122 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Optical Multiplexer Untuk Layanan Data Dan POTS Di Politeknik TEDC Bandung

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    Teknologi OMUX (Optical Multiplexer) merupakan salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan Telkom Bandung saat ini. OMUX adalah suatu teknologi akses yang dikategorikan sebagai Broadband Access yang ditransmisikan melalui media fiber optik. OMUX merupakan perangkat multiplexer penjembatan layanan data dan POTS melalui media serat optik yang dibuat dengan sangat fleksibel berbentuk modul. Dalam Penelitian ini dilakukan perencanaan teknologi OMUX untuk layanan data dan POTS di Politeknik TEDC Bandung dengan cara melakukan perbandingan teknologi OMUX dengan salah satu dari teknologi pengembangan dari PON yaitu GPON (Gigabit PON). Perbandingan ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji implementasi OMUX sebagai teknologi paling tepat dan efisien diterapkan di pelanggan coorporate Telkom Bandung. Pengambilan keputusan adalah berdasarkan hasil perbandingan pengukuran parameter, analisis kebutuhan, kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing teknologi. Adapun parameter teknis yang dibahas adalah Power Link Budget, Rise Time Budget, spesifikasi perangkat dan Redaman. Dari hasil pengukuran parameter teknis dan analisa dapat dilihat bahwa teknologi OMUX dan GPON memenuhi persyaratan layanan broadband serta memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Nilai margin daya dan rise time jaringan menggunakan OMUX lebih besar dibandingkan dengan menggunakan GPON. Sehingga teknologi yang dipilih adalah OMUX untuk kampus Politeknik TEDC Bandung yang terletak di wilayah suburban dan tidak banyak kemungkinan pengguna akses broadband. Keputusan ini juga diambil berdasarkan pertimbangan effort yang dibutuhkan dan waktu instalasi (Time to Delivery Market).&nbsp

    Nyorat Ceremony of Hindu Kaharingan Adherents: Telawang District, East Kotawaringin Regency

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    The result of the study covers all three aspects. First, the causes of the Nyorat ceremony are held after thirty days of dead body to be lied down in the funeral house: (1) The belief factor of the spirit of the deceased person, (2) the fear factor for the unfortunate (3) religious social factor, (4) the economic factor of the Kaharingan Hindu adherents , and (5) the factor of affection towards the ancestral spirit of the late. The last factor is based on the assumptions, namely (1) preparing the Nyorat ceremonial facilities and infrastructure, (2) it is not to lose the meaning that can be inherent in it, (3) to purify/cleanse the spirit of the dead so that the sacred and inner and family will get happiness back. The implications of the Nyorat ceremony are (1) the religious implications relating to the belief of the Hindu Kaharingan adherents from generation to generation, that if they are not implemented, they will lose the meaning of the Nyorat ceremonial purposes, (2) the psychological implications require cooperation, (3) the social implications culture is the act of intervening to support the course of the ceremony, and (4) the economic implications of the community strongly support the course of the ceremony. Based on the results of the analysis, it is obtained three things. The first is the reasons of the Hindu adherents to conduct the Nyorat ceremony, the second is processes of implementation of the Nyorat ceremony, the three religious, psychological, and social implications, and the community\u27s economy towards the Hindu Kaharingan religious system are acceptable to the local community

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Nasabah PT Bpr Hoki di Kabupaten Tabanan

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    The development of BPR especially in Bali province really promising. Industry of BPR takes a very important role in economic sector, especially in supporting micro and medium business development. The tighter competition among those BPR, themselves the service should be done more optimally, so that the company is able to win the competition. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of services quality toward customer satisfaction and loyalty at PT BPR Hoki at Tabanan regency. The number of respondent on this research is defined 150 respondents. Respondents were selected by purposive sampling method. The data processed and analyze by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and AMOS software. Statistical analysis showed that service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty has a positive and significant relationship

    Kemampuan Asimetri Informasi, Ketidakpastian Lingkungan, Budget Emphasis, dan Kapasitas Individu sebagai Variabel Moderasi terhadap Partisipasi Anggaran pada Budgetary Slack

