9,046 research outputs found

    Excited scalar mesons in a chiral quark model

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    First radial excitations of the isoscalar and isovector scalar mesons f_0(400-1200), f_0(980) and a_0(980) are investigated in the framework of a nonlocal version of a chiral quark model of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio type. It is shown that f_0(1370), f_J(1710) and a_0(1450) are the first radially excited states of f_0(400-1200), f_0(980) and a_0(980) which are ground states of the scalar meson nonet. The mesons' masses and strong decay widths are calculated. The scalar resonance f_0(1500) is supposed to be a glueball. The status of K_0^*(1430) is discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 1 figure, minor misprints eradicate

    Investigation of the quasifission process by theoretical analysis of experimental data of fissionlike reaction products

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    The fusion excitation function is the important quantity in planning experiments for the synthesis of superheavy elements. Its values seem to be determined by the experimental study of the hindrance to complete fusion by the observation of mass, angular and energy distributions of the fissionlike fragments. There is ambiguity in establishment of the reaction mechanism leading to the observed binary fissionlike fragments. The fissionlike fragments can be produced in the quasifission, fast fission, and fusion-fission processes which have overlapping in the mass (angular, kinetic energy) distributions of fragments. The branching ratio between quasifission and complete fusion strongly depends on the characteristics of the entrance channel. In this paper we consider a wide set of reactions (with different mass asymmetry and mass symmetry parameters) with the aim to explain the role played by many quantities on the reaction mechanisms. We also present the results of study of the 48^{48}Ca+249^{249}Bk reaction used to synthesize superheavy nuclei with Z = 117 by the determination of the evaporation residue cross sections and the effective fission barriers of excited nuclei formed along the de-excitation cascade of the compound nucleus.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Two-photon decays of vector mesons and dilepton decays of scalar mesons in dense matter

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    Two-photon decays of vector mesons and dilepton decays of scalar mesons which are forbidden in vacuum and can occur in dense baryonic matter due to the explicit violation of Lorentz symmetry are described within a quark model of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio type. The temperature and chemical potential dependence of these processes is investigated. It is found that their contribution to the production of photons and leptons in heavy-ion collisions is enhanced near the conditions corresponding to the restoration of chiral symmetry. Moreover, in the case of the a_0 meson and especially the \rho-meson, a resonant behaviour (an additional amplification) is observed due to the degeneration of \rho and a_0 masses when a hot hadron matter is approaching a chirally symmetric phase.Comment: 20 figures, IOP styl

    Influence of contacts on the microwave response of a two-dimensional electron stripe

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    Electromagnetic response of a finite-width two-dimensional electron stripe with attached metallic side contacts is theoretically studied. It is shown that contacts substantially influence the position, the linewidth, and the amplitude of plasmon-polariton resonances in the stripe. In finite magnetic fields, absorption of the wave with the inactive circular polarization (which is not absorbed in an infinite system without contacts) may become larger than that of the wave with the active polarization. The results are discussed in view of recent microwave experiments in two-dimensional electron systems.Comment: 13 pages, incl. 9 figures, the paper has been substantially modified and extended, new results have been added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Anomalous transport in normal-superconducting and ferromagnetic-superconducting nanostructures

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    We have calculated the temperature dependence of the conductance variation (δS(T)\delta S(T)) of mesoscopic superconductor normal metal(S/N) structures, in the diffusive regime, analysing both weak and strong proximity effects. We show that in the case of a weak proximity effect there are two peaks in the dependence of δS(T)\delta S(T) on temperature. One of them (known from previous studies) corresponds to a temperature T1T_1 of order of the Thouless energy (ϵTh\epsilon_{Th}), and another, newly predicted maximum, occurs at a temperature T2T_2 where the energy gap in the superconductor Δ(T2)\Delta(T_2) is of order ϵTh\epsilon_{Th}. In the limit Lϕ<LL_{\phi}<L the temperature T1T_1 is determined by D/Lϕ2D \hbar /L^2_{\phi} (LϕL_{\phi} is the phase breaking length), and not ϵTh\epsilon_{Th}. We have also calculated the voltage dependence δS(V) \delta S(V) for a S/F structure (F is a ferromagnet) and predict non-monotonic behaviour at voltages of order the Zeeman splitting.Comment: 6 figures. Submitted to PRB Rapid com

    Particle Spectra and Mass Composition in the Ultra-High Energy Region in the Framework of the Galactic Origin of Cosmic Rays

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    The possibility for a self-consistent description of all the basic features of the observed cosmic ray spectra and primary composition variations in the energy range of 1015÷102010^{15}\div 10^{20} eV within the Galactic origin scenario is examined. We assume the existence of Galactic sources that accelerate particles up to 31018Z\sim 3\cdot 10^{18}Z eV and take into account a highly inhomogeneous (fractal-like) distribution of matter and magnetic fields in the Galaxy that leads to extremely large free paths of particles ("L\'{e}vy flights"), along with an overwhelming contribution to the cosmic ray fluxes observed above 1018\sim 10^{18} eV from particles reaching the Solar System without scattering. Our scenario was refined on the basis of recent experimental results on primary mass composition. Model predictions, which could be verified with the improved high-precision measurements in the nearest future are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 19th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (22-27 August 2016). Moscow, Russia. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS

    Theoretical investigation of controlled generation of a dense attosecond relativistic electron bunch from the interaction of an ultrashort laser pulse with a nanofilm

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    For controllable generation of an isolated attosecond relativistic electron bunch [relativistic electron mirror (REM)] with nearly solid-state density, we propose using a solid nanofilm illuminated normally by an ultraintense femtosecond laser pulse having a sharp rising edge. With two-dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we show that, in spite of Coulomb forces, all of the electrons in the laser spot can be accelerated synchronously, and the REM keeps its surface charge density during evolution. We also developed a self-consistent 1D theory, which takes into account Coulomb forces, radiation of the electrons, and laser amplitude depletion. This theory allows us to predict the REM parameters and shows a good agreement with the 2D PIC simulations.open524