228,504 research outputs found

    A refined invariant subspace method and applications to evolution equations

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    The invariant subspace method is refined to present more unity and more diversity of exact solutions to evolution equations. The key idea is to take subspaces of solutions to linear ordinary differential equations as invariant subspaces that evolution equations admit. A two-component nonlinear system of dissipative equations was analyzed to shed light on the resulting theory, and two concrete examples are given to find invariant subspaces associated with 2nd-order and 3rd-order linear ordinary differential equations and their corresponding exact solutions with generalized separated variables.Comment: 16 page

    Reexamining the "finite-size" effects in isobaric yield ratios using a statistical abrasion-ablation model

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    The "finite-size" effects in the isobaric yield ratio (IYR), which are shown in the standard grand-canonical and canonical statistical ensembles (SGC/CSE) method, is claimed to prevent obtaining the actual values of physical parameters. The conclusion of SGC/CSE maybe questionable for neutron-rich nucleus induced reaction. To investigate whether the IYR has "finite-size" effects, the IYR for the mirror nuclei [IYR(m)] are reexamined using a modified statistical abrasion-ablation (SAA) model. It is found when the projectile is not so neutron-rich, the IYR(m) depends on the isospin of projectile, but the size dependence can not be excluded. In reactions induced by the very neutron-rich projectiles, contrary results to those of the SGC/CSE models are obtained, i.e., the dependence of the IYR(m) on the size and the isospin of the projectile is weakened and disappears both in the SAA and the experimental results.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Lensed Arcs and Inner Structure of Abell 697

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    We present new optical observations of the z=0.282 cluster Abell 697 from the Keck II telescope. Images show an unusual disturbed structure in the cD halo and a previously unknown faint gravitational lens arc. A spectrum of the arc did not yield a redshift, but its spectrum and colors suggest it lies at z>1.3. We construct models to reproduce the arc that show the potential is likely to be highly elliptical. We suggest that this cluster may have undergone a recent merger and is in the process of forming its cD galaxy. Analysis of X-ray data from ROSAT and ASCA suggests that the merging process is sufficiently advanced that the gas in the cluster has relaxed, and A697 lies near the L_x-T_x relation for normal clusters.Comment: LaTeX; 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Neutrino Mass from Triplet and Doublet Scalars at the TeV Scale

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    If the minimal standard model of particle interactions is extended to include a scalar triplet with lepton number L=−2L=-2 and a scalar doublet with L=−1L=-1, neutrino masses mν∼μ124v2/M5∼10−2m_\nu \sim \mu_{12}^4 v^2/M^5 \sim 10^{-2} eV is possible, where v∼102v \sim 10^2 GeV is the electroweak symmetry breaking scale, M∼1M \sim 1 TeV is the typical mass of the new scalars, and μ12∼1\mu_{12} \sim 1 GeV is a soft lepton-number-violating parameter.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Geophysical and astronomical models applied in the analysis of very long baseline interferometry

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    Very long baseline interferometry presents an opportunity to measure at the centimeter level such geodetic parameters as baseline length and instantaneous pole position. In order to achieve such precision, the geophysical and astronomical models used in data analysis must be as accurate as possible. The Mark-3 interactive data analysis system includes a number of refinements beyond conventional practice in modeling precession, nutation, diurnal polar motion, UT1, solid Earth tides, relativistic light deflection, and reduction to solar system barycentric coordinates. The algorithms and their effects on the recovered geodetic, geophysical, and astrometric parameters are discussed

    Numerical framework for transcritical real-fluid reacting flow simulations using the flamelet progress variable approach

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    An extension to the classical FPV model is developed for transcritical real-fluid combustion simulations in the context of finite volume, fully compressible, explicit solvers. A double-flux model is developed for transcritical flows to eliminate the spurious pressure oscillations. A hybrid scheme with entropy-stable flux correction is formulated to robustly represent large density ratios. The thermodynamics for ideal-gas values is modeled by a linearized specific heat ratio model. Parameters needed for the cubic EoS are pre-tabulated for the evaluation of departure functions and a quadratic expression is used to recover the attraction parameter. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the ability to account for pressure and temperature variations from the baseline table. Cryogenic LOX/GH2 mixing and reacting cases are performed to demonstrate the capability of the proposed approach in multidimensional simulations. The proposed combustion model and numerical schemes are directly applicable for LES simulations of real applications under transcritical conditions.Comment: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, T

    The Mark 3 data base handler

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    A data base handler which would act to tie Mark 3 system programs together is discussed. The data base handler is written in FORTRAN and is implemented on the Hewlett-Packard 21MX and the IBM 360/91. The system design objectives were to (1) provide for an easily specified method of data interchange among programs, (2) provide for a high level of data integrity, (3) accommodate changing requirments, (4) promote program accountability, (5) provide a single source of program constants, and (6) provide a central point for data archiving. The system consists of two distinct parts: a set of files existing on disk packs and tapes; and a set of utility subroutines which allow users to access the information in these files. Users never directly read or write the files and need not know the details of how the data are formatted in the files. To the users, the storage medium is format free. A user does need to know something about the sequencing of his data in the files but nothing about data in which he has no interest
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