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    Public sector budget is the instrument of accountability to the management of public funds and the implementation of programs, which were funded by public. This budgeting system is also known as budget based on performance. Budgeting system based on performance is an efficient and participatory development process with the hope that it can improve agent performances. Government as an agent proposes further budget gets legalistas of the legislative. The growth of local budget in Badung Regency, Bali from 2006 until 2013 indicated that there was a budgetary slack. This happened because there were a few contingent factors that could strengthen or weaken the effect of correlation budgetary participations with the budgetary slack. This research will examine the ability of information asymmetry, environmental uncertainty, budget emphasis and individual capacity as moderating variables for budgetary participations on a budgetary slack. All data were collected using a survey method with multiple questioners and were analyzed using moderated regression analysis method. Environmental uncertainty is the only variable which can moderate (weaken) the impact of budgetary participation on the budgetary slack from a series of moderating variables which were included in the analysis of this study

    Actualization of Puputan War Spirit to Strengthen Adversity Quotient in Young Generation in the Global Era

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    This study is motivated by the development of the millennial generation, which tends to be weak in the adversity quotient. Conditions where the younger generation is very vulnerable and quickly gives up because they do not have the resilience to the conditions or problems they face. The problem studied is to provide an understanding of the concept of the adversity quotient, the spirit of the Puputan War as a model for strengthening the adversity quotient, and its implementation. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach to the literature review model, which examines various sources from books, articles, and also websites that discuss research problems. The study found that the millennial generation has a low adversity quotient attitude. The younger generation is now accustomed to instant culture due to technological developments. This impacts their vulnerability when they find problems, and they tend to take adverse actions such as suicide, plagiarism, theft, and other harmful things. However, this condition can be prevented by giving examples of the spirit of bellows war that was carried out by the Balinese people in fighting the invaders with all their limitations, and they were still able to fight to the last drop of their blood. The values of the Puputan war character that can be taken as adversity quotient reinforcement include unyielding spirit, hard work, willingness to sacrifice, nationalism and love of the motherland, loyalty, and religious values. These values can be used as a character education model taught in schools through history lessons to strengthen the adversity quotient, which is currently decreasing among millennials. Its implementation can be carried out in the Project to Strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile, a mandatory sub-material in the independent curriculum being implemented at this time.Keywords: Puputan War, Adversity Quotient, Character, Young Generation, Globalization. Kajian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan generasi milenial yang cenderung lemah dalam adversity quotient. Kondisi dimana generasi muda sangat rentan dan mudah menyerah karena tidak memiliki ketahanan terhadap kondisi atau masalah yang dihadapi. Masalah yang dikaji adalah memberikan pemahaman konsep adversity quotient, semangat perang Puputan sebagai model penguatan adversity quotient, dan implementasinya. Metode yang dipakai dalam kajian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif model literature review yang mengkaji berbagai sumber dari buku, artikel, dan juga situs website yang membahas tentang masalah penelitian. Hasil kajian menemukan bahwa generasi milenial saat ini memiliki sikap adversity quotient yang rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena generasi muda sekarang dibiasakan oleh budaya instant karena perkembangan teknologi. Hal ini berdampak pada rentannya mereka ketika menemukan masalah, ada kecendrungan mengambil tindakan yang negatif seperti bunuh diri, plagiarisme, pencurian, dan hal negatif lainnya. Namun kondisi itu bisa cegah dengan memberikan contoh-contoh semangat Perang Puputan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Bali dalam melawan penjajah dengan segala keterbatasannya masih bisa berjuang sampai titik darah penghabisan. Nilai-nilai karakter Perang Puputan yang bisa diambil sebagai penguat adversity quotient antara lain semangat pantang menyerah, kerja keras, rela berkorban, nasionalisme dan cinta tanah air, loyalitas, dan nilai religius. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung itu bisa dijadikan model pendidikan karakter yang bisa diajarkan disekolah melalui pembelajaran sejarah, sehingga bisa memperkuat Cambria yang saat ini semakin berkurang dikalangan generasi milenial. Implementasinya bisa dilakukan pada kegiatan Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang menjadi submateri wajib dalam kurikulum merdeka yang sedang diterapkan saat ini.Kata Kunci:  Perang Puputan, Adversity Quotient, Karakter, Generasi Muda, Globalisasi.