63 research outputs found

    Patterns of paediatric end-of-life care: a chart review across different care settings in Switzerland.

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    Paediatric end-of-life care is challenging and requires a high level of professional expertise. It is important that healthcare teams have a thorough understanding of paediatric subspecialties and related knowledge of disease-specific aspects of paediatric end-of-life care. The aim of this study was to comprehensively describe, explore and compare current practices in paediatric end-of-life care in four distinct diagnostic groups across healthcare settings including all relevant levels of healthcare providers in Switzerland. In this nationwide retrospective chart review study, data from paediatric patients who died in the years 2011 or 2012 due to a cardiac, neurological or oncological condition, or during the neonatal period were collected in 13 hospitals, two long-term institutions and 10 community-based healthcare service providers throughout Switzerland. Ninety-three (62%) of the 149 reviewed patients died in intensive care units, 78 (84%) of them following withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. Reliance on invasive medical interventions was prevalent, and the use of medication was high, with a median count of 12 different drugs during the last week of life. Patients experienced an average number of 6.42 symptoms. The prevalence of various types of symptoms differed significantly among the four diagnostic groups. Overall, our study patients stayed in the hospital for a median of six days during their last four weeks of life. Seventy-two patients (48%) stayed at home for at least one day and only half of those received community-based healthcare. The study provides a wide-ranging overview of current end-of-life care practices in a real-life setting of different healthcare providers. The inclusion of patients with all major diagnoses leading to disease- and prematurity-related childhood deaths, as well as comparisons across the diagnostic groups, provides additional insight and understanding for healthcare professionals. The provision of specialised palliative and end-of-life care services in Switzerland, including the capacity of community healthcare services, need to be expanded to meet the specific needs of seriously ill children and their families

    A systematic review of randomised controlled trials assessing effectiveness of prosthetic and orthotic interventions.

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    BACKGROUND: Assistive products are items which allow older people and people with disabilities to be able to live a healthy, productive and dignified life. It has been estimated that approximately 1.5% of the world's population need a prosthesis or orthosis. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to systematically identify and review the evidence from randomized controlled trials assessing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prosthetic and orthotic interventions. METHODS: Literature searches, completed in September 2015, were carried out in fourteen databases between years 1995 and 2015. The search results were independently screened by two reviewers. For the purpose of this manuscript, only randomized controlled trials which examined interventions using orthotic or prosthetic devices were selected for data extraction and synthesis. RESULTS: A total of 342 randomised controlled trials were identified (319 English language and 23 non-English language). Only 4 of these randomised controlled trials examined prosthetic interventions and the rest examined orthotic interventions. These orthotic interventions were categorised based on the medical conditions/injuries of the participants. From these studies, this review focused on the medical condition/injuries with the highest number of randomised controlled trials (osteoarthritis, fracture, stroke, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, anterior cruciate ligament, diabetic foot, rheumatoid and juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ankle sprain, cerebral palsy, lateral epicondylitis and low back pain). The included articles were assessed for risk of bias using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Details of the clinical population examined, the type of orthotic/prosthetic intervention, the comparator/s and the outcome measures were extracted. Effect sizes and odds ratios were calculated for all outcome measures, where possible. CONCLUSIONS: At present, for prosthetic and orthotic interventions, the scientific literature does not provide sufficient high quality research to allow strong conclusions on their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness

    [Urinary hormone analysis]

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    Urinary hormone analysis is applied to detect an altered steroid hormone metabolism, an elevated production of biogenic amines and to non-invasively determine the protein hormone human beta-choriogonadotropin indicating a pregnancy. Occasionally, these determinations need to be complemented by plasma- or serum hormone analysis. Clinical data including current drug therapy and urinary creatinine as reference are required to interpret any urine analysis. Diseases to be investigated by steroid hormone analysis are excess production of a typical or atypical mineralocorticoid active steroid hormones, the hormonal activity of adrenal or ovarian tumors, acne of unknown origin, hirsutism, a PCO-, an adrenogenital or a suspected Cushing syndrome. Biogenic amines should be determined in suspected secondary or refractory arterial hypertension, in case of pheochromocytoma- or paraganglioma-associated symptoms or if a serotonin-producing tumor is suspected. In children genetically determined diseases are the primary background to perform an analysis

    Pitfall in pediatric dialysis: malposition of a dialysis catheter mimicking azygos continuation syndrome

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    Central venous catheters are established as vascular access in hemodialysis therapy. Vascular catheter misdirection may occur and is a well known problem. We present a rare catheter malposition in a young dialysis patient with consequent dilatation of the azygos vein system, simulating the appearance of an azygos continuation syndrome

    Behandlung der Harnwegsinfektionen beim Kind

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