaGP to fluoride varnishes did not increase fluoride bound to enamel and did not enhance their protection against initial enamel erosion. CLINICAL RELEVANCE We observe that the fluoride varnishes containing CaGP do not promote greater amounts of fluoride bound to enamel and that fluoride bound to enamel may not be closely related to erosion prevention

    Genotoxic mixtures and dissimilar action: Concepts for prediction and assessment

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. This article is distributed under the terms of the creative commons Attribution license which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)and the source are credited.Combinations of genotoxic agents have frequently been assessed without clear assumptions regarding their expected (additive) mixture effects, often leading to claims of synergisms that might in fact be compatible with additivity. We have shown earlier that the combined effects of chemicals, which induce micronuclei (MN) in the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells by a similar mechanism, were additive according to the concept of concentration addition (CA). Here, we extended these studies and investigated for the first time whether valid additivity expectations can be formulated for MN-inducing chemicals that operate through a variety of mechanisms, including aneugens and clastogens (DNA cross-linkers, topoisomerase II inhibitors, minor groove binders). We expected that their effects should follow the additivity principles of independent action (IA). With two mixtures, one composed of various aneugens (colchicine, flubendazole, vinblastine sulphate, griseofulvin, paclitaxel), and another composed of aneugens and clastogens (flubendazole, doxorubicin, etoposide, melphalan and mitomycin C), we observed mixture effects that fell between the additivity predictions derived from CA and IA. We achieved better agreement between observation and prediction by grouping the chemicals into common assessment groups and using hybrid CA/IA prediction models. The combined effects of four dissimilarly acting compounds (flubendazole, paclitaxel, doxorubicin and melphalan) also fell within CA and IA. Two binary mixtures (flubendazole/paclitaxel and flubendazole/doxorubicin) showed effects in reasonable agreement with IA additivity. Our studies provide a systematic basis for the investigation of mixtures that affect endpoints of relevance to genotoxicity and show that their effects are largely additive.UK Food Standards Agenc

    Combined Exposure to Anti-Androgens Exacerbates Disruption of Sexual Differentiation in the Rat

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess whether the joint effects of three androgen receptor antagonists (vinclozolin, flutamide, procymidone) on male sexual differentiation after in utero and postnatal exposures can be predicted based on dose-response data of the individual chemicals. METHODS: Test chemicals and mixtures were administered by gavage to time-mated nulliparous, young adult Wistar rats from gestational day 7 to the day before expected birth, and from postnatal days 1-16. Changes in anogenital distance (AGD) and nipple retention (NR) in male offspring rats were chosen as end points for extensive dose-response studies. Vinclozolin, flutamide, and procymidone were combined at a mixture ratio proportional to their individual potencies for causing retention of six nipples in male offspring. RESULTS: With AGD as the end point, the joint effects of the three anti-androgens were essentially dose additive. The observed responses for NR were slightly higher than those expected on the basis of dose addition. A combination of doses of each chemical, which on its own did not produce statistically significant AGD alterations, induced half-maximal mixture effects. At individual doses associated with only modest effects on NR, the mixture induced NR approaching female values in the males. CONCLUSIONS: Effects of a mixture of similarly acting anti-androgens can be predicted fairly accurately on the basis of the potency of the individual mixture components by using the dose addition concept. Exposure to anti-androgens, which individually appears to exert only small effects, may induce marked responses in concert with, possibly unrecognized, similarly acting chemicals

    Shallow water marine sediment bacterial community shifts along a natural CO2 gradient in the Mediterranean Sea off Vulcano, Italy.

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    The effects of increasing atmospheric CO(2) on ocean ecosystems are a major environmental concern, as rapid shoaling of the carbonate saturation horizon is exposing vast areas of marine sediments to corrosive waters worldwide. Natural CO(2) gradients off Vulcano, Italy, have revealed profound ecosystem changes along rocky shore habitats as carbonate saturation levels decrease, but no investigations have yet been made of the sedimentary habitat. Here, we sampled the upper 2 cm of volcanic sand in three zones, ambient (median pCO(2) 419 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 3.77), moderately CO(2)-enriched (median pCO(2) 592 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 2.96), and highly CO(2)-enriched (median pCO(2) 1611 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 0.35). We tested the hypothesis that increasing levels of seawater pCO(2) would cause significant shifts in sediment bacterial community composition, as shown recently in epilithic biofilms at the study site. In this study, 454 pyrosequencing of the V1 to V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene revealed a shift in community composition with increasing pCO(2). The relative abundances of most of the dominant genera were unaffected by the pCO(2) gradient, although there were significant differences for some 5 % of the genera present (viz. Georgenia, Lutibacter, Photobacterium, Acinetobacter, and Paenibacillus), and Shannon Diversity was greatest in sediments subject to long-term acidification (>100 years). Overall, this supports the view that globally increased ocean pCO(2) will be associated with changes in sediment bacterial community composition but that most of these organisms are resilient. However, further work is required to assess whether these results apply to other types of coastal sediments and whether the changes in relative abundance of bacterial taxa that we observed can significantly alter the biogeochemical functions of marine sediments