429 research outputs found

    Differential Proteome Analysis of the Preeclamptic Placenta Using Optimized Protein Extraction

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    The human placenta is a difficult tissue to work with using proteomic technology since it contains large amounts of lipids and glycogen. Both lipids and glycogen are known to interfere with the first step in the two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE), the isoelectric focusing. In order to gain the best possible protein separation on 2D-PAGE, an optimized sample preparation protocol for placental proteins was developed. Two different buffers, urea/CHAPS and Hepes, were used for solubilization in combination with six different precipitation methods. The removal of glycogen from the samples by centrifugation was crucial for the final proteome maps. Solubilization with urea/CHAPS in combination with dichloromethane/methanol or acidified acetone proved to be the best precipitation procedures. When applied to clinical placenta samples apolipoprotein A1 was found to be accumulated in the preeclamptic placenta, where it may either have a nutritional effect or act as a modifier of signal transduction

    Ukupni i specifični mortalitet u radnika izloženih azbestu od 1907. do 1985. godine

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    Total and cause-specific mortality data for the 1907 -1985 period were compared between cohorts of male asbestos-cement workers (N = 1908) and referents (N = 726), using Poisson regression modelling. The rate ratio (RR) for total mortality was significantly increased (1.3) among the exposed workers, as was mortality from non-malignant respiratory disease (RR= 2.2). Numerically, but not statistically significantly, raised ratios were found for respiratory (RR= 1.6) and gastrointestinal (RR= 1.3) cancers. The trend in the rate ratio for total mortality with time was better fitted with a curved line, than with a monotonic one, because of a period of increased risk up to the 1950s, and another one starting after 1970.Ukupni i specifični mortalitet za razdoblje od 1907. do 1985. godine uspoređen je u kohortama muÅ”kih radnika koji su bili izloženi azbestu (N = 1908) s kontrolama (N = 726) pomoću Poissonove regresijske analize. Koeficijent regresije (RR) za ukupni mortalitet, kao i mortalitet od nemalignih respiratornih bolesti bio je statistički značajno viÅ”i i iznosio je 1,3, odnosno 2,2. Povećanje ovog koeficijenta nađeno je i za plućni (1,6) i gastrointestinalni karcinom (1,3), ali vrijednosti nisu statistički značajne

    Globally Optimal Crowdsourcing Quality Management

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    We study crowdsourcing quality management, that is, given worker responses to a set of tasks, our goal is to jointly estimate the true answers for the tasks, as well as the quality of the workers. Prior work on this problem relies primarily on applying Expectation-Maximization (EM) on the underlying maximum likelihood problem to estimate true answers as well as worker quality. Unfortunately, EM only provides a locally optimal solution rather than a globally optimal one. Other solutions to the problem (that do not leverage EM) fail to provide global optimality guarantees as well. In this paper, we focus on filtering, where tasks require the evaluation of a yes/no predicate, and rating, where tasks elicit integer scores from a finite domain. We design algorithms for finding the global optimal estimates of correct task answers and worker quality for the underlying maximum likelihood problem, and characterize the complexity of these algorithms. Our algorithms conceptually consider all mappings from tasks to true answers (typically a very large number), leveraging two key ideas to reduce, by several orders of magnitude, the number of mappings under consideration, while preserving optimality. We also demonstrate that these algorithms often find more accurate estimates than EM-based algorithms. This paper makes an important contribution towards understanding the inherent complexity of globally optimal crowdsourcing quality management

    Efficient crowdsourcing for multi-class labeling

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    Crowdsourcing systems like Amazon's Mechanical Turk have emerged as an effective large-scale human-powered platform for performing tasks in domains such as image classification, data entry, recommendation, and proofreading. Since workers are low-paid (a few cents per task) and tasks performed are monotonous, the answers obtained are noisy and hence unreliable. To obtain reliable estimates, it is essential to utilize appropriate inference algorithms (e.g. Majority voting) coupled with structured redundancy through task assignment. Our goal is to obtain the best possible trade-off between reliability and redundancy. In this paper, we consider a general probabilistic model for noisy observations for crowd-sourcing systems and pose the problem of minimizing the total price (i.e. redundancy) that must be paid to achieve a target overall reliability. Concretely, we show that it is possible to obtain an answer to each task correctly with probability 1-Īµ as long as the redundancy per task is O((K/q) log (K/Īµ)), where each task can have any of the KK distinct answers equally likely, q is the crowd-quality parameter that is defined through a probabilistic model. Further, effectively this is the best possible redundancy-accuracy trade-off any system design can achieve. Such a single-parameter crisp characterization of the (order-)optimal trade-off between redundancy and reliability has various useful operational consequences. Further, we analyze the robustness of our approach in the presence of adversarial workers and provide a bound on their influence on the redundancy-accuracy trade-off. Unlike recent prior work [GKM11, KOS11, KOS11], our result applies to non-binary (i.e. K>2) tasks. In effect, we utilize algorithms for binary tasks (with inhomogeneous error model unlike that in [GKM11, KOS11, KOS11]) as key subroutine to obtain answers for K-ary tasks. Technically, the algorithm is based on low-rank approximation of weighted adjacency matrix for a random regular bipartite graph, weighted according to the answers provided by the workers.National Science Foundation (U.S.

