139 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan ( Studi Pada Nasabah Prioritas PT. Aia Financial Cabang Malang, Jawa Timur )

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    The purpose of this study is to determine and explain the influence of service quality variables which consist of Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy either jointly or individually to the Customer Satisfaction. The results of multiple linear regression analysis can be seen that the independent variables include Tangible, Realibility, Responsivness, Assurance, and Emphaty affect Costumer Satisfaction. This is indicated by the calculated probability Fvalue for 0,000 (p <0.05). The contribution of the five independent variables together to Costumer Satisfaction is 68,8%, while the remaining 41.2% are affected by other variables that not examined in this study. In this research it is known that independently these five independent variables which includes Tangible, Realibility, Responsivness, Assurance, and Emphaty all have a significant effect on the Costumer Satisfaction. The results also can be seen that the have a dominant influence on Costumer Satisfaction

    Determinants of Economic Exposure: an Empirical Evidence From the Miscellaneous Companies in Indonesia

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    This research empirically measures the economic exposure of 11 selected miscellaneous companies in Indonesia. It also attempts to empirically explore the influence of firm size, export, liquidity, and leverage on the economic exposure of those companies. Annual data from 2007 to 2010, which was collected from thewww.idx.co.id andwww.bi.go.id were used and analyzed by the multiple linear regression to measure the economic exposure and examine the influences of the firm size, export, liquidity, and leverage on the economic exposure. Both partial (t-test) and simultaneous (F-test) hypotheses were constructed and tested using the software of SPSS for Windows. The research documented that, with the exception of the liquidity, which has a negative and significant effect partially on the economic exposure, all other variables, i.e., the firm size, export, and leverage were found to have insignificant effects. Meanwhile, based on the F-test, the research found that the firm size, export, liquidity, and leverage affected simultaneously and significantly the economic exposure of the companies. These findings imply that in order to manage their economic exposure, the companies should control these variables, especially the liquidity


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    ABSTRAK  Pendahuluan: Penegakan diagnosis sepsis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Escherichia coli membutuhkan waktu yang cepat dan hasil yang akurat untuk meningkatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas metode diagnosisnya. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) adalah metode diagnosis yang cepat dan sensitif yang dapat digunakan dan memerlukan metode ekstraksi DNA. Metode ekstraksi DNA Filter Based Kit yang sering digunakan bersifat single use dan memerlukan biaya yang mahal. Alkaline Lysis adalah penyederhanaan metode ekstraksi DNA, namun metode ini belum diketahui dapat menghasilkan kuantitas dan kualitas ekstrak DNA yang lebih tinggi dan lebih baik daripada Filter Based Kit. Penelitian ini akan membandingkan hasil ekstraksi DNA dari metode ekstraksi DNA Filter Based Kit (FBK) dengan Alkaline Lysis (AL) berdasarkan kuantitas DNA (yield) dan kualitas DNA (purity).Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental in vitro dengan membandingkan hasil ekstraksi DNA menggunakan metode FBK dengan AL pada konsentrasi E. coli sebesar 108 dan 1012 CFU/ml dan dengan kontrol Normal Saline tanpa bakteri. Pengukuran kuantitas dan kualitas dilakukan menggunakan Spektrofotometer NanoDrop pada λ=260 nm dan 280 nm. Analisa data statistik dilakukan menggunakan metode uji ANOVA dan uji post hoc dengan LSD.Hasil: Hasil kuantitas DNA di konsentrasi 1012 CFU/ml pada metode FBK adalah 57,60 ± 21,96 µg/ml, sedangkan pada metode AL sebesar 18,40 ± 1,14 µg/ml. Pada konsentrasi 1012 CFU/ml, hasil kemurnian DNA dari kedua metode memiliki nilai rasio absorbansi 1,6-2,0. Hasil kuantitas DNA pada 108 CFU/ml metode FBK adalah 19,40 ± 1,67 µg/ml sedangkan pada AL sebesar 7,40 ± 1,52 µg/ml, namun hasil kemurnian DNA pada metode AL didapatkan >2,0 dan pada FBK sebesar 1,9. Pada kontrol, kuantitas DNA yang didapatkan <0,2 µg/ml dengan kemurnian DNA yang tidak terdeteksi.Kesimpulan: Metode FBK menghasilkan DNA dengan kuantitas dan kualitas yang lebih baik daripada AL.Kata Kunci: Ekstraksi DNA, filter based kit, alkaline lysis, Escherichia col

    Faktor Risiko yang Mempengaruhi Kesakitan Diare pada Balita

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    Data on diarrhea morbidity of children under five years of age, were analysed to study the risk factors influencing diarrhea prevalence. Data of Household Health Survey 1986 were used for the study. The prevalence of diarrhea among 26,139 children aged 0-59 months was 1.9%, the highest rate was among the age group of 12-23 months. Children born to parents without primary education had the highest risk of getting diarrhea (relative risk = RR = 1.46) as compared to those bom to parents with higher education. Children belonging to households of low economic status were more likely to have diarrhea (RR = 7.55) than those of better economic status. Children living in households without access to clean water (RR = 2.21) or latrine (RR = 1.54), had higher risk for diarrhea. More specific analysis of risk factors, by age groups based on the possible different cause of diarrhea, would be necessary for further direction of diarrhea disease control
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