8,519 research outputs found

    Exactly solvable interacting vertex models

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    We introduce and solvev a special family of integrable interacting vertex models that generalizes the well known six-vertex model. In addition to the usual nearest-neighbor interactions among the vertices, there exist extra hard-core interactions among pair of vertices at larger distances.The associated row-to-row transfer matrices are diagonalized by using the recently introduced matrix product {\it ansatz}. Similarly as the relation of the six-vertex model with the XXZ quantum chain, the row-to-row transfer matrices of these new models are also the generating functions of an infinite set of commuting conserved charges. Among these charges we identify the integrable generalization of the XXZ chain that contains hard-core exclusion interactions among the spins. These quantum chains already appeared in the literature. The present paper explains their integrability.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Exact Solution of Asymmetric Diffusion With N Classes of Particles of Arbitrary Size and Hierarchical Order

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    The exact solution of the asymmetric exclusion problem with N distinct classes of particles (c = 1,2,...,N), with hierarchical order is presented. In this model the particles (size 1) are located at lattice points, and diffuse with equal asymmetric rates, but particles in a class c do not distinguish those in the classes c' >c from holes (empty sites). We generalize and solve exactly this model by considering the molecules in each distinct class c =1,2,...,N with sizes s_c (s_c = 0,1,2,...), in units of lattice spacing. The solution is derived by a Bethe ansatz of nested type.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Exact soultion of asymmetric diffusion with second-class particles of arbitrary size

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    The exact solution of the asymmetric exclusion problem with particles of first and second class is presented. In this model the particles (size 1) of both classes are attached on lattice points and diffuse with equal asymmetric rates, but particles in the first class do not distinguish those in the second class from the holes (empty sites). We generalize and solve exactly this model by considering molecules in the first and second class with sizes s1s_1 and s2s_2 (s1,s2=0,1,2,...s_1,s_2 = 0,1,2,...), in units of lattice spacing, respectively. The solution is derived by a Bethe ansatz of nested type. We give in this paper a pedagogical and simple presentation of the Bethe ansatz solution of the problem which can easily be followed by a non specialized audience in exactly integrable models.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Exactly Solvable Interacting Spin-Ice Vertex Model

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    A special family of solvable five-vertex model is introduced on a square lattice. In addition to the usual nearest neighbor interactions, the vertices defining the model also interact alongone of the diagonals of the lattice. Such family of models includes in a special limit the standard six-vertex model. The exact solution of these models gives the first application of the matrix product ansatz introduced recently and applied successfully in the solution of quantum chains. The phase diagram and the free energy of the models are calculated in the thermodynamic limit. The models exhibit massless phases and our analyticaland numerical analysis indicate that such phases are governed by a conformal field theory with central charge c=1c=1 and continuosly varying critical exponents.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    The pair annihilation reaction D + D --> 0 in disordered media and conformal invariance

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    The raise and peel model describes the stochastic model of a fluctuating interface separating a substrate covered with clusters of matter of different sizes, and a rarefied gas of tiles. The stationary state is obtained when adsorption compensates the desorption of tiles. This model is generalized to an interface with defects (D). The defects are either adjacent or separated by a cluster. If a tile hits the end of a cluster with a defect nearby, the defect hops at the other end of the cluster changing its shape. If a tile hits two adjacent defects, the defect annihilate and are replaced by a small cluster. There are no defects in the stationary state. This model can be seen as describing the reaction D + D -->0, in which the particles (defects) D hop at long distances changing the medium and annihilate. Between the hops the medium also changes (tiles hit clusters changing their shapes). Several properties of this model are presented and some exact results are obtained using the connection of our model with a conformal invariant quantum chain.Comment: 8 pages, 12figure

    Asymmetric exclusion model with several kinds of impurities

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    We formulate a new integrable asymmetric exclusion process with N−1=0,1,2,...N-1=0,1,2,... kinds of impurities and with hierarchically ordered dynamics. The model we proposed displays the full spectrum of the simple asymmetric exclusion model plus new levels. The first excited state belongs to these new levels and displays unusual scaling exponents. We conjecture that, while the simple asymmetric exclusion process without impurities belongs to the KPZ universality class with dynamical exponent 3/2, our model has a scaling exponent 3/2+N−13/2+N-1. In order to check the conjecture, we solve numerically the Bethe equation with N=3 and N=4 for the totally asymmetric diffusion and found the dynamical exponents 7/2 and 9/2 in these cases.Comment: to appear in JSTA

    Exact Solution of the Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Particles of Arbitrary Size

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    A generalization of the simple exclusion asymmetric model is introduced. In this model an arbitrary mixture of molecules with distinct sizes s=0,1,2,...s = 0,1,2,..., in units of lattice space, diffuses asymmetrically on the lattice. A related surface growth model is also presented. Variations of the distribution of molecules's sizes may change the excluded volume almost continuously. We solve the model exactly through the Bethe ansatz and the dynamical critical exponent zz is calculated from the finite-size corrections of the mass gap of the related quantum chain. Our results show that for an arbitrary distribution of molecules the dynamical critical behavior is on the Kardar-Parizi-Zhang (KPZ) universality.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. E (1999