    Multi-Avalanche Correlations in Directed Sandpile Models

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    Multiple avalanches, initiated by simultaneously toppling neighbouring sites, are studied in three different directed sandpile models. It is argued that, while the single avalanche exponents are different for the three models, a suitably defined two-avalanche distribution has identical exponents. The origin of this universality is traced to particle conservation

    Area distribution and the average shape of a L\'evy bridge

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    We consider a one dimensional L\'evy bridge x_B of length n and index 0 < \alpha < 2, i.e. a L\'evy random walk constrained to start and end at the origin after n time steps, x_B(0) = x_B(n)=0. We compute the distribution P_B(A,n) of the area A = \sum_{m=1}^n x_B(m) under such a L\'evy bridge and show that, for large n, it has the scaling form P_B(A,n) \sim n^{-1-1/\alpha} F_\alpha(A/n^{1+1/\alpha}), with the asymptotic behavior F_\alpha(Y) \sim Y^{-2(1+\alpha)} for large Y. For \alpha=1, we obtain an explicit expression of F_1(Y) in terms of elementary functions. We also compute the average profile < \tilde x_B (m) > at time m of a L\'evy bridge with fixed area A. For large n and large m and A, one finds the scaling form = n^{1/\alpha} H_\alpha({m}/{n},{A}/{n^{1+1/\alpha}}), where at variance with Brownian bridge, H_\alpha(X,Y) is a non trivial function of the rescaled time m/n and rescaled area Y = A/n^{1+1/\alpha}. Our analytical results are verified by numerical simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 4 Figure

    Limitations of Majority Agreement in Crowdsourced Image Interpretation

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    Crowdsourcing can efficiently complete tasks that are difficult to automate, but the quality of crowdsourced data is tricky to evaluate. Algorithms to grade volunteer work often assume that all tasks are similarly difficult, an assumption that is frequently false. We use a cropland identification game with over 2,600 participants and 165,000 unique tasks to investigate how best to evaluate the difficulty of crowdsourced tasks and to what extent this is possible based on volunteer responses alone. Inter-volunteer agreement exceeded 90% for about 80% of the images and was negatively correlated with volunteer-expressed uncertainty about image classification. A total of 343 relatively difficult images were independently classified as cropland, non-cropland or impossible by two experts. The experts disagreed weakly (one said impossible while the other rated as cropland or non-cropland) on 27% of the images, but disagreed strongly (cropland vs. non-cropland) on only 7%. Inter-volunteer disagreement increased significantly with inter-expert disagreement. While volunteers agreed with expert classifications for most images, over 20% would have been mis-categorized if only the volunteersā€™ majority vote was used. We end with a series of recommendations for managing the challenges posed by heterogeneous tasks in crowdsourcing campaigns

    Mineralna vlakna, fibroza i azbestna tjeleÅ”ca u plućnom tkivu radnika koji su bili izloženi azbestnom cementu

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    Samples of lung tissue taken from deceased asbestos-cement workers, with (N = 7) and without (N = 69) mesothelioma, and from individually matched controls (N = 96) were examined. The number of asbestos bodies and the grade of fibrosis were determined with light microscopy, and the type, size, and number of fibres with transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The asbestos content was, as expected, higher among the exposed workers than among the controls. Chrysotile was the major fibre type in terms of fibre count. Conversion to fibre mass reversed the pattern to a predominance of amphibole fibres, and accentuated the differences between exposed workers and controls. Duration of exposure and the number of asbestos bodies displayed significant associations with all the singular amphiboles (amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, and anthophyllite), but not with chrysotile. Fibrosis was related to the tremolite content, but not to chrysotile, both among exposed workers and controls. The workers with mesothelioma had higher levels of crocidolite and tremolite than the other asbestos-cement workers.Ispitivani su uzorci plućnog tkiva umrlih radnika koji su bili izloženi azbestnom cementu, s mezoteliomom, i bez njega, i njihovim odgovarajućim kontrolama. Broj azbestnih tjeleÅ”aca i stupanj fibroze određeni su svjetlosnim mikroskopom, a tip, veličina i broj vlakana elektronskom mikroskopijom i rendgenskom spektrometrijom. Sadržaj azbesta bio je veći kod izloženih radnika negoli u kontrola. Krizotilna vlakna bila su najbrojnija među formiranim vlaknima. Nađena je da je duljina izloženosti i broj azbestnih tjeleÅ”aca u korelaciji sa svim pojedinačnim amfolitima (amozit, krocidolit, tremolit i antofilit), ali ne i s krizotilom. Nalaz fibroze bio je u korelaciji s tremolitom, za razliku od krizolita, i to u eksponiranih i kontrolnih radnika. Uzorci plućnog tkiva radnika s mezoteliomom sadržavali su viÅ”e krocidolita i tremolita od drugih radnika koji su bili izloženi azbestnom cementu
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