2,760,136 research outputs found

    R^2 Dark Matter

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    There is a non-trivial four-derivative extension of the gravitational spectrum that is free of ghosts and phenomenologically viable. It is the so called R2R^2-gravity since it is defined by the only addition of a term proportional to the square of the scalar curvature. Just the presence of this term does not improve the ultraviolet behaviour of Einstein gravity but introduces one additional scalar degree of freedom that can account for the dark matter of our Universe.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the sixth International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe (DSU2010) Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico 1-6 June 201

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the sporulation factor SpoIIAA in its native and phosphorylated forms

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    Sporulation in Bacillus begins with an asymmetric cell division producing two progeny with identical chromosomes but different developmental fates. As such, it is a simple example of cellular differentiation. The establishment of cell type is controlled by a series of alternate RNA polymerase sigma subunits. The first compartment-specific sigma factor is sigma (F), whose activity is controlled by SpoIIAB, an anti-sigma factor, and SpoIIAA, an anti-sigma factor antagonist which is phosphorylated by the kinase activity of SpoIIAB. Here, the preliminary crystallographic analysis of SpoIIAA and phosphorylated SpoIIAA from B. sphaericus in forms suitable for high-resolution structure determination are reported

    Unveiling the nature of bright z ~ 7 galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present new Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 imaging of 25 extremely luminous (-23.2 < M_ UV < -21.2) Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z ~ 7. The sample was initially selected from 1.65 deg^2 of ground-based imaging in the UltraVISTA/COSMOS and UDS/SXDS fields, and includes the extreme Lyman-alpha emitters, `Himiko' and `CR7'. A deconfusion analysis of the deep Spitzer photometry available suggests that these galaxies exhibit strong rest-frame optical nebular emission lines (EW_0(H_beta + [OIII]) > 600A). We find that irregular, multiple-component morphologies suggestive of clumpy or merging systems are common (f_multi > 0.4) in bright z ~ 7 galaxies, and ubiquitous at the very bright end (M_UV < -22.5). The galaxies have half-light radii in the range r_1/2 ~ 0.5-3 kpc. The size measurements provide the first determination of the size-luminosity relation at z ~ 7 that extends to M_UV ~ -23. We find the relation to be steep with r_1/2 ~ L^1/2. Excluding clumpy, multi-component galaxies however, we find a shallower relation that implies an increased star-formation rate surface density in bright LBGs. Using the new, independent, HST/WFC3 data we confirm that the rest-frame UV luminosity function at z ~ 7 favours a power-law decline at the bright-end, compared to an exponential Schechter function drop-off. Finally, these results have important implications for the Euclid mission, which we predict will detect > 1000 similarly bright galaxies at z ~ 7. Our new HST imaging suggests that the vast majority of these galaxies will be spatially resolved by Euclid, mitigating concerns over dwarf star contamination.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures and 5 tables. Updated to match MNRAS accepted versio

    Dark Matter and Higgs Sector

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    The inert doublet model is an extension of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles that is defined by the only addition of a second Higgs doublet without couplings to quarks or leptons. This minimal framework has been studied for many reasons. In particular, it has been suggested that the new degrees of freedom contained in this doublet can account for the Dark Matter of the Universe.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures,To appear in the Proceedings of the sixth International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe (DSU2010) Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico 1-6 June 201

    Controlling entanglement by direct quantum feedback

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    We discuss the generation of entanglement between electronic states of two atoms in a cavity using direct quantum feedback schemes. We compare the effects of different control Hamiltonians and detection processes in the performance of entanglement production and show that the quantum-jump-based feedback proposed by us in Phys. Rev. A {\bf 76} 010301(R) (2007) can protect highly entangled states against decoherence. We provide analytical results that explain the robustness of jump feedback, and also analyse the perspectives of experimental implementation by scrutinising the effects of imperfections and approximations in our model.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. To appear in PR

    Time transfer using NAVSTAR GPS

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    A time transfer unit (TTU) developed for the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) has consistently demonstrated the transfer of time with accuracies much better than 100 nanoseconds. A new time transfer system (TTS), the TTS 502 was developed. The TTS 502 is a relatively compact microprocessor-based system with a variety of options that meet each individual's requirements, and has the same performance as the USNO system. The time transfer performance of that USNO system and the details of the new system are presented

    Some model-independent phenomenological consequences of flexible brane worlds

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    In this work we will review the main properties of brane-world models with low tension. Starting from very general principles, it is possible to obtain an effective action for the relevant degrees of freedom at low energies (branons). Using the cross sections for high-energy processes involving branons, we set bounds on the different parameters appearing in these models. We also show that branons provide a WIMP candidate for dark matter in a natural way. We consider cosmological constraints on its thermal and non-thermal relic abundances. We derive direct detection limits and compare those limits with the preferred parameter region in the case in which the EGRET excess in the diffuse galactic gamma rays is due to dark matter annihilation. Finally we will discuss the constraints coming from the precision tests of the Standard Model and the muon anomalous magnetic moment.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and Cosmology, IRGAC 2006, Barcelona, 11-15 July, 200

    Sources of sport confidence, imagery type and performance among competitive athletes: The mediating role of sports confidence

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    Aim: This study explored the mediating role of sport confidence upon (1) sources of sport confidence-performance relationship and (2) imagery-performance relationship. Methods: Participants were 157 competitive athletes who completed state measures of confidence level/sources, imagery type and performance within one hour after competition. Results: Among the current sample, confirmatory factor analysis revealed appropriate support for the nine-factor SSCQ and the five-factor SIQ. Mediational analysis revealed that sport confidence had a mediating influence upon the achievement source of confidence-performance relationship. In addition, both cognitive and motivational imagery types were found to be important sources of confidence, as sport confidence mediated imagery type-performance relationship. Conclusion: Findings indicated that athletes who construed confidence from their own achievements and report multiple images on a more frequent basis are likely to benefit from enhanced levels of state sport confidence and subsequent performance