26,265 research outputs found

    Recent developments in Vorton Theory

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    This article provides a concise overview of recent theoretical results concerning the theory of vortons, which are defined to be (centrifugally supported) equilibrium configurations of (current carrying) cosmic string loops. Following a presentation of the results of work on the dynamical evolution of small circular string loops, whose minimum energy states are the simplest examples of vortons, recent order of magnitude estimates of the cosmological density of vortons produced in various kinds of theoretical scenario are briefly summarised.Comment: 6 pages Latex. Contribution to 1996 Cosmology Meeting, Peyresq, Franc

    Static axisymmetric spacetimes with non-generic world-line SUSY

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    The conditions for the existence of Killing-Yano tensors, which are closely related to the appearance of non-generic world-line SUSY, are presented for static axisymmetric spacetimes. Imposing the vacuum Einstein equation, the set of solutions admitting Killing-Yano tensors is considered. In particular, it is shown that static, axisymmetric and asymptotically flat vacuum solutions admitting Killing-Yano tensors are only the Schwarzschild solution.Comment: 10 pages (RevTeX), TIT/HEP-253/COSMO-4

    New concept in brazing metallic honeycomb panels

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    Aluminum oxide coating provides surface which will not be wetted by brazing alloy and which stops metallic diffusion welding of tooling materials to part being produced. This method eliminates loss of tooling materials and parts from braze wetting and allows fall-apart disassembly of tooling after brazing

    Renormalisation of gravitational self interaction for wiggly strings

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    It is shown that for any elastic string model with energy density UU and tension TT, the divergent contribution from gravitational self interaction can be allowed for by an action renormalisation proportional to (UT)2(U-T)^2. This formula is applied to the important special case of a bare model of the transonic type (characterised by a constant value of the product UTUT) that represents the macroscopically averaged effect of shortwavelength wiggles on an underlying microscopic model of the Nambu-Goto type (characterised by U=TU=T).Comment: 11 pages, Latex; original 8 page version extended to include estimates of relevant orders of magnitude. To be published in Physical Review,

    Geometric scaling in high-energy QCD at nonzero momentum transfer

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    We show how one can obtain geometric scaling properties from the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. We start by explaining how, this property arises for the b-independent BK equation. We show that it is possible to extend this model to the full BK equation including momentum transfer. The saturation scale behaves like max(q,Q_T) where q is the momentum transfer and Q_T a typical scale of the target.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Talk given by G. Soyez at the "Rencontres de Moriond", 12-19 March 2005, La Thuile, Ital

    Involution products in Coxeter groups

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    For W a Coxeter group, let = {w ∈ W | w = xy where x, y ∈ W and x 2 = 1 = y 2}. It is well known that if W is finite then W = . Suppose that w ∈ . Then the minimum value of ℓ(x) + ℓ(y) – ℓ(w), where x, y ∈ W with w = xy and x 2 = 1 = y 2, is called the excess of w (ℓ is the length function of W). The main result established here is that w is always W-conjugate to an element with excess equal to zero

    Staticity Theorem for Higher Dimensional Generalized Einstein-Maxwell System

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    We derive formulas for variations of mass, angular momentum and canonical energy in Einstein (n-2)-gauge form field theory by means of the ADM formalism. Considering the initial data for the manifold with an interior boundary which has the topology of (n-2)-sphere we obtained the generalized first law of black hole thermodynamics. Supposing that a black hole evevt horizon comprisesw a bifurcation Killing horizon with a bifurcate surface we find that the solution is static in the exterior world, when the Killing timelike vector field is normal to the horizon and has vanishing electric or magnetic fields on static slices.Comment: 10 pages, REVTEX, to published in Phys.Rev. D1

    Mapping Atlantic coastal marshlands, Maryland, Georgia, using ERTS-1 imagery

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    Eastern coastal marshes are the most extensive and productive in the United States. A relatively low cost, moderately accurate method is needed to map these areas for management and protection. Groundbased and low-altitude aircraft methods for mapping are time-consuming and quite expensive. The launch of NASA's Earth Resources Technology Satellite has provided an opportunity to test the feasibility of mapping wetlands using small scale imagery. The test sites selected were in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, and Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Results of the investigation indicate that the following may be ascertained from ERTS imagery, enlarged to 1:250,000: (1) upper wetland boundary; (2) drainage pattern in the wetland; (3) plant communities; (4) ditching activities associated with agriculture; and (5) lagooning for water-side home development. Conclusions are that ERTS will be an excellent tool for many types of coastal wetland mapping

    Study of radiation effects in Li-doped silicon solar cells Quarterly report

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    Irradiation and annealing of lithium doped silicon solar cell