4 research outputs found

    Geometric and Grayscale Template Matching for Saudi Arabian Riyal Paper Currency Recognition

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    Detecting the authenticity of paper currencies using automated based Paper Currency Recognition (PCR) with image processing techniques was still a hot topic of discussion, due to the circulation of counterfeit currency that was still overwhelming in some countries. There was a downside along with this advancement in technology in the field of color printing, duplication, and scanning, because it was became one of the supporting factors of the increasing crime rate in production of counterfeit money. Our system has performed a PCR approach based on image processing techniques. In this study, the SAR banknote was the object to be recognized and detected its authenticity with the development of the previous method, which was incorporating the Geometric Template Matching and Grayscale Template Matching. In addition to the pattern recognition process, the classification process on 1 SAR, 2 SAR, 5 SAR, and 10 SAR was also performed. From PCR test up to 100 sample data, for each tested banknote value obtained the average value of the best accuracy level from incorporating GeoMatchingScore and GrayMatchingScore for the classification process was 95.25%. While the average level of system accuracy in recognizing counterfeit money on each banknote obtained a maximum value of 100%

    Manajemen Kurikulum Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah

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    This research uses a type of qualitative research with a library research approach by exploring information through literature related to the management of the Arabic language learning curriculum in madrasah aliyah and to answer the focus of the study in this research. This study examines the definition of Arabic curriculum management, the implementation of Arabic language learning, the steps of Arabic language learning. Curriculum is one of the important things that must exist in an educational institution

    Pengalaman Suami yang Mengikuti Vasektomi di Kecamatan Cimahi Tengah

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena rendahnya partisipasi pria dalam KB, yaitu hanya 1,5%, sedangkan metode vasektomi hanya dipilih oleh 0,3% pasangan usia subur. Berbagai alasan membuat partisipasi laki-laki sangat rendah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggali pengalaman para suami yang telah menjalani vasektomi yang dapat menjawab fenomena tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan pada 6 partisipan pria menikah berusia 44 hingga 62 tahun, dengan durasi vasektomi 1 hingga 25 tahun. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis untuk menggali fenomena yang ada pada pengalaman suami yang telah menjalani prosedur vasektomi. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan partisipan, pengecekan dengan triangulasi data, dan analisis dengan pendekatan Colaizzi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 8 tema yaitu kesiapan melakukan vasektomi, nyeri, kecemasan, mendapatkan reward, tidak ada perubahan fisik, tidak ada perubahan hubungan seksual, dan rumor, serta 18 subtema. Peneliti merekomendasikan pendidikan kesehatan dan evaluasi akseptor vasektomi, dan peneliti selanjutnya untuk melanjutkan penelitian dengan metode lain sehingga fenomena yang lebih dalam dapat digali