9,207 research outputs found

    Towards the Laboratory Search for Space-Time Dissipation

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    It has been speculated that gravity could be an emergent phenomenon, with classical general relativity as an effective, macroscopic theory, valid only for classical systems at large temporal and spatial scales. As in classical continuum dynamics, the existence of underlying microscopic degrees of freedom may lead to macroscopic dissipative behaviors. With the hope that such dissipative behaviors of gravity could be revealed by carefully designed experiments in the laboratory, we consider a phenomenological model that adds dissipations to the gravitational field, much similar to frictions in solids and fluids. Constraints to such dissipative behavior can already be imposed by astrophysical observations and existing experiments, but mostly in lower frequencies. We propose a series of experiments working in higher frequency regimes, which may potentially put more stringent bounds on these models.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Imaging atom-clusters by hard x-ray free electron lasers

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    The ingenious idea of single molecule imaging by hard x-ray Free Electron Laser (X-FEL) pulses was recently proposed by Neutze et al. [Nature,406,752(2000)]. However, in their numerical modelling of the Coulomb explosion several interactions were neglected and no reconstruction of the atomic structure was given. In this work we carried out improved molecular dynamics calculations including all quantum processes which affect the explosion. Based on this time evolution we generated composite elastic scattering patterns, and by using Fienup's algorithm successfully reconstructed the original atomic structure. The critical evaluation of these results gives guidelines and sets important conditions for future experiments aiming single molecule structure solution.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Anisotropic magnetoresistance in single cubic crystals: A theory and its verification

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    A theory of anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and planar Hall effect (PHE) in single cubic crystals and its experimental verifications are presented for the current in the (001) plane. In contrast to the general belief that AMR and PHE in single crystals are highly sensitive to many internal and external effects and have no universal features, the theory predicts universal angular dependencies of longitudinal and transverse resistivity and various characteristics when magnetization rotates in the (001) plane, the plane perpendicular to the current, and the plane containing the current and [001] direction. The universal angular dependencies are verified by the experiments on Fe30Co70 single cubic crystal film. The findings provide new avenues for fundamental research and applications of AMR and PHE, because single crystals offer advantages over polycrystalline materials for band structure and crystallographic orientation engineering

    Helimagnet-based non-volatile multi-bit memory units

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    In this Letter, we present a design of a helimagnet-based emerging memory device that is capable of storing multiple bits of information per device. The device consists of a helimagnet layer placed between two ferromagnetic layers, which allows us to lock-in specific spin configurations. The bottom pinned layer has high anisotropy energy or stays exchange biased, which keeps its spin configuration fixed on a specific direction, while the top layer is free to rotate under the influence of in-plane magnetic fields. We begin by finding the relaxed spin structure, which is the result of the competition between the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI) and exchange energy and is referred to as the equilibrium state (“0”). The writing of a memory state is simulated by applying an in-plane field that rotates and transforms the spin configurations of the memory device. Our results indicate that stable configurations can be achieved at rotations of an integer multiple of 180° (corresponding to states “−2,” “−1,” “1,” “2,” etc.), where the anisotropy stabilizes the free layer and, thus, the exchange coupled helimagnet. These states are separated by magnetic energy barriers and intermediate, unstable spin configurations tend to revert to their adjacent states. By simply changing the direction of the field, we can achieve multi-bit data storage per unit memory cell. The maximum number of bits is reached when the anisotropy energy barriers cannot withstand the strong DMI energy. Reading can be done by evaluating the different resistance states due to the twisted spin texture

    On geometric problems related to Brown-York and Liu-Yau quasilocal mass

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    We discuss some geometric problems related to the definitions of quasilocal mass proposed by Brown-York \cite{BYmass1} \cite{BYmass2} and Liu-Yau \cite{LY1} \cite{LY2}. Our discussion consists of three parts. In the first part, we propose a new variational problem on compact manifolds with boundary, which is motivated by the study of Brown-York mass. We prove that critical points of this variation problem are exactly static metrics. In the second part, we derive a derivative formula for the Brown-York mass of a smooth family of closed 2 dimensional surfaces evolving in an ambient three dimensional manifold. As an interesting by-product, we are able to write the ADM mass \cite{ADM61} of an asymptotically flat 3-manifold as the sum of the Brown-York mass of a coordinate sphere SrS_r and an integral of the scalar curvature plus a geometrically constructed function Φ(x)\Phi(x) in the asymptotic region outside SrS_r . In the third part, we prove that for any closed, spacelike, 2-surface Σ\Sigma in the Minkowski space R3,1\R^{3,1} for which the Liu-Yau mass is defined, if Σ\Sigma bounds a compact spacelike hypersurface in R3,1\R^{3,1}, then the Liu-Yau mass of Σ\Sigma is strictly positive unless Σ\Sigma lies on a hyperplane. We also show that the examples given by \'{O} Murchadha, Szabados and Tod \cite{MST} are special cases of this result.Comment: 28 page

    On the global well-posedness of a class of Boussinesq- Navier-Stokes systems

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    In this paper we consider the following 2D Boussinesq-Navier-Stokes systems \partial_{t}u+u\cdot\nabla u+\nabla p+ |D|^{\alpha}u &= \theta e_{2} \partial_{t}\theta+u\cdot\nabla \theta+ |D|^{\beta}\theta &=0 \quad with divu=0\textrm{div} u=0 and 0<β<α<10<\beta<\alpha<1. When 664<α<1\frac{6-\sqrt{6}}{4}<\alpha< 1, 1α<βf(α)1-\alpha<\beta\leq f(\alpha) , where f(α)f(\alpha) is an explicit function as a technical bound, we prove global well-posedness results for rough initial data.Comment: 23page