1,236 research outputs found


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    Abstract For NOvA and future experiments requiring high intensity proton beams, Fermilab is in the process of upgrading the existing accelerator complex for increased proton production. One such improvement is to reduce the Main Injector cycle time, by performing slip stacking, previously done in the Main Injector, in the now repurposed Recycler Ring. Recycler slip stacking requires two new RF cavities operating at slightly different frequencies (df = 1260Hz). These are copper, coaxial, quarter wave cavities with R/Q =13 ohms. They operate at a peak gap voltage of 150 kV with 150 kW peak drive power (60% duty factor), and are resonant at 52.809 MHz with a 10 kHz tuning range. Two have been completed and installed. The design, high power test results, and status of the cavities are presented

    Status and specifications of a Project X front-end accelerator test facility at Fermilab

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    This paper describes the construction and operational status of an accelerator test facility for Project X. The purpose of this facility is for Project X component development activities that benefit from beam tests and any development activities that require 325 MHz or 650 MHz RF power. It presently includes an H- beam line, a 325 MHz superconducting cavity test facility, a 325 MHz (pulsed) RF power source, and a 650 MHz (CW) RF power source. The paper also discusses some specific Project X components that will be tested in the facility.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011. New York, US

    Studies of Mass and Size Effects in Three-Dimensional Vibrofluidized Granular Mixtures

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    We examine the steady state properties of binary systems of driven inelastic hard spheres. The spheres, which move under the influence of gravity, are contained in a vertical cylinder with a vibrating base. We computed the trajectories of the spheres using an event-driven molecular dynamics algorithm. In the first part of the study, we chose simulation parameters that match those of experiments performed by Wildman and Parker. Various properties computed from the simulation including the density profile, granular temperature and circulation pattern are in good qualitative agreement with the experiments. We then studied the effect of varying the mass ratio and the size ratio independently while holding the other parameters constant. The mass and size ratio are shown to affect the distribution of the energy. The changes in the energy distributions affect the packing fraction and temperature of each component. The temperature of the heavier component has a non-linear dependence on the mass of the lighter component, while the temperature of the lighter component is approximately proportional to its mass. The temperature of both components is inversely dependent on the size of the smaller component.Comment: 14 Pages, 12 Figures, RevTeX

    On the role of the Knudsen layer in rapid granular flows

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    A combination of molecular-dynamics simulations, theoretical predictions, and previous experiments are used in a two-part study to determine the role of the Knudsen layer in rapid granular flows. First, a robust criterion for the identification of the thickness of the Knudsen layer is established: a rapid deterioration in Navier-Stokes-order prediction of the heat flux is found to occur in the Knudsen layer. For (experimental) systems in which heat flux measurements are not easily obtained, a rule-of-thumb for estimating the Knudsen layer thickness follows, namely that such effects are evident within 2.5 (local) mean free paths of a given boundary. Second, comparisons of simulation and experimental data with Navier-Stokes order theory are used to provide a measure as to when Knudsen layer effects become non-negligible. Specifically, predictions that do not account for the presence of a Knudsen layer appear reliable for Knudsen layers collectively composing up to 20% of the domain, whereas deterioration of such predictions becomes apparent when the domain is fully comprised of the Knudsen layer.Comment: 9 figures, accepted to Journal of Fluid Mechanic

    Accurate reporting of adherence to inhaled therapies in adults with cystic fibrosis: methods to calculate “normative adherence”

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    Background: Preventative inhaled treatments in cystic fibrosis will only be effective in maintaining lung health if used appropriately. An accurate adherence index should therefore reflect treatment effectiveness, but the standard method of reporting adherence, that is, as a percentage of the agreed regimen between clinicians and people with cystic fibrosis, does not account for the appropriateness of the treatment regimen. We describe two different indices of inhaled therapy adherence for adults with cystic fibrosis which take into account effectiveness, that is, “simple” and “sophisticated” normative adherence. Methods to calculate normative adherence: Denominator adjustment involves fixing a minimum appropriate value based on the recommended therapy given a person’s characteristics. For simple normative adherence, the denominator is determined by the person’s Pseudomonas status. For sophisticated normative adherence, the denominator is determined by the person’s Pseudomonas status and history of pulmonary exacerbations over the previous year. Numerator adjustment involves capping the daily maximum inhaled therapy use at 100% so that medication overuse does not artificially inflate the adherence level. Three illustrative cases: Case A is an example of inhaled therapy under prescription based on Pseudomonas status resulting in lower simple normative adherence compared to unadjusted adherence. Case B is an example of inhaled therapy under-prescription based on previous exacerbation history resulting in lower sophisticated normative adherence compared to unadjusted adherence and simple normative adherence. Case C is an example of nebulizer overuse exaggerating the magnitude of unadjusted adherence. Conclusion: Different methods of reporting adherence can result in different magnitudes of adherence. We have proposed two methods of standardizing the calculation of adherence which should better reflect treatment effectiveness. The value of these indices can be tested empirically in clinical trials in which there is careful definition of treatment regimens related to key patient characteristics, alongside accurate measurement of health outcomes
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